telegram scroll to load more animation - flutter

I make app that render list of objects
I want to make animation at the end of scroll like telegram
when scroll come to the end, the animation start to appear but not work, it only works when leave scroll, the animation will forward
Telegram animation


Is there any way to have the back button have a different animation than Navigator.push?

Let's say I have a fade through transition going into another page, and then when I want to go back, it uses the same fade through transition but reversed.
How do I make it so that the animation is different upon the reversed animation?

Smooth circular UIScrollview using auto scroll programmatically

Is there any way to make UIScrollview circular based on auto timer. I have some banner on home page which need to display automatic scroll.
I have added NSThread timer but when uiscroll view comes from last to first rect, it display inconsistency, which look like jump. I want to make it smooth scroll.

how does the scroll view work like in doodle jump or papi jump?

Im making an endless type game where the view scrolls similar to like doodle jump except it scrolls down vertically not up vertically. How do you accomplish this? Should I set Up a scroll view and and use the methods to manual scroll? I just feel like that would cause a memory leak after some time
This is not a ScrollVIew, this is just OpenGL, or framework based on it (like aforementioned Cocos2D)

Scrollview and image dragging issue

I have a scrollview that has a number of custom imageviews in it. I use the custom imageviews as I need to be able to drag any one of them off the scrollview and to another location on the iPad screen, bit like a photo picker.
Problem is if I want to scroll the scroll view most of the time the custom imageview gets the touch and moves rather than the desired scroll?
I notice in the sample code from Apple using the autoscroll example that they have the same issue but they have left a large gap between the images....ugly!
Is there a way to let the app know when you want the touch to be a scroll and when to be a drag?
You could make a drag require holding for 1 second, similar to the behavior of the home screen when in editing mode: if you want to scroll, you just flick; if you want to drag, hold down for a moment until the icon enlarges, then you can move it.

How to get transition like Star Trek app?

I've modified the ViewTransitions app to use kCAScrollHorizontally. I've set transition in the app delegate to use kCATransitionPush rather than kCATransitionFade. However, I still get fading in and out. How can I get the views to slide in landscape just like the Star Trek app (
I've done transitions like this before. Basically I have a big view that takes up the screen, with another view (the actual screen content) embedded within it. When I want to slide in a new page either from the left or right, I'll take the next page of content, place it offscreen, and embed it in the big backing view. Then I'll just animate (using a simple [UIView beginAnimations:context:] to change the frames of both pages simultaneously (really just changing the origins of the frames). The offscreen view slides to where the current view is, and the current view slides to an offscreen position. Once offscreen, I'll remove it from its superview. Works like a charm.
The simulator will still fade out rather than performing some complex transitions...
Did you try it on the device?