Finding the correct model to implement a binary classification problem - classification

I am working with a loan default dataset spanning across 1300000 records and 160 Independent variables and my Target Variable is labelled as 0 and 1. I have used Feature Selection (used Mutual Info and Chi Sq for Categorical and Anova for Continuous) to reduce it down to 11 Continuous Variable and 10 Categorical Variable.
My target is to develop a prediction model with a mix of Continuous and Categorical variables as regressors. I am thinking of running an SVM Classifier on Continuous variables, a Random Forest Classifier on Categorical Variables and then run an ensemble technique? Would that be the correct way to go about it?
Note: I am using Python for this exercise.


How to make a hybrid model (LSTM and Ensemble) in MATLAB

I am working on C02 prediction in matlab. My data set is 3787 (Including test and validation set). I am trying to predict the CO2 with a Standard Deviation of 179.60. My number of predictor is 15 and response is 1. Within that predictors I have two types of datasets (1. Sequential number data such as temperature and humidity, 2. Conditions i.e yes/no ). So that I have decided to use two types of networks to train my model.
1) LSTM - For the sequential data
2) Ensemble or SVM - for the yes/no data
3) Combine two models and predict the response variable.
How to achieve this? Can anyone help me to achieve this?

Hybrid SOM (with MLP)

Could someone please provide some information on how to properly combine a self organizing map with a multilayer perceptron?
I recently read some articles about this technique in comparison to regular MLPs and it performed way better in prediction tasks. So, I want to use the SOM as front-end for dimension reduction by clustering the input data and pass the results to an MLP back-end.
My current idea of implementing it is it to train the SOM with a couple of training sets and to determine the clusters. Afterwards, I initialize the MLP with as many input units as SOM clusters. Next step would be to train the MLP using the SOM's output (which value?...weights of BMU?) as in input for the network (SOM's Output for the Cluster matching Input Unit and zeros for any other Input Units?).
There is no single way of doing that. Let me list some possibilities:
The one you describe. But then, your MLP will need to have K*D inputs, where K is the number of clusters and D is the input dimension. There is no dimensionality reduction.
Similar to your idea, but instead of using the weights, just send 1 for the BMU and 0 for the remaining clusters. Then your MLP will need K inputs.
Same as above, but instead of 1 or 0, send the distance from the input vector to each cluster.
Same as above, but instead of the distance, compute a Gaussian activation for each cluster.
Since the SOM preserves topology, send only the 2D coordinates of the BMU (possibly normalized between 0 and 1). Then your MLP will need only 2 inputs and you achieve real extreme dimensionality reduction.
You can read about those ideas and some more here: Principal temporal extensions of SOM: Overview. It is not about feeding the output of a SOM to a MLP, but a SOM to itself. But you'll be able to understand the various possibilities when trying to produce some output from a SOM.

Logistic Regression with variables that do not vary

A few questions around constant variables and logistic regression -
Lets say I have a continuous variable, but has only 1 value across the whole data set. I know I should ideally eliminate the variable since it brings no predictive value. Instead of manually doing this for each feature, does Logistic Regression make the coefficient of such variables 0 automatically?
If I use such a variable (that has only one value) in Logistic Regression with L1 regularization, will the regularization force the coefficient to 0?
On similar lines, if I have a categorical variable for which I have 3 levels - first level spans say 60% of the data set, second spans across 35% and the 3rd level at 5%), and I split it into training and testing, there is a good chance that the third level may not end up in the test set, leading us a scenario where we have a variable that has one value in the test set and other in the training set. How do I handle such scenarios ? Does regularization take care of things like this automatically?
Regarding question 3)
If you want to be sure that both train and test set contain samples from each categorical variables, you can simply divide each subgroup into test and training set and then combine these again.
Regarding question 1) and 2)
The coefficent for a variable with variance zero should be zero, yes. However, whether such a coefficent "automatically" will be set to zero or be excluded from regression depends on the implementation.
If you implement logistic regression yourself, you can post the code and we can discuss specifically.
I recommend you to find an implemented version of logistic regression and test it using toy data. Then you will have your answer, whether or not the coeffient will be set to zero (which i assume).

