Convert timestamp to string from firebase - date

enter image description hereI accessed the timestamp from firestore and printed it as an string but it's not showing in date format! I'm not being able to print timestamp inside Text widget without converting it into string fromat either.

If you don't want to use Firestore function, than the easiest way to convert a timestamp to a JavaScript date or as you said string is like this:
new Date(timestamp.seconds * 1000).toLocaleDateString()
The timestamp is an object with seconds and nanoseconds, you create an date instance, pass the timestamp seconds and multiply with 1000. Now you can format this as you want.


convert text to time stamp in postgreSQL

I have data extracted from a website as the image
I need to convert it as timestamp date and time
how can I do that
The text timestamps are already in a format which should be directly castable, e.g.
SELECT '2021-07-06T12:32:00'::timestamp;

How to convert a time string to integer in Tableau

I have time data that is currently a string in the format of hours:minutes:seconds. For example, I want to be able to convert the string 00:03:30 to 210 seconds. I'd like this to be created in a calculated field for total seconds, thanks.
Utilizing the DATEPARSE function, you can use the following expression:
datediff("second", dateparse("HH:mm:ss", "00:00:00"), dateparse("HH:mm:ss", "00:03:30"))
Replace "00:03:30" with your field.

Convert Epoch to Date with select value

I'm trying to convert a epoch timecode to a date in Pentaho Spoon. I use an input text file to extract fields from. I want to export the fields in a database but there is this timestamp field that contains epoch timestamps like this "1480017396", the datatype is set as an integer and the field is named timestamp. I want to convert with it with Select value.
So I go to the next step and use the select value option to select the field and change the datatype to Date with a format of dd/MM/yyyy the result gives me all kinds of dates in 18-01-1970 range. I tried everything (Different formats etc.) but I just can't seem to solve it.
Any guesses? Image of output
The time in epoch is in miliseconds, not seconds, so, take your number, multiply by 1000, and turn to date.
See that if you divide, the date goes back a few ... and multiply it you get the correct date because of the timestamp.

Converting long (numbers) text datatype (with blank values) to date

I have troubles converting HubSpot UNIX timestamp to date. Timestamp is stored as text value.
Value looks like this:
My logic was first to convert the number to bigint and later converted it to date using:
TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(properties__vape_station__value)), 'DD/MM/YYYY')
What would be the best way to achieve converting UNIX Timestamp in text type to date in PostgreSQL 11.
You can cast the value in that column to a bigint and then use to_timestamp.
But apparently that column also stores empty strings rather than NULL values if no value is present, so you need to take that into account:
This would still fail however if anything else than a number is stored in that column.

Date stored in different format

I have this date "2018-05-30T16:19:58.016Z" coming from my Angular app.
In Spring, the field date is as follows :
#JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")
private Date date;
The date is well stored, but with this format YYYY-MM-dd.
Is there anything that I'm missing ?
MySql date type can't hold data with timestamp. It has to be datetime in order to contain date time with timestamp data.
You probably have to specify the date format going out to the storage, as #JsonFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'") only specifies the date format for parsing the date into the Date object. Even if your Date has all of the seconds and timezone information, the default Date toString() is still
Formats a date in the date escape format yyyy-mm-dd.
according to the Java 8 docs. So if you are using that, it would most likely drop all that extra information on conversion.
You can look at this Convert java.util.Date to String for information on how to get a Date to a formatted String.