How to efficiently retrieve rows with large JSON objects in Postgres - postgresql

I've inherited the task of retrieving data from a Postgres table.
The table has ~1m rows, and there are about 145k rows that I wish to retrieve. These 145k rows have a common string in one of their columns batch_name that I can use to search for them.
The table has two columns payload & result that are of type JSON. The result column contains the data that I wish to retrieve.
When I make even the simplest queries to the table:
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE batch_name = 'an_id' limit 10
The request takes ~7-10 seconds to return data.
This is despite the fact that the batch_name column has an index on it and it's of type varchar(255)
Whilst investigating this, I've discovered that the JSON objects in the result column and payload column can be absolutely gigantic objects. When prettified, they are sometimes ~27k lines long.
These gigantic JSON objects seem to be the root cause of the problem.
My questions are:
What can I do to improve the efficiency of this query? Or is the ultimate solution here to just modify the table such that we are no longer storing gigantic JSON objects?
Given that I don't need to actually query fields in these JSON objects (but I DO need to retrieve them), would simply storing them as strings improve efficiency?
Why is storing large JSON objects SO inefficient?
Thanks in advance for any help, it's much appreciated.


Aggregate on Redshift SUPER type

I'm trying to find the best way to represent and aggregate a high-cardinality column in Redshift. The source is event-based and looks something like this:
2021-01-01 12:00:00
2021-01-01 15:00:00
2021-01-01 16:00:00
2021-01-01 19:00:00
the number of users is very large
a single user can have very large numbers of events, but is unlikely to have many different event types
the number of different event_type values is very large, and constantly growing
I want to aggregate this data into a much smaller dataset with a single record (document) per user. These documents will then be exported. The aggregations of interest are things like:
Number of events
Most recent event time
But also:
Number of events for each event_type
It is this latter case that I am finding difficult.
Solutions I've considered
The simple "columnar-DB-friendy" approach to this problem would simply be to have an aggregate column for each event type:
But I don't think this is an appropriate solution here, since the event_type field is dynamic and may have hundreds or thousands of values (and Redshift has a upper limit of 1600 columns). Moreover, there may be multiple types of aggregations on this event_type field (not just count).
A second approach would be to keep the data in its vertical form, where there is not one row per user but rather one row per (user, event_type). However, this really just postpones the issue - at some point the data still needs to be aggregated into a single record per user to achieve the target document structure, and the problem of column explosion still exists.
A much more natural (I think) representation of this data is as a sparse array/document/SUPER:
count_by_event_type (SUPER)
{"foo": 1, "bar": 1}
{"foo": 2}
This also pretty much exactly matches the intended SUPER use case described by the AWS docs:
When you need to store a relatively small set of key-value pairs, you might save space by storing the data in JSON format. Because JSON strings can be stored in a single column, using JSON might be more efficient than storing your data in tabular format. For example, suppose you have a sparse table, where you need to have many columns to fully represent all possible attributes, but most of the column values are NULL for any given row or any given column. By using JSON for storage, you might be able to store the data for a row in key:value pairs in a single JSON string and eliminate the sparsely-populated table columns.
So this is the approach I've been trying to implement. But I haven't quite been able to achieve what I'm hoping to, mostly due to difficulties populating and aggregating the SUPER column. These are described below:
How can I insert into this kind of SUPER column from another SELECT query? All Redshift docs only really discuss SUPER columns in the context of initial data load (e.g. by using json_parse), but never discuss the case where this data is generated from another Redshift query. I understand that this is because the preferred approach is to load SUPER data but convert it to columnar data as soon as possible.
How can I re-aggregate this kind of SUPER column, while retaining the SUPER structure? Until now, I've discussed a simplified example which only aggregates by user. In reality, there are other dimensions of aggregation, and some analyses of this table will need to re-aggregate the values shown in the table above. By analogy, the desired output might look something like (aggregating over all users):
count_by_event_type (SUPER)
{"foo": 3, "bar": 1}
I can get close to achieving this re-aggregation with a query like (where the listagg of key-value string pairs is a stand-in for the SUPER type construction that I don't know how to do):
sum(nb_events) nb_events,
select listagg(s)
from (
k::text || ':' || sum(v)::text as s
from my_aggregated_table inner_query,
unpivot inner_query.count_by_event_type as v at k
group by k
) a
) count_by_event_type
from my_aggregated_table outer_query
But Redshift doesn't support this kind of correlated query:
[0A000] ERROR: This type of correlated subquery pattern is not supported yet
Are there any alternative approaches to consider? Normally I'd handle this kind of problem with Spark, which I find much more flexible for these kinds of problems. But if possible it would be great to stick with Redshift, since that's where the source data is.

PostgreSql Dynamic JSON Indexing

I am new to PostgreSql world. We chose this DB so that we could query our JSON results for filter queries like contains, less than , greater than, etc. JSON results are dynamic and we cannot know in advance what keys will be generated as the output. Table (result_id (int64),jsondata(jsonb)) data looks like this
My queries would be something like
Select * from table where result_id = 'id1' and jsondata->'k1' contains 'ab'
My script outputs a json content that I store in this table.
Each json key is represented in a Grid column and json key's values are column data.Grid offers filtering capabilities, which means filtering on JSON data.
My problem is that the filtering can happen on any JSON key, but key names are not static. Keys (json output) might change when the script content is changed So previously indexed keys would become irrelevant. But if the script is not changed the keys remain constant.
How do I apply indexing so that my JSON filter operations become faster? The same table contains many keys within the same JSON row and across rows. Wouldn't it be inefficient to index all keys so that filtering can be made efficient?

