Where is FloatField? - lucene.net

I've added Lucene.Net to a .Net 6 Core project and indexing docs with TextField, StringFiled, and Int32Field all work fine but FloatField doesn't seem to be supported. I'm using LuceneVersion.LUCENE_48. According to https://lucene.apache.org/core/4_1_0/core/org/apache/lucene/document/FloatField.html, FloatField has been available since version 4.1 of Java Lucene. What am I missing? Thanks

See the Lucene.NET 4.8.0 migration guide. Numeric types and method names including numeric types have been changed to use .NET conventions.
Instead of Float use Single. Note that Lucene.Net.Queries.Function.ValueSources.SingleFunction was renamed Lucene.Net.Queries.Function.ValueSources.SingularFunction to distinguish it from the System.Single data type.
So, FloatField has been renamed to SingleField.


Is there any way to make F# discriminated unions work in Unity?

I am experimenting with F# in Unity. I use compiled F# library and FSharp.Core.dll copied to Assets in Unity. Simple scripts work but when I add discriminated union type like
type A =
| AInt of int
| AString of string
then I get this error in Unity: "Unable to load attribute info on method fs.A:.ctor (). Are you missing a reference?".
What can be wrong and is there a way to make it work?
Ensure you are using F# 4.1 - 4.8 in order to be compatible with Unity. F# 5 and 6 are incompatible in exactly the same way as a C# project targeting beyond .NET Standard 2.1.
Tell me more
.NET profile support
.NET Standard Versions

Set collection type swift

I am learning swift through Apple's documentation and I am on the Collection Types chapter and in the Sets section.
One of the examples is this
var letters = Set<Character>()
but when I go to enter that I get this following error.
error: use of unresolved identifier 'Set'
var letters = Set<Character>()
there was a revision on sets according to their documentation, but nothing is helping me there.
Native Set is available since Swift 1.2. Everthing points that you're using a lower version.
Swift 1.2 and Xcode 6.3 beta
New native Set data structure — An unordered collection of unique elements that bridges with NSSet and provides value semantics like Array and Dictionary.

latencySmoothFactor equivalence in mongo driver 2.12.0

The MongoEnvironmentSetter#setLatencySmoothFactor method updates the system property com.mongodb.latencySmoothFactor and it isn't available since 2.12.0 ( related git hashes 0375c984fccf9cb0868b406c145f8fd3e263348c 1ae976fa2342cdddeade622f293dc3fccbb80a58). I found the following tickets related to that:
But I didn't find the equivalence to this property. Any thoughts? Which are the steps to do in a migration if some application has configured this property?
There is no equivalent in 2.12, as the driver no longer performs any smoothing of round-trip times. Smoothing may be added in a future release, but most likely it won't be configurable. I'm not sure what the MongoEnvironmentSetter is, but assuming this is something you control, your best option is to ignore that property or remove it.

JournalStructureServiceUtil is deprecated in Liferay 6.2

I need to know why this class JournalStructureServiceUtil is deprecated and I can't find it's replacement.
Does it have any replacement ?
I am using Liferay 6.2 e ga2.
If you see source of JournalStructureLocalServiceUtil.java or JournalStructureServiceUtil.java, it clearly has class comment as below.
#deprecated As of 6.2.0, since Web Content Administration now uses the Dynamic
Data Mapping framework to handle structures
So DDMStructureLocalServiceUtil.java or DDMStructureServiceUtil.java is it's replacement.

Have database considerations changed in 4.2

There where some database considerations in previouse documentation of agiletoolkit, that I can't find anymore.
Have those changed?
For example are booleans still needed to be enum('Y','N')??
With 4.2 you can choose the boolean "style", so if you have an old project that uses 'Y','N' enums you could simply fix the definition in the field declaration by chaining ->enum(array('Y','N'))