How to interact with Canvas through the center of the screen when the cursor is in a locked state in Unity3d? - unity3d

I tried several ways, but none of them looked like the right solution.
One solution that only works for Windows and only in full screen mode. However, this solution does not work well and looks very wrong:
public static extern int SetCursorPos ( int x , int y );
void SetCursorPositionToCenter()
  SetCursorPos(Screen.width/2, Screen.height/2);
I also tried to override the BaseInput class. This script is needed so that Input does not come from the mouse, but through the center of the screen. However, when moving the cursor to the blocked state, the BaseInput override is ignored. I assume that this is due to the fact that this function is not called at all when the cursor is put into the locked state.
public class MyInput : BaseInput {
  public override Vector2 mousePosition{
    get { return Camera.main.ViewportToScreenPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f)); }
  public void Start(){
    GetComponent<StandaloneInputModule>().inputOverride = this;
Is it possible to interact with Canvas through the center of the screen when the cursor is locked? It is important that all Canvas events are handled.


Unity RectTransform.GetLocalCorners(Vector3[] fourCornersArray) result not change as object;s position changing

my brothers and sisters from another mother : )
I'm trying using unity to implement a swipe menu, which is like the apps menu on a smart phone. I want to get the current corner's local location value, so I can use them as a reference to do some stuff. However, while I'm dragging the object, the corners' value seems remain fixed, which looks weird to me, since the object's relative position (local position) to its parent is definitely changed, I don't know why the corners' location position can all the way just stay the same.
public class pageSwiper: MonoBehaviour, IDragHandler
private Vector3 panelLocation;
void start() {panelLocation = transform.position;}
public void OnDrag(PointerEventData data)
float difference = data.pressPosiiton.x - data.position.x;
transform.position = panelLocation - new Vector3(difference,0,0);
Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4];
while I using using pointer (mouse) drag the object, the Debug's log value always be the same. Should they change as the object moving, shouldn't they?
You are using GetLocalCorners which are relative to the center of your object.
You can try using GetWorldCorners.

Converting mouse coordinates for ui in world space

Im having problems with position convertions. The way im trying to solve it may be very wrong but thats due to inexperience in that case and im up for any suggestion on how to do it differently.
What im trying to do is a gui with a dot graph envelope that the user can change by draging the dots with the mouse.
This is what i would wan it to look like.
First i did the UI like normal in overlay but i couldnt get the line renderer to work so i took the whole ui into world space. This makes the line renderer visible. With the UI in world space ive tried both to put the envelope line renderer in the canvas with the rest of the ui and outside the canvas UI.
Here is the code that renders the lines where the dots are and moves the dots when the mouse drags them :
public class Envelope : MonoBehaviour
LineRenderer lineRenderer;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
lineRenderer = GetComponentInChildren<LineRenderer>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
var points = GetComponentsInChildren<EnvelopePoint>().Select(ep => ep.transform.localPosition).ToArray();
lineRenderer.positionCount = points.Length;
public class EnvelopePoint : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] bool isHeld = false;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (isHeld)
// Vector3 mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
transform.position = mousePos;
private void OnMouseDown()
isHeld = true;
private void OnMouseUp()
isHeld = false;
The best result is to put the envelope outside of the canvas.
The lines render well to where the points are but im not able to convert the mouse position to correct coordinates for the dots. When i click on a dot to drag it the dot snaps to a position a bit lower and a bit to the left of the mouse. Like this:
But then i can drag the dots and the lines adjust perfectly.
I guess i have two questions:
How should i get the mouse position conversion correctly?
Is this a strange or over complicated way of doing this? Is there a more reasonable way?
Id love some tip as well on what i should read up on to better understand the different screen types and how to convert between them.
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle: Transform a screen space point to a position in world space that is on the plane of the given RectTransform.
There is also ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle but since you are modifying Line Renderer's points (which are in world space), I think ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle best suits your needs.

In Unity, how to detect if window is being resized and if window has stopped resizing

