Can't Stop Terminal in VS Code - visual-studio-code

I want to stop terminal in VS Code with CTRL + C but instead of stopping it, it shows ^C (GitBash)/copy directory (CMD). Because of that, I decided to kill the terminal. How to deal with that?

Use Ctrl + D to log out of the terminal, and automatically close it.
Ctrl + C just sends a SIGINT to the process, which is usually causing it to abort, but it's up to the application to decide.
You can read more about it here.


VSCode Terminal - Clear Command Prompt

I'm running on Linux. I have the issue both in bash and pwsh shells.
How do I clear the current command prompt in the VS Code terminal?
For example, say you have copied and pasted a very long string into the terminal.
How do you clear what you just pasted?
The only way I know of for getting back to a an empty command prompt involves hitting backspace until you have deleted every character.
Is there any short cut for getting back to an empty prompt?
How do you clear what you just pasted?
There is no command to clear what you have already pasted. You can do Ctrl + C or Ctrl+D to get the next promt.
Now if you want a short-cut to clear command which we use in terminal, its Cmd + k for Mac OS
CTRL + shift + p, then write clear. You can use the clear command in bash terminal too.
Use Console.Clear() in code.
or use 'cls' cmd on console

How to exit gitbash after running Mongod?

I am following some tutorials on how to work with Mongodb but they don't explain how to close the CLI. I usually just use "exit" but after running mongod it now does nothing, and if I try to leave by just closing the window I get a message saying "processes running in session".
I get the same problem with the other gitbash window after running npm run dev (I think the "dev" part is just specific to what I do now?).
Normally you can press 'ctrl' + 'c' on your keyboard and it should stop the process running on your command line tool.
Have a look here thing might be more MongoDB specific help
The command to save a file in Vim and quit the editor is :wq . To save the file and exit the editor simultaneously, press Esc to switch to normal mode, type :wq and hit Enter .
Check this.

How to stop a command in the Visual Studio Code terminal

I've been stopping commands with the trash can for too long. Command period doesn't work on Mac. I can't find anywhere how to stop the terminal via a command. What is it?
You can terminate with the Trash icon like you do,
or press Ctrl + C. That's the shortcut from the default Terminal application and it also works in Visual Studio Code.
Ctrl + C works in the terminal, but it didn't work for me in Visual Studio Code. However, hitting Q did (when running a git diff for example).
In certain cases, such as running a Node.js server, Ctrl + C wouldn't work. Instead, you can stop the app or command by pressing Ctrl + Alt + M (i.e., Ctrl + Option + M for Mac users).
Sample JavaScript code to demonstrate this:
const http = require('http');
http.createServer((req, res) => {
res.write('Hello, World!!');
}).listen(5000, () => console.log('Server running...'));
If you are on Linux, open the shortcuts:
Then type kill, and this option will appear.
Double-click on the record, choose a shortcut for it, open the terminal, Ctrl + J, and press the shortcut you chose.
The difference in pressing Ctrl + J and then Ctrl + J again to close, is that it will not keep the terminal process, but only close it.
Neither Ctrl + C nor the trash icon actually stopped the server for me.
If you are using the Live Server extension by Ritwick Day, there should be a label on the bar at the bottom for the status of the server.
If it reads Port: 5500 it means it's running. Just click on it to stop it.
Stop live server
The same label now should say Go Live. Click on it in order to do exactly that.
Start live server
Many Mac users (including me) get confused with the Cmd and Ctrl keys. But Ctrl + C should work fine.
Hitting Esc clears out the terminal and cancels everything.
You can stop any running command by pressing Ctrl + C on your keyboard.
If it is ':' you see, then Q + Enter.
For example: git config --list (this will take you to the colon(':') and you may not be able to escape this)
In Visual Studio Code, first hit Ctrl + C.
It will ask the following question;
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?
Press Y + Enter.
After this, run the following command on the prompt:
exit + <Enter>
It will stop the instance.
You can kind of bypass the issue by writing
system("pause") at the very end of your main function. That works for me like a charm...
In Visual Studio (2022) the shortcut may actually Ctrl+Pause/Break instead of Ctrl+C.

Why does pressing CTRL+C or CTRL+X capitalize the letter instead of exit or their normal EXIT in Raspbian Jessie Lite

I am using the most recent version of Raspbian Jessie.
I'm in the terminal but the CTRL+X to exit a PING command for example doesn't work.
Is it because I changed my locale to en_US.UTF-8? Just a guess.
CTRL + SHIFT + X doesn't work
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT doesn't work either
I've never known ping on GNU/Linux distros to respond to CTRL+X.
Maybe you are thinking of one of the following typical signal generating CTRL inputs:
CTRL+C = SIGINT (terminates ping and prints final statistics)
= SIGSTP (stops the ping and allows it to be resumed)
CTRL+\ = SIGQUIT (this one makes ping print out the running statistics)
If you really think something is off, you could check out your keyboard configuration. The config is in /etc/default/keyboard.

Breaking of running lex program

When I run any lex program it keeps on running. I need help regarding how to stop its execution.
How to break a running lex program? is there any shortcut key for stop running program?
Try pressing Ctrl + C key... :)