Kotlin handle a different type in constructor - class

lets say that for an example I have a data class that's like this
data class AB(a: String, b: String)
how do I make a constructor (or if there is any other way) handle a different type, for example if get an "a" variable as an Int and I want to handle it and covert it to a string?

The obvious answer is using a secondary constructor, but this might be too restrictive in what it does. In this case, probably only really a good idea if you want a simple .toString() call. (see a)
You could also put the conversion logic in some function defined outside your class or in the companion object (see b). But I feel like you'd usually end up with more readable code by just using a factory method on the companion object at that point (see c).
data class AB(val a: String){
constructor(a: Double): this(a.toString())
constructor(b: Int): this(fromInt(b))
companion object {
fun fromInt(b: Int) = "this is my string: $b"
fun create(c: Int) = AB("this is my string: $c")
val ab: AB = AB.create(2)


How to declare variable argument abstract function in Scala

I m trying to declare function in trait that takes variable number of argument and during implementation of the trait I would expand the number of arguments. How can this done in Scala
I am expecting to come up with code like below.
trait Column {
def rule
case object FirstColumn extends Column{
def rule(s: String) : String
case object SecondColumn extends Column{
def rule(s1: String, s2: String) : String
I have tried using Strings* , but it is not allowing me to expand my number of arguments during implementation. I understand there are various way to handle this problem but i am specifically looking to have above signature for my team to write functions.
This is primarily expanding on my comment on the question. This answer gets you about as close as Scala lets you get to what you want, but it also shows why it's probably not a good idea to do what you're doing.
You can express (something close to) the type you want, but I'm not sure what you intend to gain. First, if you want to take different arglist types, then Column needs to be generic.
trait Column[-A] {
def rule(arg: A): String
Then we can implement your case objects as subclasses of an appropriate parameterization of this.
case object FirstColumn extends Column[String] {
def rule(arg: String): String =
"stub implementation"
case object SecondColumn extends Column[(String, String)] {
def rule(arg: (String, String)): String =
"stub implementation"
Note that FirstColumn and SecondColumn do not inherit from the same Column[A] as they don't implement the same method. We can get them to have a common type, but... not in a very useful way.
One option is to find a common supertype of Column[String] and Column[(String, String)], which (since the argument is contravariant) is akin to finding a common subtype of String and (String, String). The closest common subtype is... Null. That's not helpful unless you're only ever planning to pass null to your rule.
Instead, we can use existentials.
val foo: Column[_] = FirstColumn
val bar: Column[_] = SecondColumn
Now we've lost all type information. You can access the foo.rule slot and you can print it, but you can't call it because we don't know what we need to pass it. You'll have to do a cast to get it back to a usable format.
The point that I'm making here is that, yes, it's doable, but once you've lost as much type information as you're giving up, there's not much point. The type system is correctly telling us that foo and bar have virtually nothing in common except the existence of a method named rule which takes... some kind of argument. From a type theory perspective, it's hard to get more uninteresting than that.

Can I customise the value components in a case class?

Say I have some case class in a library:
case class MyClass(a: Int, b: Int)
Later it turns out that there's a bug in my library and I need to apply some extra logic to one of these parameters to keep things working, so that from the user's perspective instances this can happen:
val x = MyClass(1, 2)
println(x.a) // prints '3' or whatever I happen to compute for 'a'
In other words, the final value for x.a is not necessarily what was passed in to the constructor. I know this looks crazy, but trust me, I need it. x.a will still return whatever was passed to the constructor in most cases, but there is one value for the constructor parameter that will lead to bugs and I need to transform it.
I see two ways to achieve this. I can make a a var:
case class MyClass(var a: Int, b: Int) {
a = someComputation()
but then the class becomes mutable because a can be set from the outside. My problem would be solved if I could remove or 'hide' the generated setter but it doesn't seem to be possible. If I add
private def a_=(newA: Int) {}
it doesn't override the setter generated by the var so it sees two method definitions and doesn't compile.
The second option is to create a field/method separate from the constructor parameter:
case class MyClass(private val _a: Int, b: Int) {
val a = someComputation(a)
but _a is used in all the special generated methods such as equals, toString, etc, whereas the custom field a doesn't feature.
Is there any way to transform the constructor parameters without affecting the rest of the API?
What I'd do, is override the apply method on the companion object to create an instance of MyClass with the right computation.
object MyClass {
def apply(a: Int, b: Int) = new MyClass(someComputation(a),b))
Then you can call it like val x = MyClass(1, 2), but you won't be able to call it like val x = new MyClass(1, 2) if you still want the computation to occur.
Apparently all of the above do not work outside the REPL.
Instead I'd settle on another method on the companion object, it's not as nice a solution, but it should work:
object MyClass {
def create(a: Int, b: Int) = new MyClass(someComputation(a),b))
So, you want something like MyClass(a=1).a == 2 to return true?
Do you really need an explanation why it is a bad idea? ;)
Thank god, it is not possible!

