Argument #2 ($componentData) must be of type array, null given, called in magento 2.4.4? - magento2

I am beginner in Magento.
I have faced an issue in magento 2.4.4 and i have no idea to fix it.

Check name of your ui component. maybe you set in layout something like product_listing and file products_listing.xml


CheckBox in table

This question is regarding aem 6.3
I have an assignment that requires me to use a checkbox in the table. But I notice that when I do that, I am unable to create a new row through the workflow. May I know is there a workaround over it?
In my console logs, I am getting this error
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at child.handleAccessibility...
Am I suppose to create an id first? If so how do I do that?
It appears to be that aem currently has a bug where the title of the checkbox cannot be hidden if not it will face the aforementioned error. So the solution is not hide the title but let it be blank.
This is more of an issue of that the id cannot be recognised, instead of unable to create a new row through the workflow, that resulted in the latter issue.

Prestashop 1.7 - filtering not working, showing empty results

I have got a problem on my store (still under development) - . It's all about filtering products, for example here: . All the attributes on the left are being displayed correctly, with numbers of products in brackets, but when You click on any filter (like size or color), the list of results is empty.
Help please!
Try yo do the exact same thing with the default theme of Prestahsop. Because this looks like a theme issue.
This is very large bug in ps_facetedsearch module... You can't do anything with this. You must wait for fix. here is list of bugs in module.
It was my mistake - this module uses table ps_stock_available. I was migrating data from previous store to this one (only in phpmyadmin, not panel, because of very different structures), and I didn't know about this table. So it was about my missing data.

Attempt to insert record on page ... where this table, fe_users/fe_groups, is not allowed

I looked at this Similar Question on here but I didn't understand half of what everyone is saying there as I'm not very familiar with TypoScript...
Let me start from my point of view: I got a backend tree in TYPO3 6.2 that looks like this:
Data is of type "Folder" where I want to store my records.
Userroles, Admins and Lawyer are of Type "Standard" while the last two contain the Plugin "Website Users".
Now I want to add a new fe_usergroup to page Userroles:
I get following error:
It's the same when I try inserting a new fe_user in Admins:
So in the other answers from mentioned question they're talking about Page-TS-Config - I looked at my Userroles Page and saw this:
and I went to the Template Analyzer and searched for allowedNewTables and deniedNewTables but no results. And to the comment: section ctrl which value has rootLevel - but those TCAs are from Extbase right? So why would they be wrong...
I must have done something wrong but I have no idea what it could be.
It worked before I think...although I don't know about the usergroups, didn't try to add a new one recently.
I placed
into the ext_tables.php of myext to allow this kind of records.
Maybe that helps.
Add in Your ext_tables.php in Your Extension following code:
In TYPO3, you have to define, which tables are allowed on standard pages. There is a method in the ExtensionManagementUtility, that does extacly that:
If you have a look at the source, you'll see, that this method ist just one line of code that concatenates table names into the global configuration array, specifically at
Its possible that something in your TYPO3 installation messes with this line.
Check the value of this configuration value in either the Install Tool or the Confuguration tab in the backend. If this line contains anything other than comma seperated table names, something is wrong. TYPO3 base table names like pages,tt_content,fe_users,fe_groups and so on should also be listed there by default.
Is the page that you are trying to add usergroups to of type "page" or "directory" (see "General"-tab). Probably it must be of kind "directory" or "folder"

Silverstripe display logic for Front-end/Bootstrap forms

Silverstripe Display Logic works perfectly on forms in the CMS but I cannot get it to work on forms in the front end, specifically Bootstrap forms.
It will hide the element but won't display it when logic is applied.
//If the wetsuit dropdown is equal to custom then show the fins numerical field.
I see it just needs display to change from none to block.
Is there a way to do this so that it will keep the state on page reload as well? The drop down value will be saved as a DB entry.
EDIT: This works in the CMS but doesn't work in the front end - Custom is part of the enum values.
->setEmptyString('Select one'),
EDIT2: Working with SilversTripe 3.5, Bootstrap Forms 1.20 and Display Logic 1.0.8
1.0.8 is very outdated though.
I don't think you need the DisplayLogicWrapper for most fields… It's meant for fields like UploadField.
Have you tried this?
Not the issue here, but it's worth noting that a bug exists in Display Logic 1.3 and lower where the custom templates exist in /templates/ not /templates/forms/, causing precedence issues.
If you're experiencing problems with a FieldGroup not rendering the correct template or whatnot. Upgrading to Display Logic 1.4 will resolve this.
You'll need to include jQuery and jQuery Entwine for this to work on the frontend. This is untested but should resolve your issue.
class Page_Controller extends ContentController {
public function init() {
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery/jquery.js');
Requirements::javascript(THIRDPARTY_DIR . '/jquery-entwine/dist/jquery.entwine-dist.js');

Hide image field completely in drupal 7 module

I'm trying to setup a form where some fields needs to be hidden depending on the user role. I'm doing this in my own module using hook_form_FORM_ID_alter. No problem with common text, email or link fields (e.g. $form['field_companyname']['und'][0]['value']['#type']='hidden'). But for an image field or a multiple value file field the usual way won't work.
Anybody can give me a clue?
I think your going about this the wrong way. Since your limitation is based on roles you can just use the permissions system. Check out field permissions module.
I recommend you to use #access for the element instead of just hiding the field.
For field company name it will go like this:
$form['field_companyname']['#access'] = FALSE;