PostgreSql - Gin Index doesn't help in improving performance

I am pretty novice in the PostgreSql world.
I store the following JSON objects in the jsonb column of PostgreSQL as one object per row.
{"cid":"CID1","Display":"User One CID1","F-Name":"Craig","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID1","Display":"User One CID1","F-Name":"Leo","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID2","OrderNo":"Ordr One Ord1","O-Name":"Michael","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID2","OrderNo":"Ordr One Ord1","O-Name":"Sam","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID3","InvocNo":"Invc One Inv1","I-Name":"Ron","LName":"One"}
{"cid":"CID3","InvocNo":"Invc One Inv1","I-Name":"Books","LName":"One"}
So these N objects are stored as N rows in a jsonb column (named as res). I have a requirement that would query these JSON objects for text match, contains type queries, on Keys ('Display', 'OrderNo', 'InvocNo', F-Name, O-Name etc).
The JSON objects generated are dynamic JSON and the columns (keys) of one JSON object may not be matching to that of another object. I am currently creating a GIN index on res column like below
CREATE INDEX gin_idx ON mytable USING gin (res)
The performance of filter queries on these columns do not show any improvements while using the GIN index. I have my DB filled with 50,000 rows with such data.
In all these JSON objects only the 'cid' column will be common that would exist in all json objects.
Which type of index will be best suitable in such scenarios considering that one column/key from JSOn object may not be a part of another object?

100 columns vs Array of length 100

I have a table with 100+ values corresponding to each row, so I'm exploring different ways to store them.
Without any indexes, would I lose anything if I store these 100 values in an integer[] column in postgresql? As compared to storing them in separate columns.
Plus, since we can add indexes to array elemnets,
CREATE INDEX test_index on test ((foo[1]));
Would there be a performance difference queries using such an index as compared to regular index on a column?
As far as I've read, this performance difference would come into picture in arrays with variable length elements; but I'm not sure about fixed length ones.
Don't go for the lazy way.
If you need to store 100 and more values as array, it is ok, if it has sense has array for your application, your data.
If you need to query for a specific element of the array, then this design is not good, regardless of performances, and you must use columns. This will help you in the moment you must delete a "column" in the middle or redesign it.
Anyway, as wrote by Frank in comments, if values are all same type, consider to model them to another table (if also the meaning is the same).

Postgres hstore for time series

I am new to postgres and am experimenting with the hstore extension.Looking for some guidance. I need to support basic reporting on timeseries data for various products that we sell. I have a large amount data in the format "Timestamp, Value" for each product. This data is available in a csv fle for each product.
I am thinking of using hstore to store this data in the key value format. Assuming that all the timeseries data for a single product can be stored in a single hstore object. I need to be able to query this data by specific times, say what was the value of a product at a given time? Also need to run simple queries like retrieving the times where the product costed more than $100.
I'm planning to have a table with a product id column and an hstore column. But I am not very clear on how to make this work:
The hstore column needs to be loaded from thousands of timestamp,value records that exist in a csv. The hstore should be appended whenever we get a new csv.
The table needs to store the productId and corresponding Timeseries data.
Can you please advise if using hstore would be helpful ? If yes then how can I load data from csv as explained above. Also, if there could be any impact on the performance on inserts/updates in the hstore, as data grows please share your experiences.
I do think you should start with a simple, normalised schema first, especially since you are new to PostgreSQL. Something like:
CREATE TABLE product_data
product TEXT, -- I'm making an assumption about the types of your columns
PRIMARY KEY (product, time);
I would definitely keep hstore and similar options in mind, if and when your data becomes large enough that efficiency is more important and simplicity. But note that all options have an efficiency tradeoff.
Do you know how much data you're going to support? Number of products, number of distinct timestamps for each product?
What other queries do you want to run? A query for the times where a single product cost more than $100 would benefit from an index on (product, value), if the product has many distinct timestamps.
Other options
hstore is most useful if you want to store a table set of arbitrary key-value pairs in a row. You could use it here, with a row for each product, and each distinct timestamp for that product being a key in the product's table. The downsides are that keys and values in hstore are text, whereas your keys are timestamps, and your values are numbers of some kind. So there will be a certain reduction in type checking, and a certain increase in type casting cost required. Another possible downside is that some queries on the hstore might not use indexes very efficiently. The above table can use simple btree indexes for range queries (say you want to pull out the values between two dates for a product). But hstore indexes are much more limited; you can use a gist or gin index on an hstore column to find all the rows that feature a certain key.
Another option (which I've played with and use experimentally for some of my databases) is arrays. Basically, each product will have an array of values, and each timestamp maps to an index in the array. This is easy if the timestamps are perfectly regular. For example, if all your products had a value every hour for every day, you could use a table like this:
CREATE TABLE product_data
product TEXT,
day DATE,
values DOUBLE PRECISION[], -- An array from 0 to 23.
PRIMARY KEY (product, day);
You can construct views and indexes to make querying this table moderate easy. (I wrote a blog post on this technique at
But my advice is still: start with a simple table, then explore ways to improve efficiency when you know you're going to need them.