Using overloaded constructors from the superclass

I'm writing a message parser. Suppose I have a superclass Message with two auxiliary constructors, one that accepts String raw messages and one that accepts a Map with datafields mapped out in key-value pairs.
class Message {
def this(s: String)
def this(m: Map[String, String])
def toRaw = { ... } # call third party lib to return the generated msg
def map # call third party lib to return the parsed message
def something1 # something common for all messages which would be overriden in child classes
def something2 # something common for all messages which would be overriden in child classes
There's good reason to do this as the library that does parsing/generating is kind of awkward and removing the complexity of interfacing with it into a separate class makes sense, the child class would look something like this:
class SomeMessage extends Message {
def something1 # ...
def something2 # ...
and the idea is to use the overloaded constructors in the child class, for example:
val msg = new SomeMessage(rawMessage) # or
val msg = new SomeMessage("fld1" -> ".....", "fld2" -> "....")
# and then be able to call
msg.something2 # ...
However, the way auxiliary constructors and inheritance seem to behave in Scala this pattern has proven to be pretty challenging, and the simplest solution I found so far is to create a method called constructMe, which does the work of the constructors in the above case:
val msg = new SomeMessage
msg.constructMe(rawMessage) # or
msg.constructMe("fld1" -> ".....", "fld2" -> "....")
which seems crazy to need a method called constructMe.
So, the question:
is there a way to structure the code so to simply use the overloaded constructors from the superclass? For example:
val msg = new SomeMessage(rawMessage) # or
val msg = new SomeMessage("fld1" -> ".....", "fld2" -> "....")
or am I simply approaching the problem the wrong way?
Unless I'm missing something, you are calling the constructor like this:
val msg = new SomeMessage(rawMessage)
But the Message class doesn't not take a parameter, your class should be defined so:
class Message(val message: String) {
def this(m: Map[String, String]) = this("some value from mapping")
Also note that the constructor in scala must call the primary constructor as first action, see this question for more info.
And then the class extending the Message class should be like this:
class SomeMessage(val someString: String) extends Message(someString) {
def this(m: Map[String, String]) = this("this is a SomeMessage")
Note that the constructor needs a code block otherwise your code won't compile, you can't have a definition like def this(someString: String) without providing the implementation.
To be honest I don't quite get why you want to use Maps in your architecture, your class main point it to contain a String, having to do with complex types in constructors can lead to problems. Let's say you have some class which can take a Map[String, String] as a constructor parameter, what will you do with it? As I said a constructor must call himself as first instruction, what you could is something like this:
class A(someString: String) = {
def this(map: Map[String, String]) = this(map.toString)
And that's it, the restrictions in scala don't allow you to do anything more, you would want to do some validation, for example let's say you want to take always the second element in the map, this could throw exceptions since the user is not forced to provide a map with more than one value, he's not even forced to provide a filled map unless you start filling your class with requires.
In your case I probably would leave String as class parameter or maybe a List[String] where you can call mkString or toString.
Anyway if you are satisfied calling map.toString you have to give both constructor implementation to parent and child class, this is one of scala constructor restrictions (in Java you could approach the problem in a different way), I hope somebody will prove me wrong, but as far as I know there's no other way to do it.
As a side note, I personally find this kind of restriction to be correct (most of the time) since the force you to structure your code to be more rigorous and have a better architecture, think about the fact that allowing people to do whatever they want in a constructor (like in java) obfuscate their true purpose, that is return a new instance of a class.

