TYPO3 custom content IRRE (inline content) - typo3

Is there a solution to get inline elemnts in a custom content element? I only know thd solution to set the page with the data records in the content element where the inline elements are stored.
But i woult like to create a new content element and then put some inline elements directly in it.

Yes, you can add IRRE items on your content element. You need to create the relation between the content element and the table where the IRRE items are saved and get them via the DatabaseQueryProcessor.
Here you can get inspired on how you can achieve this:
How to create custom content elements on TYPO3
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Content elements as inline elements in a content element

My idea is to build a content element with some inline elements. No big problem if the inline elements derive from an other table ... But i want to use other content elements - like news, where you can add content elements to the detail page as inline elements.
The problem is the colPos value - if it is the value of the current column the inline elements are shown twice: once as standalone element and once as inline (it works in news only because news eintries are normally on sysfolders). If i force other values for the colPos entry (like 999 oder -10) i get in the backend always INVALID VALUE ("-10")
Any idea? Is there a possibility?
It would be a nice solution for e.g. a accordion or tabs.
My solution:
There were too many arguements against content elements inline a content element. So i solved it with a content element with inline elements from an other table - the same way as mask would solve the problem. It works for me without the problems which mentioned in the answers. Many thanks!
IRRE tt_content to tt_content is notoriously error prone; there are concerns not only with the colPos column but also with recursion. I very strongly advise against it. It breaks translation ability, has problems with workspaces and it potentially treats file references of the children incorrectly.
That said: you can add virtual colPos values by modifying the TCA of tt_content.colPos to add selection values that match your chosen colPos value.
The extension Gridelements does this. Why dont you use it?

TYPO3 Understanding BE Layout + Template

I am new to TYPO3 and tried out a little bit so far. Now I am stucked or lets say unsure if it's the right way how I would do it.
First I created a simple HTML file and put some CSS to it. When this simple site was finished, I tried a transition to TYPO3 and created some templates + typoscript code. Now I want to work on the content, so I can create this with the integrated editor in TYPO3 and remove it from my templates.
My site would look like this:
News Row (4 Columns)
Another Content Row (3 Columns)
Another Content Row (3 Columns)
Header and Footer are in partials and don't get any content from the editor. For the news section I would use a plugin. The other content rows have to be filled with content from the TYPO3 editor so my first thoughts are that my backend layout must look like this:
News Row (do I need 4 columns here or just one and let the plugin work?)
left1 center1 right1
left2 center2 right2
Would the backend layout look like this? And for the implementation with typoscript do I have to write all columns in variables e.g. center < styles.content.get... and create all elements in the columns there or can I outsource every variable in one file for example?
Hope you guys understand my problem and can give me some good hints!
About the news row, use just one column and then modify the EXT:news templates to arrange the list of news on four columns;
About the other two rows, you have several options, I think
1) each "cell" is defined in your backend layout, and then yes, you would need a separate colPos for each, something like (in TypoScript):
center < styles.content.get
left < styles.content.get
left.select.where = colPos = 1
2) Same as 1) but you can use the interesting approach used by Benjamin Kott on his sitepackagebuilder . To make it short, he defines a "dynamicContent" TypoScript object that can accept as parameters the colPos and even the id of a specific page. You just write in yout Fluid Template:
<f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.dynamicContent" data="{colPos: '0'}" />
And so forth for the others. If you want to discover more, visit https://www.sitepackagebuilder.com/ and create a package (that you could use as a base for your development or just "pillage" it ;) ) You will also find several videos on this topic on the Youtube TYPO3 official channel
3) same as 1) but using the EXT:vhs that adds a specific viewhelper to render the content of a colPos:
<v:content.render column="0" />
4) Last but not the least you can use EXT:gridelements to build content element that can have other content elements as children with a "backend_layout" approach. In this approach you just need one "cell" in your backend layout, and in this cell you will put a "gridelement" CE that is sub-divided into three separate columns and in each one you can put one or more content elements (same for the third row). This approach will give you the maximum flexibility
I hope I made myself clear, if I misunderstood your question, don't hesitate to write :)