TreeBagger() (MATLAB) and different number of variables on train and test set

I am using MATLAB function TreeBagger() for Random Forest classification, for an assignment. It gives error when the number of variables of the Test data is different from the number of variables of the Training data.
I have been taught that variable selection should be done on training data only, not on test data, so that there is no bias on the test data. So after spliting the initial dataset (50 variables) to training and test set, I perform variable selection (chi-square test of independence) on the training set. So the training set consists of 37 variables, whereas the test set remains with 50 variables.
I used TreeBagger() to train the training set and then I used the test set for prediction (function predict()). And I get an error because the number of variables of the test set is different from the number of variables that the model was trained on.
Is it wrong to perform variable selection on the training set only? Is there a way I can perform the prediction using this function?
The selected variables are a part of your final model.
This means that the final model has to use only the variables selected on the training set whenever you want to use it.
Thus, before applying your TreeBagger model, you filter out the variables that were not selected and then apply it to get predictions on your test set.

Matlab Question - Principal Component Analysis

I have a set of 100 observations where each observation has 45 characteristics. And each one of those observations have a label attached which I want to predict based on those 45 characteristics. So it's an input matrix with the dimension 45 x 100 and a target matrix with the dimension 1 x 100.
The thing is that I want to know how many of those 45 characteristics are relevant in my set of data, basically the principal component analysis, and I understand that I can do this with Matlab function processpca.
Could you please tell me how can I do this? Suppose that the input matrix is x with 45 rows and 100 columns and y is a vector with 100 elements.
Assuming that you want to construct a model of the 1x100 vector, based on the 45x100 matrix, I am not convinced that PCA will do what you think. PCA can be used to select variables for model estimation, but this is a somewhat indirect way to gather a set of model features. Anyway, I suggest reading both:
Principal Components Analysis
Putting PCA to Work
...both of which provide code in MATLAB not requiring any Toolboxes.
Have you tried COEFF = princomp(x)?
COEFF = princomp(X) performs principal
components analysis (PCA) on the
n-by-p data matrix X, and returns the
principal component coefficients, also
known as loadings. Rows of X
correspond to observations, columns to
variables. COEFF is a p-by-p matrix,
each column containing coefficients
for one principal component. The
columns are in order of decreasing
component variance.
From your question I deduced you don't need to do it in MATLAB, but you just want to analyze your dataset. According to my opinion the key is visualization of the dependencies.
If you're not forced to do the analysis in MATLAB I'd suggest you try more specialized software something like WEKA ( or RapidMiner ( Both tools can provide PCA and other dimension reduction algorithms + they contain nice visualization tools.
Your use case sounds like a combination of Classification and Feature Selection.
Statistics Toolbox offers a lot of good capabilities in this area. The toolbox provides access to a number of classification algorithms including
Naive Bayes Classifiers Bagged
Decision Trees (aka Random Forests)
Binomial and Multinominal logistic regression
Linear Discriminant analysis
You also have a variety of options available for feature selection include
sequentialfs (forwards and backwards feature selection)
"treebagger" also supports options for feature selection and estimating variable importance.
Alternatively, you can use some of Optimization Toolbox's capabilities to write your own custom equations to estimate variable importance.
A couple monthes back, I did a webinar for The MathWorks titled "Compuational Statistics: Getting Started with Classification using MTALAB". You can watch the Webinar at
The code and the data set for the examples is available at MATLAB Central
With all this said and done, many people using Principal Component Analysis as a pre-processing step before applying classification algorithms. PCA gets used alot
When you need to extract features from images
When you're worried about multicollinearity
You should find correlation matrix. in the following example matlab finds correlation matrix with 'corr' function