What is implementation class of #ControllerAdvice, #Controller annotation inside spring library jars? - annotations

I can location spring annotation interface for #ControllerAdvice #Component inside spring library jars source. But I want to look at actual implementation classes for these annotation.
So where i can find implementation classes for these annotations?
Thansk in advance..


Equivalent of #componentScan in dagger?

Sorry for this basic question I am asking but can someone tell me if dagger dependency injection can work just with #module, #provides #Inject etc. That is without using #component annotation?
In spring DI, we use #componentScan to let spring know where to find beans. What is the equivalent of this in dagger?
You always need #Component. This is the entry point for dependencies from "outside".
When I say "outside" I mean the case where after the dependency graph inside the Component is created and now it is a time for some Activity to be Injected for example. So the component exposed dependencies for the "outside".
At the same time, a component can share its dependencies with other Subcomponents for example.
The Components depend on the Modules to know how to create dependencies.

Apache Shiro: How do I add a new annotation method interceptor into the mix?

I am looking at this class: https://shiro.apache.org/static/1.3.1/xref/org/apache/shiro/spring/security/interceptor/AopAllianceAnnotationsAuthorizingMethodInterceptor.html
It is registering all method interceptors that work with Shiro. Among them is this interceptor:
PermissionAnnotationMethodInterceptor .
I want to create my own custom interceptor and integrate it into the Shiro model.
My own interceptor would be replacing the existing PermissionAnnotationMethodInterceptor.
How do I do it in a clean programmatic Spring Boot way?
You should be able to replace the AuthorizationAttributeSourceAdvisor bean with your own implementation
Or implement your own annotations anyway you want and disable Shiro's annotation processing: shiro.annotations.enabled=false

jackson and jax-rs annotations

I am using Jackson to implement a simple REST API.
Because it is the first time, I would like to be sure that I am following the correct practice.
Looking various examples, I found annotations implemented in the Jackson library such as #JsonProperty.
I found also other annotations that are defined in jax-rs.
It is not clear to me when Jackson ends and jax-rs starts and viceversa.
Is it ok to implement the API using both the annotations ?
Is there an overlapping or are always used to define different characteristics of the API?
JAX-RS is a specification for creating REST web services in Java. JAX-RS requires an implementation such as Jersey, RESTEasy or Apache CXF.
Jackson is a popular JSON parser for Java and can be integrated with JAX-RS using the jackson-jaxrs-providers multi-module project.
While JAX-RS annotations allows you to map classes and methods to handle HTTP requests, Jackson annotations allows you to map Java classes to JSON objects and vice versa.

Using the ServiceLocator in ZF2 with Doctrine 2 from/in a Custom Class?

i have a little problem using doctrine 2 in Zend Framework 2 i have custome class that i use to manipulate doctrine generated model (basically to inject data and populate), to make that work i need the entity manager which is available through the service manager as indicated in Jason Grimes tutorial here http://www.jasongrimes.org/2012/01/using-doctrine-2-in-zend-framework-2/.
In his tutorial it works (i tested it) as the ServiceLocator is called from a controller class, but for the application i am writing i have to use custom (non controller) classes to interact with the entities. How do i achieve this? Using the servicelocator from a custom class that is not a controller? Thank you all in advance
You need to do two steps
Implement Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface in your custom class. This allows to the Framework to inject the Service Locator for you.
Convert your custom class to a service and retrieve it using Service Manager. This component will check if the class implement ServiceLocatorAwareInterface and the inject the ServiceLocator before returning to you the instance

How can I access SecurityContext programmatically but not through annotation in CXF JAX-RS?

I'm trying to access the javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext in my class programmatically and not using #Context annotations, is a way to do it?
e.g. Spring provide implementation like SecurityContextHolder.getContext() that get the object from the ThreadLocal; is there similar implementation available in CXF JAX-RS?