ADC value display on code composer studio - adc

I have been given a task to connect tms320f28335 to a PC and a source meter. I have to change the value of the source meter such that the adc value gets displayed on the code composer studio debug window. I was asked to use a break point.
Can someone please give me the code and essential steps to be performed?


IMX8MM Linux: Change Shutdown behavior

I have just started to work in a project where the product uses a imx8m mini module together with Yocto Linux (Zeus).
Currently we have a problem related to the shutdown behavior of the product, and we need to modify what happens during a shutdown.
As today when we shutdown or a thermal emergency happens, the PMIC_ON_REQ(That controls the external power regulator) goes low, but we need to change this behavior that it keeps the current value on PMIC_ON_REQ, as we have other diagnostic devices that needs to talk to the PMIC after that the imx8mm has turned off. In other words: I want to keep the value of the gpio as long as possible, until the control is out of reach.
But my current problem is that I don't know where to start, or what kernel module I shall look into.
Does any one have any clue where I shall start to look to be able to find the code for patching?
I have tried commands in devtool like "devtool modify power/thermal/soc" but without finding the needed code..
Please observe that this is my first Yocto project ever, so if I write something strange, bare with me

How to show outputs jupyter notebook in visual studio code?

Im reaching out to anyone who uses jupyter notebooks on Visual Studio Code. I have a problem with the outputs for each cell. It´s simple, I made a program automating a process. most steps I show a print to the user and then ask for an input. This works perfectly on Kaggle. But on visual studio code sometimes the print is shown after the program asks fro the input which makes it impossible for the user. If I hit "change presentation" on the output viewer, the output refreshes and the print is shown. But how do I make this automatic? I don´t want the user to hit refresh every time an input is asked for.
In the image you´ll see the program is asking the user for the amount of tactics but a print came first on the code showing all the possible tactics.
Thank You!
enter image description here

Setting up VS Code to work with A-Star modules

I am trying to set up vs code currently to work with my a-star 3.3V module. I have code already working that I have uploaded successfully on the Arduino IDE, but I run into an error (see below). I have done some googling and wasn’t able to find a solution that worked, as most of them involved ensuring the board and ports were configured correctly, but I have already done that (to the best of my knowledge).
[Error] Uploading sketch ‘tuya-a-star.ino’: Exit with code=1
I have included some of the different things below so you can see what I mean, I am hoping I have missed something small here. The correct board and version is also selected as is the correct port. I have also selected the Arduino type for the C/C++ configuration.
arduino.json file
“configuration”: “version=8mhz”,
“board”: “pololu-a-star:avr:a-star328PB”,
“output”: “…/ArduinoOutput”,
“programmer”: “pololu-a-star:stk500for328PB”,
“sketch”: “tuya-a-star.ino”,
“port”: “COM4”

Debug .hex file with STM32CubeIDE

I am quiet new to STM32 developement.
I made a custom .hex file, which corresponds to my binary file with a CRC at a given address. To achieve this, I followed this instructions.
Right now, I am stuck at step 11, where the author tells STM32CubeIDE to debug current project with its custom .hex file instead of standard .elf file.
My problem is that this instructions are quiet old and IDE's UI is different now. How can I achieve this step with latest STM32CubeIDE version ? (1.6.1 at time of writing)
It is quite simple.
Create HEX
Manually flash it
Start debugging the normal way. Simply do not let openOCD or ST-LinkGDBServer to flash the chip.
I have got the same problem, and my solution is to use stm32cubeProgrammer. It can't show the debug information, so I use usart to show the CRC result.

Simulink Raspberry Hardware External Mode Error Issue

I have a problem using Raspbery Pi hardware and Simulink, shown by the pictures below.
I'm tring to control an LED and GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi.
I click Build, Deploy & Start. It works.
But then I click Monitor & Tune for monitoring signals.
It produces an error which I cannot find a solution for.
I tried different versions of Matlab but got the same error.
My hardware settings are just like in this link:
In addition I tried to click connect on external mode panel and the result is the same, the error is same.
Do you have any suggestions?
[Cross posted from Matlab Answers].
Check your matlab search path. You have the support package 2019a and 2019b on your search path. Add only the one matching your matlab version.