I am really new to all of this so bear with me. I have a PMs5003 sensor connected to a nodemcu esp8266. I have a program that sends the air quality data to ThingSpeak, but I now want to send the data to Tableau to visualize as a interactive heatmap. Is there a way I can send the data directly to Tableau from ThingSpeak or how do I program my esp8266 to send the data to Tableau.
I am working on edge computing for IoT applications and expected to create a system that acts as a near edge computer with the use of a raspberry pi hooked up to a dht11 sensor. How do I send this data over to a computer that is at the edge? Ideally I want to use my PC as this device but I have no clue how to send this data over in real time.
So far I have created the circuit and can view the temperature and humidity readings on the raspberry pi in python. Unsure of what the next steps are - I don't want to send this data over to the cloud just yet.
Side note: I believe i may be missing knowledge regarding this but is the raspberry pi an edge device because it is hooked up to the sensor directly?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
You need to think this through a bit more. What will you do with the temperature and humidity data that you receive?
For example, if you're just experimenting and want to just see the readings in a console on your PC, you can use netcat to send the console output of your Python program from the RPi to PC. No SW development needed, they just have to be in the same network. Not particularly useful for anything else, either.
Otherwise you need to set up some client-server solution between the RPi and your PC. There's a ton of possible solutions, all depending on what you plan to do with the data. You can use MQTT, HTTP, a straight database connection (MySQL, PostgreSQL), etc. You have to supply both sides of the connection. The Python code on client side which connects and sends data; and the server side thing that accepts the samples and stores them somewhere. Plus all the networking, authentication etc.
Or you can just download the Python client libraries for your favourite cloud solution and set that up according to a tutorial. TBH, this sounds a lot less work to me.
I am trying to establish communication between laptop and RPI. So far, I have used python and socket programming to do that. Now, instead of using actual sensors, I want to simulate sensor behavior by which sensor data can be sent from laptop to RPI.
So far I came across some options to do it:
Using IMB Bluemix IoT simulator or
Using simple python scripts to create sensor data or
Using simulink sensor models
Can anyone give me a better idea or any comment about these options please?
This semester I have a project where I need to send data from my microcontroller to my PC and read/interpret its data. We are doing this using an ftdi cable and using matlab to read the data.
I would like to know if there is a way that I can see if my matlab code works that doesn't involve me going to the lab to test it. That is, if there is a way to simulate receiving data in a USB port of my computer so that I can test if my code is working.
Thanks in advance
I'm currently working on a holter monitor. I can successfully show the heart rate (bpm) using the Heart Rate Measurement (0x2A37) characteristic of Bluetooth. But I want to show an ECG line graph so I need the raw heart data, with the voltage amounts specified. I can reach some other information such as RR-interval and sensor contact status (with this characteristic) but I don't know how to get the raw data itself. Is it possible that I'm missing a feature of this characteristic, or is there any other way I can get this data? I'm using an AD8232 heart monitor.
The GATT Heart Rate Service doesn't provide access to the raw signal (see Gatt specifications).
If you have access to the hardware platform you will have to write a custom service and characteristic that supports notification, and forward the data from the sensor onto this.
You'll then have to write the matching app-side code to get this data and convert it into a usable format.
I'm new to Nodemcu and i need your recommendations.
I'm curently doing an IOT project that can be worked in the large area and I decide to use Nodemcu - ESP8266 to transfer the data. I plan to use 3 Nodemcu to demo. Two of them are used for collecting data from sensors and transfer them to the 3rd Nodemcu. The 3rd Nodemcu will act like a gateway and it will recongnize the data from each node and send it to the Web Server that I myself created. The Web has its own domain and hosting.
With the ideas above, i have some questions:
Do i really need the 3rd nodemcu to send data to Web Server? Or i just need to send the data directly from those 2 nodemcu to a Web Server?
If it's possible to use the 3rd nodemcu, so it should be worked in station or access point mode?
If 3rd nodemcu is not necessary, so how can i extend the working range of the project?
Thanks so much for your helps. I'm really appreciated. Sorry for my bad English too.
NODEMCU can be used to send data to the server directly if it connects with a router via WiFi(Router needs to be internet connected).
You don't need the third Nodemcu to transfer data. Both esp8266 is directly connected with a router to send data to the server. MQTT is the best protocol for sending data to the server from Sensor. NodeMCU works as an MQTT client to send data. You need to host MQTT broker on a cloud server. Server store data into the database.
If you want to use a third NodeMcu device. NodeMcu can support access point + station parallelly. An access point is used to get data from both devices. ESP8266 station is used to transfer data to the server.
All devices need to have into the same WiFi network to transfer data in between. In case of transferring data to the server, One solution is, To use WiFi range extender like Google WiFi.
You can use MQTTfx desktop application to send and receive data from NodeMcu(ESP8266).
MQTT library for ESP8266
Use the Following link to get more familiar with MQTT protocol
MQTT basic diagram