How to trigger getChildren on every open close of the node when using async - angular-tree-component

I want the tree to make getChildren call on every open close of the parent node so that the data can be refreshed ,..
and how can I refresh only one child node.


How to display entry&exit point in the state transition table

At present I have a composite state machine which contains some pseudostates, including initial, exit, choice, entry and exit node. When I use the build-in statechart editor to show the state-next state table, the exit and entry point cannot display as the other pseudostates.
Is there a solution to solve this, so that the Exitpoint1 can be displayed in the table?
State Machine
State Transition table

Unable to capture order of nodes after Drag and Drop in igTree (Infragistics IgniteUI)

Am not able to capture the updated order of nodes in DragDropTree
However Am able to capture the order of nodes when a node is checked or unchecked.Because "nodeCheckStateChanged" event triggered which captures the object as shown in below screenshot. newCheckedNodes has the nodes in updated order
Gone through list of events fired when we do drag and drop but none of them capture the order of nodes checked.
Is there any alternate way by which I can capture the order of checked nodes when I do drag and drop.
We can make use of method as shown below in the nodeDropped event which will have the latest order of the nodes checked.
nodeDropped: function (evt, ui) {
//This will have the latest order of nodes checked
var nodes = treeElement.igTree("checkedNodes");

gwt - dynamic tree structure using uibinder

I have a tree structure which has sub nodes and these sub nodes in turn have their own sub nodes.
I now want to add click handlers for the root node and every child node. Can any one please help me that?
There is no need to add a ClickHandler to each node. It is very inefficient. You need to add a single SelectionHandler to your tree.
When you create each TreeItem, you can set a user object on this item. In your SelectionHandler, you check what user object is set on the selected item, and then you act accordingly.

Revert a specific transaction changes

I have the following stream structure:
There are changes that were promoted from stream Child1 to stream Parent and broke build of the stream Child2.
I need to revert these changes only in Child2.
Exactly I need to do the following (Gig-style):
Get a diff over the transaction that broke the build (in inverted way)
Apply it to stream Child2
Locking of the Child2 to the transaction is not a variant, because there are some changes that were done after the broken transaction was made.
Hang a workspace off of Parent. Right click on the Parent stream -> Show History -> Select transaction you wish to revert -> Click on Revert. Choose the workspace you hung off the Parent stream. Once the subtractive merge completes, hang this workspace off of Child2 -> Update workspace -> Promote changes. You have now removed the bad transaction from the Child2 stream.

Refresh the Parent form of "Call_form" after Child form is closed in Oracle 10g

What I need is:
what trigger to use and where to put it.
I will give you an example of what I am doing.
I have a Contract form that is fully editable except the contract financial areas, which is read only. I want the user to press a button called, “change rates” and that will have a trigger “When-Button-Pressed” and call_form(UpdateFinancials);.
Now, in this screen, I have the user change the financial information such as increase the contract from 50k to 100k. Then the user saves and exits. This will then close the child form "UpdateFinancials" and show the parent form "ContractForm". The problem is, it still has all the old information on it. I need the information in the form to refresh when it gets back from the child form of the Call_Form function.
In the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger, before you issue the CALL_FORM, set a variable (e.g. a hidden item or a global variable) to some value, e.g. 'CALLED_THE_FORM'.
In the WHEN-WINDOW-ACTIVATED trigger, test the variable, if it's ='CALLED_THE_FORM', reset the variable (e.g. to NULL), and run whatever code you want to run when the user returns from the form (e.g. execute query or whatever).
Alternatively, just execute query from the WHEN-WINDOW-ACTIVATED trigger - if you want the refresh to happen every time the user returns to the form. But personally I prefer to only refresh when I believe it is absolutely required.