I wanted my UI to not resize when user is still resizing the game (holding click in the window border) and only when the user has released the mouse the resize event will trigger.
I have tried to achieve it on Unity but so far I only able to detect windows size change, which my script checked every 0.5 second and if detected change it will resize the UI. But of course resizing everything caused a heavy lag, so resizing every 0.5 second is not a good option but resizing every 1 second is not a good idea either because 1 second is considered too long.
The question might be too broad but I have specified the problem as small as possible, how do I detect if user is still resizing the window? And how do I detect if user has stopped resizing the window (stop holding click at window border)?
You can't tell when someone stops dragging a window, unless you want to code a low level solution for ever desktop environment and every operating system.
Here's what worked for me with any MonoBehavior class, using the OnRectTransformDimensionsChange event:
public class StackOverflow : MonoBehaviour
private const float TimeBetweenScreenChangeCalculations = 0.5f;
private float _lastScreenChangeCalculationTime = 0;
private void Awake()
_lastScreenChangeCalculationTime = Time.time;
private void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
if (Time.time - _lastScreenChangeCalculationTime < TimeBetweenScreenChangeCalculations)
_lastScreenChangeCalculationTime = Time.time;
Debug.Log($"Window dimensions changed to {Screen.width}x{Screen.height}");
I have some good news - sort of.
When the user resizes the window on Mac or PC,
Unity will AUTOMATICALLY re-layout everything.
BUT in fact ONLY when the user is "finished" resizing the Mac/PC window.
I believe that is what the OP is asking for - so the good news, what the OP is asking for is quite automatic.
However. A huge problem in Unity is Unity does not smoothly resize elements as the user is dragging the mouse to expand the Mac/PC window.
I have never found a solution to that problem. (A poor solution often mentioned is to check the size of the window every frame; that seems to be about the only approach.)
Again interestingly, what the OP mentions
" ..and if window has stopped resizing .."
is automatically done in Unity; in fact do nothing to achieve that.
I needed something like this for re generating a line chart, but as it has too many elements, it would be heavy to do it on every update, so I came up with this, which for me worked well:
public class ToRunOnResize : MonoBehaviour
private float screenWidth;
private bool screenStartedResizing = false;
private int updateCounter = 0;
private int numberOfUpdatesToRunXFunction = 15; // The number of frames you want your function to run after, (usually 60 per second, so 15 would be .25 seconds)
void Start()
screenWidth = Screen.width; // Identifies the screen width
private void Update()
if (Screen.width != screenWidth) // This will be run and repeated while you resize your screen
updateCounter = 0; // This will set 0 on every update, so the counter is reset until you release the resizing.
screenStartedResizing = true; // This lets the application know when to start counting the # of updates after you stopped resizing.
screenWidth = Screen.width;
if (screenStartedResizing)
updateCounter += 1; // This will count the updates until it gets to the numberOfUpdatesToRunXFunction
if (updateCounter == numberOfUpdatesToRunXFunction && screenStartedResizing)
{ // Finally we make the counter stop and run the code, in my case I use it for re-rendering a line chart.
screenStartedResizing = false;
// my re-rendering code...
// my re-rendering code...

Loader during Unity IAP Callback

I want to put loader in between dialog boxes come up for the purchase. What is the way for this?
Because when game player press Buy button, he should require to wait for 5 to 10 second depends on internet speed and server response and this process happed 2 to 3 times because multiple dialogs come up within screen.
So in this case, may be player can leave the screen. I want to put the loader so that game player realise that some processing is running in background, he required to wait for some time.
At present I was following completely this code for Unity IAP setup.
Integrating Unity IAP In Your Game
I assume this is for mobile platform but even if its not still the following can be considered:
Simple solution is to create a full screen Image (UI/Panel) object in your UI to block clicks. I would use Animator component (with triggers) to display this panel in front of other UI when there is a background process running.
public class Loader : MonoBehaviour
public static Loader Instance;
Animator m_Animator;
public bool Loading {get; private set;}
void Awake()
Instance = this; // However make sure there is only one object containing this script in the scene all time.
void Start()
//This gets the Animator, which should be attached to the GameObject you are intending to animate.
m_Animator = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
Loading = false;
public void Show()
Loading = true;
m_Animator.SetBool("Loading", Loading); // this will show the panel.
public void Hide()
Loading = false;
m_Animator.SetBool("Loading", Loading); // this will hide the panel.
Then in any script which manipulates UI:
public void BuyButtonClicked()
// process time taking stuff
You can also create any kind of loading animation as child of panel object using simple images and animation tool inside Unity (for example rotating animation (use fidget spinner, its cool)).
And in case of Android where user have option to leave screen by pressing OS back button you can prevent going back by checking if any loading is in progress by following example:
// code for back button
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
void BackButtonPressed()
// use back button event. (For example to leave screen)
Hope this helps ;)

Horrors of OnPointerDown versus OnBeginDrag in Unity3D

I'm concerned over the difference between OnPointerDown versus OnBeginDrag in single-finger movement code.
(In the latest Unity paradigm of using a physics raycaster: so, finally, Unity will properly ignore touch on the UI layer.
So from 2015 onwards what you must do is this:
Forget about the crap traditional Input or Touches system which are pointless crap and don't work
Add an empty game object with a usually BoxCollider2D, likely bigger than the screen. Make the layer called say "Draw". Physics settings, "Draw" interacts with nothing
Simply add to the camera, a 2D or 3D physics raycaster. Event mask the "Draw" layer.
Do a script like below and put it on.
(Tip - don't forget to simply add an EventSystem to the scene. Bizarrely, Unity does not do this automatically for you in some situations but Unity does do it automatically for you in other situations, so it's annoying if you forget!)
But here's the problem.
There has got to be some subtle difference between using OnPointerDown versus OnBeginDrag (and the matching end calls). (You can just swap the action in the following code sample.)
Naturally Unity offers no guidance on this; the following code beautifully rejects stray grabs and also flawlessly ignores your UI layer (thanks Unity! at last!) but I am mystified about the difference between the two approaches (begin drag V. begin touch) and I cannot in anyway find the logical difference between the two in unit testing.
What's the answer?
general movement of something by a finger.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class FingerMove:MonoBehaviour,
public Transform moveThis;
private Camera theCam;
private FourLimits thingLimits;
private Vector3 prevPointWorldSpace;
private Vector3 thisPointWorldSpace;
private Vector3 realWorldTravel;
public void Awake()
theCam = Camera.main or whatever;
public void OnMarkersReady() // (would be EVENT DRIVEN for liveness)
thingLimits = Grid.liveMarkers. your motion limits
private int drawFinger;
private bool drawFingerAlreadyDown;
public void OnPointerDown (PointerEventData data)
Debug.Log(" P DOWN " +data.pointerId.ToString() );
public void OnBeginDrag (PointerEventData data)
Debug.Log(" BEGIN DRAG " +data.pointerId.ToString() );
if (drawFingerAlreadyDown == true)
Debug.Log(" IGNORE THAT DOWN! " +data.pointerId.ToString() );
drawFinger = data.pointerId;
prevPointWorldSpace = theCam.ScreenToWorldPoint( data.position );
public void OnDrag (PointerEventData data)
Debug.Log(" ON DRAG " +data.pointerId.ToString() );
if (drawFingerAlreadyDown == false)
Debug.Log(" IGNORE THAT PHANTOM! " +data.pointerId.ToString() );
if ( drawFinger != data.pointerId )
Debug.Log(" IGNORE THAT DRAG! " +data.pointerId.ToString() );
thisPointWorldSpace = theCam.ScreenToWorldPoint( data.position );
realWorldTravel = thisPointWorldSpace - prevPointWorldSpace;
prevPointWorldSpace = thisPointWorldSpace;
public void OnEndDrag (PointerEventData data)
Debug.Log(" END DRAG " +data.pointerId.ToString() );
if ( drawFinger != data.pointerId )
Debug.Log(" IGNORE THAT UP! " +data.pointerId.ToString() );
drawFingerAlreadyDown = false;
public void OnPointerUp (PointerEventData data)
Debug.Log(" P UP " +data.pointerId.ToString() );
private void _processRealWorldtravel()
if ( Grid. your pause concept .Paused ) return;
// potential new position...
Vector3 pot = moveThis.position + realWorldTravel;
// almost always, squeeze to a limits box...
// (whether the live screen size, or some other box)
if (pot.x < thingLimits.left) pot.x = thingLimits.left;
if (pot.y > pot.y =;
if (pot.x > thingLimits.right) pot.x = thingLimits.right;
if (pot.y < thingLimits.bottom) pot.y = thingLimits.bottom;
// kinematic ... moveThis.position = pot;
// or
// if pushing around physics bodies ... rigidbody.MovePosition(pot);
And here's a handy thing. Save typing with the same thing for 3D scenes, using the little-known but exquisite
here's how... notice the excellent
call courtesy Unity.
public class FingerDrag .. for 3D scenes:MonoBehaviour,
public Transform moveMe;
private Vector3 prevPointWorldSpace;
private Vector3 thisPointWorldSpace;
private Vector3 realWorldTravel;
private int drawFinger;
private bool drawFingerAlreadyDown;
public void OnPointerDown (PointerEventData data)
if (drawFingerAlreadyDown == true)
drawFinger = data.pointerId;
prevPointWorldSpace = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.worldPosition;
// in this example we'll put it under finger control...
moveMe.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false;
public void OnDrag (PointerEventData data)
if (drawFingerAlreadyDown == false)
if ( drawFinger != data.pointerId )
thisPointWorldSpace = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.worldPosition;
realWorldTravel = thisPointWorldSpace - prevPointWorldSpace;
prevPointWorldSpace = thisPointWorldSpace;
public void OnPointerUp (PointerEventData data)
if ( drawFinger != data.pointerId )
drawFingerAlreadyDown = false;
moveMe.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false;
moveMe = null;
private void _processRealWorldtravel()
Vector3 pot = moveMe.position;
pot.x += realWorldTravel.x;
pot.y += realWorldTravel.y;
moveMe.position = pot;
I want to start by saying that Input and Touches are not crappy.They are still usefull and were the best way to check for touch on mobile devices before OnPointerDown and OnBeginDrag came along. OnMouseDown() you can call crappy because it was not optimized for mobile. For a beginner who just started to learn Unity, Input and Touches are their options.
As for your question, OnPointerDown and OnBeginDrag are NOT the-same. Although they almost do the-same thing but they were implemented to perform in different ways. Below I will describe most of these:
