Keycloak start failed: org.eclipse.microprofile.context-propagation.microprofile-context-propagation-api-1.2.jar does not exist - keycloak

I follow this Keycloak guide to start Keycloak on my server. I am receiving the next exception when running the bin/ start-dev command:
ERROR: Failed to run 'build' command.
ERROR: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: /srv/keycloak/lib/lib/main/org.eclipse.microprofile.context-propagation.microprofile-context-propagation-api-1.2.jar does not exist
ERROR: /srv/keycloak/lib/lib/main/org.eclipse.microprofile.context-propagation.microprofile-context-propagation-api-1.2.jar does not exist
ERROR: /srv/keycloak/lib/lib/main/org.eclipse.microprofile.context-propagation.microprofile-context-propagation-api-1.2.jar
For more details run the same command passing the '--verbose' option. Also you can use '--help' to see the details about the usage of the particular command.
The Keycloak version is 18.0.1, the installed JDK version is 11.0.15, the OS is Debian 11
Can anyone tell me how to solve it? Thanks

It turned out that some of the jars were missing after extracting the loaded Keycloak 18.0.2 tar.gz file on the server. After replacing the jars under keycloak/lib/lib/main and keycloak/lib/lib/deployment I was able to start the Keycloak. To do that, I extracted Keycloak 18.0.2 tar.gz on my local machine and uploaded corresponding jars to the server machine.


How to setup Apache Atlas using embedded cassandra and Apache Solr

Step 1: Clone the repository.
git clone
Step 2: Generated tar file by executing below command
mvn clean -DskipTests package -Pdist,embedded-cassandra-solr
Step 3: Once the build is successful, extracted ‘apache-atlas-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT-server.tar’ file and executed below command.
Seen below messages in console.
Starting Atlas server on host: localhost
Starting Atlas server on port: 21000
Apache Atlas Server started!!!
But When I hit the url 'http://localhost:21000/', I am getting service unavailable message.
HTTP ERROR 503 Service Unavailable
URI: /
MESSAGE: Service Unavailable
Log files are empty, not sure how to identify the issue.
Couple of Questions
a. Do I need to explicitly setup cassandra and Apache solr for emebdded mode too? In that case please suggest me a documentation.
b. even though I generated the build using embedded cassandra file, while launching the application, it was still lokking for HADOOP_HOME property. Can I know the reason for this?
I got the same problem and, after a while, I found that Zookeeper doesn't start at all; so, I stopped the Zookeeper service and restarted the installation of atlas. (Here is the link of the installation that I followed :
For your case, replace:
mvn clean -DskipTests package -Pdist,embedded-hbase-solr
mvn clean -DskipTests package -Pdist,embedded-cassandra-solr

How to fix "Could not find or load main class com.install4j.runtime.launcher.UnixLauncher" error when starting the nexus service

Operating system: Red Hat Entreprise Linux server release 7.7
nexus version: 3.18.1-01
When renewing the SSL certificate of Nexus on the server, I first replaced the old certificate under /opt/nexus/etc/ssl with the new one.
I put a new keystore with the new certificate and the same password as before with the same name in the same place and then ran /opt/nexus/bin/nexus restart.
Before the service was running and the URL was reachable, but since then I get the following error:
Could not find or load main class
And the command journalctl -u nexus gives the following error:
Failed to start nexus service.
Failed at step EXEC spawning /var/nexus/bin/nexus: Permission denied.
i tried a lot of things i found on the internet to fix this but unfortunately without success.
put the nexus user in the nexus.rc file
In the beginning it was like this:
That means, the nexus server is run with root and I tried to run it with the user nexus. Unfortunately this did not work.
I also tried the following:
changed the permission and owner for the "/opt/nexus" and "/var/nexus" folders (tested with root and nexus too).
moved the file .install4j to /opt/nexus/
at the end I wanted to test again with the old certificate and renamed the new one und the new key. I thought it was because of the new certificate.... But I still get the same error:
Could not find or load main class
Something is wrong since I stopped and restarted the nexus service but i don't know what exactly.
Can you help me please? I would be very grateful.
Check the ownership of the PID file:

Error encountered in starting Kafka zookeeper application start script

I am seeing an error when I am starting Zookeeper service on windows using command prompt in admin mode. Can somebody assist with this error.
Running the following command in the bin folder: config/
Results in the below error:
"this file does not have an app associated with it for performing this
action . Please install an app or, if one is already installed ,
create an association in the default apps settings page"
You must use zookeeper-server-start.bat on Windows.

issue with kinit after freeipa installation

I installed freeipa on centos7 - the installation did not throw any errors nor could I find anything unusual in the ipa install log file. However, when I run the kinit command post installation, I get the following response:
kinit admin
kinit: Generic error (see e-text) while getting initial credentials
Any thoughts on how to go about troubleshooting this?
In the /var/log/krb5kdc.log file, I see the following entry:
preauth pkinit failed to initialize: PKINIT initialization failed: Cannot read cert
ificate file '/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kdc.crt': No such file or directory
I ran the installation on centos and kinit works fine (I had to ensure that I was specifying the correct domain name during the installation script).

Solr 5.2.1 Access denied when trying to startup through powershell

I have Solr version 5.2.1 normally it starts up fine with no issues, this morning I attempted to start Solr and I got the following issue:
Starting Solr on port 8983 from C:\solr-5.2.1\solr-5.2.1\solr-5.2.1\server
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Direct your Web browser to http://localhost:8983/solr to visit the Solr Admin UI
I restarted the computer yet I still get this access denied issue, which I have not encountered before does anyone have the insight into why this is happening? Thanks
The issue was that full control windows permissions were required to be set for the directory Solr was in.
Just update java version to java 8
Run command:
sudo bin/solr start
For example:
Vostro-3550:/opt/solr-6.0.0$ sudo bin/solr start
Then Open Browser and the past: