What permission to use instead of manage_pages for getting page for facebook? - facebook

I am writing application for getting reviews for particular page from facebook. I found that for getting reviews you need to ask user for manage_permission and you will get one token which can be use for further communications.
But, right now manage_pages permission is deprecated since May 2022, what is alternative for getting user page access token to get reviews.
Furthermore, here it says that we can get page access token and page id using get page id. I am passing user id and token which I store using facebook login, but, I am not getting any data related to page.

With regards to your question, you can request for pages manage posts permission.
Read Doc. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/permissions/reference/pages_manage_posts


Unable to post to facebook page using app token

I am building my first facebook app and am facing a issue.
Task : Build a entirely server side application to be used by the admin of a facebook page to post videos/photos on the page. This should not involve having the admin to log in everytime to generate the user acess and page access token.
What I found : Based on the requirement, I found that app tokens can be used for this purpose. This line specifically hints at the usefulness.
App access tokens can also be used to publish content to Facebook on behalf of a person who has granted an open graph publishing permission to your application
I think that using this will be safe since mine is an entirely server side app.
Problem The docs say that:
GET /oauth/access_token?
will give the app token that can be used in place of user access token.
However, I have not been able to do so. Specifically the error encountered is
Error 200 .The user must have accepted the TOS. Since I have already tried publishing content with page access token, I know this is a permission issue.
The following line
a person who has granted an open graph publishing permission to your application.
does not clarify everything. I came across a related question, but the answers seem to be a bit vague.
It would be really great if someone could give me insights about how this can be achieved.
In order to post to a page, you need at least authorize with the manage_pages permission. If you want to post "as user", you need to add publish_actions and use a "User Access Token". If you want to post "as page", you need to add publish_pages and use a "Page Access Token".
Information about how to generate those Tokens:
The error message with the TOS has been discussed a lot of times already, please go to those threads (or find a lot more with the search function):
(OAuthException) (#200) User must have accepted TOS on C# - Facebook
How come I get a "must have accepted TOS" error for test users with app installed?
facebook long term token "(#200) User must have accepted TOS"
Occassional (OAuthException - #200) (#200) User must have accepted TOS
You cannot post to a Page via an App Access Token. This is clearly stated in the docs at
A user access token with publish_actions permission can be used to publish new posts on behalf of that person. Posts will appear in the voice of the user.
A page access token with publish_pages permission can be used to publish new posts on behalf of that page. Posts will appear in the voice of the page.
I'd recommend to use a eternal Page Acess Token, so there's no obligation to renew the User Access Token. Have a look at my answer here:
Post to a facebook page without "manage_pages" permission using php

Facebook Graph Api access Alcohol Related Page

I am looking for a solution to fetch the feeds of an alcohol-related/age-restricted Facebook Brand Page by a website or back-end service to show these infos in that website for any user.
i.e: https://graph.facebook.com/JimBeam
The standard call results with an error or false.
I know the reason is the age-restictrion because of the relation to alcohol.
If I am connected to Facebook and add an access_token (user-token or page-token) to the request, I get everything I need, but it doesn't work if I am not connected.
If I request the page-token with offline_access, it also does not work when I am not connected to Facebook.
I am a bit confused with all this token types, offline_access, permissions and so on.
Is possible to get the fb-graph-feed of an age-restricted page and load that into a website?
To get an age-restricted feed you need to have a user access token that meets the criteria for the page. So if a user is visiting your site, they will need to authenticate your app, and then you can use the resulting access token to pull information to your website from that restricted page.
You should not be using a user's access token to display content to another user who does not meet the restrictions on the Facebook page.
An added problem is that Facebook does not expose a page's restrictions via the API, so you can't tell if a user has permission to see the page until your API request returns no data.

How to get permanent access token in graph API

I created an APP on Facebook and using graph API explorer, I selected my app from app drop down box, requested access token with manage_pages, offline_access and publish_stream permissions.
Using this access token, I was successfully able to post message on page using restfb APIs but when I log out, it starts throwing The session is invalid error.
I read on few posts that offline_access is deprecated. Could someone tell me how to obtain permanent access token?
Looking at the docs at: https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/ this is no longer possible.
Desktop applications will not be able to extend the life of an
existing access_token and the user must login to facebook once the
token has expired.
Otherwise, it is possible to request an access token with a longer expiration. Here are the directions: https://developers.facebook.com/roadmap/offline-access-removal/#extend_token
What kind of Access Token do you need? There are three kinds, User AT, App AT and Page AT.
If you want User AT, it seems you are out of luck. I don't think it's possible anymore. You can only get to 60 days. However, if you need Page AT, you can get a permanent one. The difference is, Page Access Token only has access to a single facebook page.
Basically you need to get User Access Token first, with manage_pages permission. When you have one, you have to look at /{pageId}?fields=access_token for your page's id in Graph API.
For more info look at: facebook: permanent Page Access Token?
you will not get any permanent access token as Facebook developer blog explains. you will be given 60 days long lived access token. Before the expiration Facebook will notify you about the expiry and then you can renew it or you can build your own custom control to get the notification on token expiration which you can fetch from Facebook API.

