Adding custome emojis to an flutter project - flutter

Long story short, I have to implement an emoji picker in Flutter.
The requirments are :
imported emojis(from PNGs or SVGs).
posibility to use the widget across diffrent pages or attach them to
any textfield component.
posibility to add custom emojies created by users.
Is there any posibility to implement it?
Deep into my research I came accross, but I couldn't find out a posibility to add the libraries.


How to show the iOS lookup modal in Flutter for selected text?

In most iOS apps, selected text has a "lookup" option. Flutter interactive selection only shows "cut, copy and paste". I couldn't find an option for "lookup".
Is there a way to show the "lookup" option?
If not, assuming I create my own selection controls, is there a way to manually show the modal?
For reference, here's what I mean by "lookup" option:
and here's what I mean by the "lookup" modal:
You cann't. Flutter overrides all the UI of the native system, drawing its own. Think in Flutter in the same way you think in a videogame. Flutter takes an OpenGL Canvas and draws all stuff by itself from scratch.
As you don't use any elements from native, you neither don't have the native contextual menus. That is why you get that different options.
Now, the kind of good news. You can modify the Flutter one to configure the options. You need to use the SelectableText widget from Flutter. Take a look also at the selectionControls property. You can create your own toolbar from there.

Using contentEditable inside Flutter's webview

For an application I need a document that is able to record and display among each other any type (text, audio, video, HTML, maybe PDF) that the user enters or inserts.
At first I wanted to use a listview with different types of widgets (textfields, video via plugin, webview via plugin etc.), but it seemed much too complicated to me. For example, how could I have selected parts of a text field, the following image and parts of the next text field at the same time?
Actually, the document format that I need already exists: HTML. If you set the attribute "contentEditable" accordingly, it is not a big problem to let the user change the document in any way with the help of JS. And this is exactly my problem: If I use the Webview (Developer Preview) of the Flutter team (webview_flutter), the attribute "contentEditable" is apparently ignored. I can't mark text and no keyboard appears.
Am I doing something wrong or does the plugin not (yet) support this attribute? Otherwise, is there an alternative? I have to say that I am an absolute beginner in Flutter.

How to add text and picture in expandable list

I am trying to learn Android by developing an app based on web site (, using the same database and photos embedded in the app. For this, I am using the android expandable listview example at the site modified to be compatible with the database and it works well. I have 2 questions :
How to add a textview at the top of the main activity ? A textview in activity_main.xml or group.xml or row.xml is either a mistake or is not visible.
Is it possible to put text an image in the child list ?
Thanks for help

Is it possible to use Google Fusion Tables with a custom overlay?

here is what I would like to achieve:
I need to use an custom overlay like this
as background for a set of points loaded from a Google Fusion Table like this
Also if you could confirm this: I read that you can configure a custom icon for each point you display by adding a link to an icon in your Fusion table. Has anybody tired this?
I have searched examples for the above but I could not find an all in one example
thanks a lot
You can not display custom icons on FusionTablesLayer (it only displays a defined set of markers), you can use the data in the FusionTable to create native Google Maps API v3 custom icons, but you lose the performance benefit of FusionTablesLayer tiled rendering (which will be an issue if you have lots of markers).
example from the documentation
combination of the 2 Google examples

Place a button in JFace tableviewer column

I'm working on Eclipse RCP Viewer framework, i have a requirement to place a button widget in column of TableViewer.
I have been following the tutorials to develop my application
I don't find any widget inside the tableviewer, as in the example it was just an image, is it possible to place a widget, any idea please suggest me.
I've searched API to find any predefined method like getWidget() similar to getImage() ,that can be placed in col.setLabelProvider(), but there was none actually,How can i do this
you may want to use editing support or for instance DialogCellEditor