How to pass around string values type-safely?

def updateAsinRecords(asins:Seq[String], recordType:String)
Above method takes a Seq of ASINs and a record type. Both have type of String. There are also other values that are passed around with type String in the application. Needless to say, this being Scala, I'd like to use the type system to my advantage. How to pass around string values in a type safe manner (like below)?
def updateAsinRecords(asins:Seq[ASIN], recordType:RecordType)
^ ^
I can imagine, having something like this:
trait ASIN { val value:String }
but I'm wondering if there's a better approach...
There is an excellent bit of new Scala functionality know as Value Classes and Universal Traits. They impose no runtime overhead but you can use them to work in a type safe manner:
class AnsiString(val inner: String) extends AnyVal
class Record(val inner: String) extends AnyVal
def updateAnsiRecords(ansi: Seq[AnsiString], record: Record)
They were created specifically for this purpose.
You could add thin wrappers with case classes:
case class ASIN(asin: String)
case class RecordType(recordType: String)
def updateAsinRecords(asins: Seq[ASIN], recordType: RecordType) = ???
updateAsinRecords(Vector(ASIN("a"), ASIN("b")), RecordType("c"))
This will not only make your code safer, but it will also make it much easier to read! The other big advantage of this approach is that refactoring later will be much easier. For example, if you decide later that an ASIN should have two fields instead of just one, then you just update the ASIN class definition instead of every place it's used. Likewise, you can do things like add methods to these types whenever you decide you need them.
In addition to the suggestions about using a Value Class / extends AnyVal, you should probably control the construction to allow only valid instances, since presumably not any old string is a valid ASIN. (And... is that an Amazon thing? It rings a bell somehow.)
The best way to do this is to make the constructor private and put a validating factory method in a companion object. The reason for this is that throwing exceptions in constructors (when an attempt is made to instantiate with an invalid argument) can lead to puzzling failure modes (I often see it manifest as a NoClassDefFoundError error when trying to load a different class).
So, in addition to:
case class ASIN private (asin: String) extends AnyVal { /* other stuff */ }
You should include something like this:
object A {
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
def fromString(str: String): Try[ASIN] =
if (validASIN(str))
Success(new ASIN(str))
Failure(new InvalidArgumentException(s"Invalid ASIN string: $str")
How about a type alias?
type ASIN = String
def update(asins: Seq[ASIN])

How to specify type when calling method?

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to make this method reusable:
trait T
case class A extends T
case class B extends T
def deserialize(source:Json):A = {
The .convertTo[x] method can convert into both A and B; however, at the moment this method can only produce A. How to specify what type to convert to when calling the method?
At the moment I could do this, but it's redundant, especially when the number of T subclasses grow:
def deserialize_A_(source:Json):A = {
def deserialize_B_(source:Json):B = {
How to merge these two methods into one, so that it would handle all subclasses of T? (Note: presume that the nested method convertTo can already handle all these subclasses.)
Because it's easier to show than explain (I presume the way I wrote it won't work):
def deserialize(source:Json, subclassToConvertTo:SubclassOfT):SubclassOfT = {
I'm not sure what library you are using, but if you look at convertTo type signature, you'll see what needs to be done. For instance, spray-json has a convertTo method that looks like this:
def convertTo[T : JsonReader]: T
The notation T : JsonReader is a context bound, a syntactic sugar for this:
def convertTo[T](implicit $ev : JsonReader[T]): T
So, basically, you need to receive a type parameter (like the T above), and an implicit value based on that type parameter, whose type depends on what convertTo on the library you are using needs. Let's say it is JsonReader, then your method becomes:
def deserialize[X : JsonReader](source:Json): X = {
Which you need to call like this, because X cannot be inferred:
If you need X to be a subtype of T, you can add that restriction like this:
def deserialize[X <: T : JsonReader](source:Json): X = {
PS: I'd really rather you didn't use things like T, A and B as types in your example, since they are common identifiers for type parameters.
def deserialize[T <: A : JsonReader](source : Json) = source.convertTo[T]
This is just a simple matter of parametrizing the method on the type of result you want. It should be covered fairly early in any book on Scala.
See for example http://twitter.github.io/scala_school/type-basics.html#parametricpoly