Sendgrid Login Error: You are not authorized to access SendGrid, please contact Support - sendgrid

Acount created
When i create acount in sendgrid i get a message like this one says 'Please provide further information' 'Please contact Support to answer a few more questions.'
So when i try to contact with support to answer their question website want me to login but i can't because when i try to login get this error login error. If i try to troubleshot logging whit this troubleshot logging website again want me to login. want me to login How can i?


How to fix Google Authentication DB access issue in Odoo v13

I have configured the Google Authentication from 'General Settings->Integrations' and provided the Client ID and got the 'Login with Google' button in Login page.
When I provide the gmail details, it creates an user in database and redirects back to login screen with an error like - 'Only employee can access this database. Please contact the administrator.'
How it can be fixed? I'm trying to implement that, any user can login to Odoo through Gmail credentials. Please guide me.

Making it mendatory to get email with facebook oAuth with Socialite

I am trying to use facebook oAuth for my users to login/register to my website. For this, i require user's email address
Facebook oAuth dialog has option to provide / not provide email but even if the user's doesn't provide their email, I cannot re-request authorization from facebook again as it considers the user as logged in and simply redirects to call back url.
I am using Laravel and Socialite package.
Any solutions??
Socialite allows you to get user information directly after the successful authorization by using
$user = Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();
I would expect $user->email to contain the users email address if he accepted to share her with the app and to be empty if the user denied the email address sharing.
And if $user->email is empty throw an error and ask the user to re-authorize. If it's not working you could try to de-authroize the user, a guide can be found here.
A convenient way to avoid any issues is to display a warning that the user should allow email sharing if he wants to log in with Facebook.

Facebook API only working when I'm logged in with developer account

I need to use the Facebook JS API to post to the users feed. A working example of what I wish to achieve is here:,css,output
When I copy the code from the link above and use it on my server with my APP ID it works fine when I'm logged in to facebook with my developer account, but fails when I am not logged in or are logged in with a different account. When it fails I get the message: 'An error occurred. Please try again later.'
In the app settings the Site URL is set to the html page on my server and the domain is set to my domain ending

How Disqus facebook login dont have the - 'dont give the site my email' option

when i try to use facebook login in my website and i asked for email adress when the user login facebook ask them something like: do you want to give them your email? yes no.
but when i check Disqus login with facebook, facebook dont give me the option to login but dont give them the email its just say:
DISQUS will receive the following info: your public profile, friend list and email address.
how do i do the same in my website? because right now what i have is that when someone log in with facebook and refuse to give me his mail i just ask them for their mail
so after few days i found it.. by using facebook js sdk and asking for email the user dont have option to refuse

Janrain engage doesnt work with facebook login

I installed the janrain engage plugin in my magento site,configured it and its working fine with live,yahoo and google but when it comes to fb it gives me an error. the first time someone logs in it works perfect but when they logout and try to relogin with the same facebook account they get redirected to mysite/janrain-engage/rpx/duplicate/ and that shows an error message (There is already an account with this email address. If you are sure that it is your email address, click here to get your password and access your account.) If they use their email and the password they get by email they can login so i think i have configured smth wrong in my fb app. Anyone can give me a full guide on how to configure the fb-app properly or if there's smth I have to change in the janrain admin panel?