Is there any API for video conferencing for Flutter Web? - flutter

I am currently working on Flutter web and want to build Google meet like feature in the web app. I found some like Jitsi, 100ms and VideoSDK, but they don't support FLutter web.

I am not familiar with it. But i know Agora is supporting flutter. But i don't know if it will work with flutter web.
The SDK package says it supports web


How to integrate my flutter package into a website that is not written in flutter

I am currently developing a flutter Chat application that I would like to add to an existing website developed in React. But I'm not sure how to do that or even if it's possible.
I found articles about adding flutter to android or iOS apps. But I found nothing that could help me with integrating a flutter package into a website.

Is it possible to record a voice call using the agora sdk on a flutter application?

I am building an application that can record the phone calls that a user places through it. Is it possible to build this application using solely flutter and agora sdk? Is there anything else I would need? Any reference material to help with implementation is welcome!
I am currently building a Flutter application myself that uses the Agora sdk. They make a good wrapper for Flutter framework you can learn more about here.
I haven't looked much into the audio recording but some quick googling and I found this. Read more here .

SCORM player in Flutter

How to play SCORM content in flutter mobile application.
Basically this is used to make online learning more interactive and used in online learning application.
Got reference for web application not for mobile application.
I have done google for this but not getting anything for flutter mobile application.

Flutter for web : Can we use Internationalization?

I develop a web/mobile app with Flutter. Until now, I didn't have any difficulties. But I try to use Internationalization.
It works on mobile devices (Android). But not for web browser, I tried Chrome and Safari.
Docs says that Internationalization uses local device's preferences.
So, does someone know if it is possible to use Internationalization with Flutter for Web ?
Since 1.19.* you'll be able to access current locale in Flutter. Here's the related PR. It's already available in beta channel and should be present in next stable release.

How to implement sms retrieve api in flutter

I want my app to take OTP automatically, In android, we have the SMS retrieval API for that, so how to implement the same thing for IOS and android using flutter
Currently, there is no official Flutter plugin developed by the Flutter team for this. You have two options for this:
Use plugins created by the developer community. Try sms_retriever.
Write your own platform-specific code (e.g. your Android code in Java), and invoke it from Flutter. Read more about this here.