Livewire: tinymce.activeEditor.setContent doesn't change variable - tinymce

When I ran the command tinymce.activeEditor.setContent('text') in the console. It changed the input field, but the livewire variable just won't change.


Not supporting hover variable with hyphen in vscode extension

For debugging Cobol program using vscode extension I have extended debug extension protocol. I have variables with hyphen in my cobol program e.g: emp-salary.
I have set the flag supportsEvaluateForHovers to true.
While debugging I am trying to hover this kind of variable but, value I am getting inside evaluateRequest method is NOT considering this as complete one variable name and just returning hyphen separated part of variable. For example out of emp-salary I do mouse hover over emp it is returning emp only.
My expectation is it shall return emp-salary as it is single variable name.
What exact changes I will need to implement in my code so it will consider hyphen separated variable as one variable?
Try enabling the "Use Managed Compatibility Mode" flag under Debugging. This worked for me today using VS 2019.

Value from Variable View on Pydev is not complete

I tried to debug a python module, I saw in the Variables view that the value of a variable is not complete.
This ends with "...". I think this means that the string was truncated.
In the Details pane from Variable view I set to display the Max Length of the variable (0=unlimited) but also in the Details pane the variable ends with "...".
Why the variable don't have the full value?
Yes, this means that the string was truncated.
That value is hardcoded in pydevd -- it can be changed manually be editing eclipse/plugins/org.python.pydev.core/pysrc/_pydevd_bundle/ -- MAX_IO_MSG_SIZE in your install.
Now, usually this isn't a real problem because it's possible to just use the console during the debug session and print the variable in the console to view its full values (see: -- search for console evaluation there).

Axure Set Date Variables

I have a two input type Date. I want to save selected values in variables and on the next page I want to display them. When I set this variables to "text on widget" and on the next page set text to value I have no results. In others example like dropdown list or input type text everything works fine.
you should select setText to "value of variable" instead of setText to "value". Then choose the variable name that you had defined in the first page. thanks

How can i verify if any text is present in text field in selenium IDE

I want to verify if text field is empty or not. I was using verifyEval command but its throwing an exception. How can i resolve that or is there any other way to do that?
Use the command verifyNotText against your locator and leave the value field blank. That should verify that there is some text present. If you want to confirm it is blank then it's just the same using verifyText instead.

How to Handle Tcl Treeview Selections

I am using the following procedure to delete a record within a database that is displayed within a treeview widget (z1):
set z1 [ttk::treeview .c1.t1 -columns {first last} -show headings]
proc Dlt {} {
global z1 z11
sqlite3 db test.db
db eval {
DELETE From t1 Where First_Name = $z11 and Last_Name = $z11
db close
$z11 in the sql statement should be the treeview selection. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to set a variable to equal the treeview selection. I can set a variable to equal the index, which is: set z11 [$z1 index [$z1 selection]]. This will give me the index of the treeview selection; however, I am trying to get the string value of the treeview selection.
Does anyone know what the correct syntax is to set a variable to equal a treeview selection?
Thank you,
To get the values for an item in the tree you would use the item subcommand of the tree. For example:
set selection [.tree selection]
set text [.tree item $selection -text]
This is all documented on the man page for the treeview widget.
As an aside, what platform are you working with? If Windows, for debugging purposes, you can add a "console show" command to your code to display an interactive console window. With that open, you can just use [puts] to display variable values. So, you could just use "puts $text" (from within your code) to see the value of your text variable.
Also, you can just type commands directly into the console for immediate evaluation. In many situations, spending a few minutes in the console can be very enlightening.
If you're not running under Windows, you don't even need the "console show" command, as anything written to stdout should appear in the original shell window.