RHEL 8 How to install db-install on a mounted .iso file - redhat

How to install in RHEL 8 this file directory list
Folder (RPMS)
"file" Type "db-install"
"file" Type "db-uninstall"
"file" Type "db-upgrade"
This folder is on .iso file and i mounted it in Hyper-V. Trying to install the "db-install" But it's not working and I Didn't know what command I need to use to install it. I Hope you can me.
Thank you!


How to install mongosh after installing MongoDB on Windows?

The instruction is given but I am not able to understand what is the desired location in my file system here.
Can anyone clear my doubt?
On my Windows system, I created a directory C:\bin to hold misc executable programs. That directory is added to the PATH environment variable.
mkdir c:\bin
set PATH=c:\bin;%PATH%
Download the zip file, extract mongosh.exe to C:\bin.

Could not load the Tomcat server configuration at /usr/share/tomcat9/conf. The configuration may be corrupt or incomplete

I am using JSP for the 1st time. I am using tomcat9. While creating server, from eclipse, I get a window which shows Could not load the Tomcat server configuration at /usr/share/tomcat9/conf. The configuration may be corrupt or incomplete. Attached is the screenshot.
I installed 2 versions of tomcat9, but the error still remains.
Don't use an installed copy of Tomcat, its layout will have been modified and you won't have full read-write control over it. Use the tar/zip file you can download from tomcat.apache.org.
On Linux ubuntu, I went to the directory-> /usr/share/tomcat9/ by
cd /usr/share/tomcat9/
but conf folder is not there
My default installation path was /opt/tomcat/latest/
conf folder is inside that
So, I created a symbolic link from /usr/share/tomcat9/ to /opt/tomcat/latest/conf
I did cd /usr/share/tomcat9/
sudo ln -s /opt/tomcat/latest/conf conf
Now everything worked and I can run helloworld program
To help others facing same problem->
Just find the conf folder and create a link to that folder
In windows create a shortcut; and in linux create a symbolink link.
In Linux:
sudo locate tomcat>>a.txt
vi a.txt
then search for conf in a.txt
identify a line containing both tomcat and conf
Find the location where system is searching for conf, in the error message.
For me, it was /usr/share/tomcat9/
Then link both the folders by creating symbolic link using ln -s command

MongoDB zip achive missing ssleay32.dll when execute mongod.exe

I have used mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.2.0 zip archive on Windows Server 2008R2 x64 and it works well.
However, I have tried to run mongod.exe on Windows 7 x64, but it failed due to the missing ssleay32.dll. According to https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-17368 it missing the ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll in zip archive, which are exist in msi package.
I have tried to downloaded https://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html Win64 OpenSSL v1.0.1s and let it install dll into windows system folder. And also downloaded http://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/ openssl-1.0.2g-x64_86-win64.zip and extracted the two dlls into ${MONGODB}\bin. But, both of them are not work.
Any help is appreciated.

DB Installation Issue: Binary files folder (bin) is missing in downloaded zip for MongoDB (Windows 64-bit)

I downloaded the MongoDB for Windows 64-bit from http://www.mongodb.org/downloads.
File name: mongodb-src-r3.0.3.zip
However, the zip folder doesn't have a bin folder & no .exe files to use for installation (as given in the installation steps).
The below commands say that I use Windows 7 64-bit architecture.
wmic os get caption
wmic os get osarchitecture
Even tried using the .msi (Installation Package) given in the same downloads page. It doesn't give any error. But still the bin folder is not created to test MongoDB (mongod.exe).
Am I missing something?
I also faced the same problem as #ArcherGilly told to install again and select the custom options and by doing this finally I found the bin folder with other txt file like license
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0 -> Previously there were only two folders
and Now along with the above two folders, there is bin folder along with 4 more files
I had the same problem, but once I used the .msi installer and selected 'custom', instead of 'complete', it installed the /bin folder.
I had the same issue.
It could be because you changed the installation directory to another drive where the windows folder isn't.
So if this your case, simply find the bin folder in the C: drive.
After the installation, I used the installer and chose the make changes option without making really any changes. After the process was finished I found the bin folder.
After downloading the msi and installation process. I found the bin folder but there is no mongo.exe file in that folder.
But when I run the path enclosed in " \mongo.exe" in command prompt, the mongo db is running.
while using .msi installer please select 'custom', instead of 'complete', it will create the bin folder at \Installation_Dir\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\

How to install liquibase on redhat linux

Thought this might help others. If you are running a headless VM it might not be immediately evident how to install liquibase. I was using a redhat linux box and wondering which command to try to install liquibase.
If you have access to another computer with a browser. Go to http://www.liquibase.org/download and copy the path to the liquibase zip file. Paste that path onto a wget command as in the example below
wget https://github.com/downloads/liquibase/liquibase/liquibase-2.0.5-bin.zip
unzip the zip file in the location of your choice such as ~/liquibase
Once you are done you will have to manually create your liquibase.properties file.