Facebook: Get access token to post as a page

Is it possible to somehow get an access token to use the facebook api like a user that clicked "use facebook as "?
What I'm trying to do is to allow my website to post messages to the facebook page's wall. I already have an app which I use to allow my users to login with their FB account. However, I'd prefer not to require a page admin to authorize full manage_pages to my app. I already added the app to my FB page, but there are no options to give that app some permissions for my page.
Of course it's possible.
In the official documentation page about Permissions it's written:
Page access_token
An access_token used to manage a page. This is used
when you want to perform an operation acting as a Page. This access
token is retrieved by issuing an HTTP GET to /USER_ID/accounts or to
/PAGE_ID?fields=access_token with the manage_pages permission. Getting
/USER_ID/accounts will return a list of Pages (including app profile
pages) to which the user has administrative access in addition to an
access_token for each Page. Alternatively, you can get a page access
token for a single, specific, page by issuing an HTTP GET to
/PAGE_ID?fields=access_token with the manage_pages permission (you
must ask for the access_token field specifically via the fields=
parameter). See the documentation for the Page object for more
information. NOTE: After November 1, 2011, manage_pages permission
will be required for all access to a user's pages via this connection,
i.e. for both reading the user's pages and also retrieving
access_tokens for those pages. See the documentation for the User
object for more information.

Can I publish to pages with an app access_token

As mentioned in this other question, if a user grants the publish_stream permission, I can publish to that user's wall using an app access_token. I tested that and it works. But I couldn't publish to the user's pages using the app access_token! Am I missing something?
Right now I use the /me/accounts/ connection to get the access_token of the pages, and use that to publish. But this is a huge headache for me and for users because these tokens expire often (when users change their password, ...et), and every time that happens the publish fails and I need to email the user to come login again so I can retrieve a new access_token for the page. It's a bad user experience and I'm trying to find a way around it. The app token works for publishing to users, which is great, but I couldn't find a way to make it work for pages. Any tips?
To clarify further, I currently request the manage_pages and offline_access permissions, and then fetch the access_token of each page and use that to publish to it. That works. The main problem is that tokens expire, even with the offline_access permission. The most common reason a token would expire is if the user changes her password. Here is a common error that I get a lot when publishing to Facebook pages.
Facebook error. type: OAuthException, message: 'Error validating
access token: Session does not match current stored session. This may
be because the user changed the password since the time the session
was created or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.'
To handle this, I email the user and ask them to visit our app again, and when they do I grab a fresh set of access_token to work with. But that's problematic because users are confused about why the error happened and blame us for it, and some users don't open their emails so the problem doesn't get solved and then they're angry later when they discover that our app had stopped weeks ago without them asking it to stop.
That's why I was hoping that I can publish with the app access_token to avoid these problems. Since it works for user profiles, I hoped it would work for pages as well. But so far no luck, unless I'm missing something obvious.
What you're describing used to work - all last year we were able to successfully post to fan page walls using the app access token. In fact, for some of our users, I see it still working. However, I think the other two answers are correct, this is no longer the way to post to pages (see "Page Login" here)
That said, you should be able to store the access token of the page to spare yourself the step of re-querying the users' linked accounts.
Unfortunately, the page's access token will suffer the same fragility as a user's, per the answer here: Facebook Page Access Tokens - Do these expire? . The page access token will expire when the user who gave you that access token changes their password.
To publish to pages, there is an extra step where you use their token to get a list of their pages. Each page has its own token, use that token to post to the page. Keep in mind that when setting up the original token, you need to specify that you need access to pages.
my app does exactly what you're after.
I request both manage_pages and offline_access permissions from a user.
I store the user's access_token.
I ask the user which page (determined by me/accounts) they want a stream item posted to and when.
Later, when it is time to publish to a page's feed, I grab the user's access_token from the database, the pageid, and the message.
Using that user's access token, I query the me/accounts and grab the latest access token for that account (aka page)
Using that page's access token, I me/feed (or is it me/posts...away from my codebase at the moment) post the stream item.