Cannot programmatically add content to simple HTML DIV Element in XML view

I have a simple XML view (fragment) like this:
<html:div id="holder"></html:div>
I want to add content programmatically like this:
var holder = this.byId("holder");
var label = new sap.m.Label({
text: "Label"
Effect is nothing, no error, no added content.
Why does it not work?
This is because content is not an aggregation (an easy mistake to make, since content usually is an aggregation).
sap.ui.core.HTML's content metadata object is a property of type string. From the jsdoc:
HTML content to be displayed, defined as a string.
You will need to use a different container for your label, such as sap.ui.layout.VerticalLayout, or you could just use raw HTML to stick in your holder object, rather than that sap.m.Label type.
Here is a jsbin that takes the XML view part of this question out of the equation.
Note: See #hirse's comment below for an important distinction when using html:div in XML views
The HTML element and the UI5 Controls are not directly compatible. UI5 Controls are JavaScript objects that have a render function. The render function creates a html fragment on demand. That html fragment ist then inserted into the page.
I have never tried it, but a solution could be to use the placeAt() method of your label:
If you are using an XML View, the holder id will be prefixed. Then you should use something like this:
You can get DOM element of UI5 control by using getDomRef of sap.ui.core.Element class.
Then add your content to this DOM element by using placeAt()
Here is working example.

Cannot add a third content field

I'm kinda new to typo, so maybe I am just missing something.
I'm trying to add a third content field to Typo3 4.5.
What I've done so far.
Edit my template and added a new block
Added the block via TemplatVoila > Update Mapping > Modify DS / TO with Element Preset "Page-Content Elements [Pos.: 0]
Mapped it to the new block in the template
But I am missing something as the new field isn't showing up in the Page edit screen.
EDIT: I've found the Block in the "Edit page properties" but how to show it on standard edit screen?
Any added content area will appear automatically in your TV-View-module. So if you dont see it in there, then
you may have duplicate fields names
wrong column positions
or the existing template is using a »beLayout«-section, which shows only the first two content areas (see example in reference http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/extensions/templavoila/ExtTemplavoila/StaticDataStructures/ExampleForBelayout/Index.html)
The TemplaVoila template is split into TS (TemplaVoilà Template Object) and DS (TemplaVoilà Data Structure) records, may you paste the content of the field „Data Structure XML“ of the DS record here? In there are all necessary information.
The two template files should be located in your general storage folder, your TypoScript root file should be there as well.

How to fusion two content elements? / Does an all in one content element exist?

I need a content element that cointains apsects from the "Textpic" and the "Media" content elements.
Basically I need the whole palette of input masks of the textpic CE (headline, rte text, images) plus the media tab (swf, mp4, mov) from the media content element.
This special requirements for our project comes from the need that we can only use one content element for our specific javascript content slieder. So I can not use like a Textpic and underneath a media CE. No it really has to be just one CE which can handle the textpic + the media CE stuff.
Generally I ask you: Is there already a extension, trick, modification or a framework which I can/should be use to achive that i can "fusionate" content elements? Like an "all-in-one"-content element, a multi content element?
Ps: I do not use Templavoila. My Typo3 version is 4.5
I think this is the tutorial you're looking for:
Follow step 2 and 3.
You'll also need to add a specific rendering config in Typoscript ie: tt_content._your-ce_
But it can be copied from out of tt_content.textpic and tt_content.media. You can find the expample typoscript of before mentioned CE's in: typo3/sysext/css_styled_content/static/setup.txt. Just don't alter it there, but make a copy and alter in your own file.
As you seem to only talk about reusing already exisiting fields, you really only need to change the backend interface (big keyword: "showitem"). You'll need the database names of the fields (peek into the tt_content table of some records where you know the contents), alternatively visit the module Admin Tools / Configuration, select TCA in top dropdown menu, open tt_content and columns.
Try http://blog.chandanweb.com/typo3/adding-new-fields-to-existing-typo3-tables-at-desired-location, you'll of course have to substitue tt_content for tt_news etc.
You might also want to make a new type (the above recipe is for changing a preexisitent), but I'm sorry, I'm currently out of time for explaining that. It's not very hard, though, and the castiron link by Koopa will help you on your way.
Perhaps you can wrap the content column in another div? You can use that outer div for your content slider. Now you actually use all content elements seperately, but combine then for usage.