Called when there is press/touch on the screen (when there is a click or finger is pressed down on touch screen)
Called when press/touch is released (when click is released or finger is removed from the touch screen)
Called once before a drag is started(when the finger/mouse is moved for the first time while down)
OnDrag :
Repeatedly called when user is dragging on the screen (when the finger/mouse is moving on the touch screen)
Called when drag stops (when the finger/mouse is no longer moving on the touch screen).
OnPointerDown versus OnBeginDrag and OnEndDrag
OnPointerUp will NOT be called if OnPointerDown has not been called. OnEndDrag will NOT be called if OnBeginDrag has not been called. Its like the curly braces in C++,C#, you open it '{' and you close it '}'.
OnPointerDown will be called once and immediately when finger/mouse is on the touch screen. Nothing else will happen until there is a mouse movement or the finger moves on the screen then OnBeginDrag will be called once followed by OnDrag.
These are made for doing advanced usage such such as custom UI with controls that is not included in Unity.
1. When you have to implement a simple click button, for example, Up,Down, Shoot Button on the screen, you only need OnPointerDown to detect the touch. This should work for Sprite Images.
2. When you have to implement a custom toggle switch and you want it to be realistic so that the player can drag to left/right or up/down to toggle it then you need OnPointerDown , OnBeginDrag , OnDrag , OnEndDrag , OnPointerUp. You need to write your code in this order to have a smooth Sprite/Texture transition on the screen. Some toggle switches are made to be to clicked and it will toggle. Some people prefer to make it look realistic by making it so that you have to drag it in order to toggle it.
3. Also when you want to implement a Generic re-usable pop-up window that is draggable, you also need to use those 5 functions (OnPointerDown , OnBeginDrag , OnDrag , OnEndDrag , OnPointerUp).
First detect when there is a click(OnPointerDown), check to make sure that the Sprite clicked is the right one you want to move. Wait for player to move(OnBeginDrag) their finger/mouse. Once they start dragging, maybe you can call a coroutine function with while loop that will start moving the Sprite and inside that coroutine, you can smooth the movement of the Sprite with Time.deltaTime or any other preferred method.
Since OnBeginDrag is called once, it is a good place to start the coroutine.
As the player continue to drag the Sprite, OnDrag will be called repeatedly. Use the OnDrag function to get the current location of the finder and update that to a Vector3 that the coroutine that is already running will use to update the position of the Sprite. When the player stops moving their finger/mouse on the screen, OnEndDrag is called and you can boolean variable and tell the coroutine to stop updating the position of the Sprite. Then, when the player releases their finger(OnPointerUp) you can then stop the coroutine with the StopCoroutine function.
Because of OnBeginDrag we we are able to start coroutine once drag started while waiting for drag to end. It wouldn't make sense to start that coroutine in OnPointerDown because that means that each time player touches the screen, a coroutine would be started.
Without OnBeginDrag, we have to use boolean variable to make the coroutine start only once in the OnDrag function which is called every time or else there would be coroutine running everywhere and unexpected movement of the Sprite will occur.
4. When you want to determine how long player moved their finger. Example of this is that famous game called Fruit Ninja. Lets just say you want to determine far the player swiped on the screen.
First, wait until OnPointerDown is called, wait again until OnBeginDrag is called, then you can get the current position of the finger inside OnBeginDrag function because OnBeginDrag is called before the finger starts moving. After the finger is released, OnEndDrag is called. Then you can get the current position of finger again. You can use these two positions to check how far the finger moved by subtracting them.
If you instead decide to use OnPointerDown as the place to get the first position of the finger, you will get a wrong result because if the player swipes right, then waits and swipes left then waits again and swipe up without releasing their finger after each swipe, the only good result you have is the first swipe(right swipe). The left and the up swipe will have invalid values because that first value you got when OnPointerDown was called is the value you are still using. This is because the player never removed their finger from the screen so therefore, OnPointerDown is never called again and the first old old value is still there.
But when you use OnBeginDrag instead of OnPointerDown, this problem will be gone because when the finger stops moving, OnEndDrag is called and when it starts moving again OnBeginDrag is called once again causing the first position to be overwritten with the new one.
The difference is that OnBeginDrag doesn't get called until the touch/mouse has moved a certain minimum distance, the drag threshold. You can set the drag threshold on the Event System component.
This is necessary for when you have a hierarchy of objects with different ways of handling input, especially scrollviews. Imagine you have a scrollview with a vertical stack of cells, each with a button in it. When the touch first starts on one of the buttons, we don't know whether the user is tapping a button or dragging the scrollview. It isn't until the touch gets dragged for the drag threshold that we know it is a drag and not a tap.