Yaml automation for files move into another folder renamed and commit into another repository - github

I want help with git action using yaml that can change yaml file in another folder and rename it and also commit files of this renamed files in its repository.
I have a folder A with this file in my local repository and I want when I push, commit, deploy this file in Folder A below, it will update folder B and rename it and lastly commit it to its repo.
Folder A has a path:\obi\chioma\zoo\sweet and its git hub.
This folder B will update and rename as:
Folder B Has a path in local repo a: \local\local\projects\api.github.io
Git repository: https://api.laugh/run/
For folder B I have a git hub repository for it and I want in git action of the first repo folder A to also push or commit folder b automatically from a push done at folder A.
I want to write a script for this using yaml in git action. Please can you help or any suggestion.


how do i upload a folder, with subfolders inside from local to remote repo avoding the submodule folder?

**every time the result is a submodule folder, thing that i can't open. How do i push so there's folders inside of the main branch?
help please submodule **

local git directory with files not on a github clone

I added a directory with files to the local git repo and did the commit. When it was pushed to github it looked like it was added. When I do a clone from github the directory does not show up. I do not find a .gitignore file. Doing a check-ignore --verbose to one of the files added does not return anything.
For an experiment (with the clone up-to-date) I added a directory "gittest" with a file "hello.txt"; did the commit & push. The push appears to show the addition. A pull in the clone appears to show the addition, but the directory/file does not show. Other than starting a new repo and deleting the old one I am stuck as what to do next.

Pushing folder's contents into a folder inside a repository? [duplicate]

I cloned a repository to my desktop machine using git clone sshurl. As expected, this created a folder in my desktop.
Now, instead of a single file, I want to push a whole folder into git. For example, the folder that I cloned is named project_iphone. Now I add another folder called my_project into project_iphone. The my_project folder contains lots of files and folders as well.
My question is, how should I push my_project folder to the server?
Step-by-step instructions would be helpful.
Thank You.
You need to git add my_project to stage your new folder. Then git add my_project/* to stage its contents. Then commit what you've staged using git commit and finally push your changes back to the source using git push origin master (I'm assuming you wish to push to the master branch).
In order to push any folder from git bash, you have to make a single file it could be anything text or etc.
If you try to push an empty folder your git bash will not give you an error but when you refresh your GitHub you will not see that folder, so in order to push any folder just make a single file and push, after that you can add your stuff and delete the previous file(if you want to).
to push follow the below commands
-git add (folder name)
-git add . (in order to push everything)
-git commit -m "anything" (to keep track of your changes)
if not added remote origin then do this
-git remote add origin (your repo link) then to push files
-git push -u origin main
to push on the master branch
-git push -u origin master
look if you have already created a repo then do
-git push -u origin master
You can't push a new empty folder. First you must create at-least one new file in the new folder and then you can add, commit and push it.
You can directly go to Web IDE and upload your folder there.
Go to Web IDE(Mostly located below the clone option).
Create new directory at your path
Upload your files and folders
In some cases you may not be able to directly upload entire folder containing folders, In such cases, you will have to create directory structure yourself.

How to upload in an Existing Repository?

I have a repository. I pushed files from a folder. Now I don't want to create new Repository. But I want to push files from a new Folder. The folders are almost same. How can I do this with command?
Assuming that you already have the repository created, you can do the following.
cd newfolder
git clone <link-to-clone-from>
Then copy the files to new folder. Check git status -s to see a summary of changed files in new folder after you copy files. Using git diff or beyondcompare can show you the exact changes that you are about to commit next. If everything looks fine, continue with the next steps
git add -a
git commit -m "your commit message"
git push origin master
Assuming you have two folders:
- Old repo folder
- .git
- My old folders
- My old files.
- New repo folder
- My new folders
- My new files.
And you want to replace all stuff in the remote repo from the old repo folder with the new repo folder.
To do that:
First, delete all content except the folder: .git in the Old repo folder.
Then, copy everything except the folder: .git from the New repo folder to the Old repo folder
And run commands in the Old repo folder:
$ git status
To get if everything is fine. Git will detect that you have replaced a lot of files and deleted many of them. Check the output.
$ git add . && git commit -m "Replace with new content"
$ git push
And this will save your changes and send it to remote server.

Github - How to commit my project to a sub-folder / directory of a existing repository?

In Github, i have already a repository, e.g. called "java8"
And under it, i would like to have a sub-folder, e.g. called "01-lambda"
So my folder structure in github should be
Then I want to commit my code to the sub-folder "01-lambda"
How can I do that?
What I tried:
I just created a new folder with a txt file "01-lambda" under the repository "java8", then I tried to commit, but git bash shows they cannot find the sub-file.
I just commit my code directly to repository "java8", but then I need to change path of every files, and add /01-lambda in the path
git init
git add *
git commit -m “my first repo”
git remote add github .git
git remote -v
git push -f github master
I just created a new folder with a txt file "01-lambda" under the repository "java8", then i tried to commit, but git bash shows they cannot find the sub-file.
You need to add before committing, assuming you do have a file inside the new folder (Git would not add just a folder):
git add 01-lambda
git commit -m "add 01-lambda"