Low graphics in Android emulator(API 33) 31.3.9 - android-emulator

I am getting Low graphics in Android emulator(API 33) 31.3.9, MacOS Monterey 12.3(Intel). Any Solution?


How can i connect android 11 and and android 12 with bluetooth in ionic?

If I declare in the "AndroidManifest.xml" the permissions for Android 12+, when scanning it does not find those that are Android 11 or lower. I have the same problem the other way around.
I tried declaring in the AndroidManifest.xml the user permissions to be compatible with Android 12 or higher and it does not find the ones that are Android 11 or lower. I also tried declaring for Android 11 and it does not find those that are Android 12 or higher.
enter image description here
Here I declared to allow the two variants depending on which sdk the device has.
I'm using the following library -> text
Capacitor 7.5 and Ionic 6

Failed to build Flutter app in iOS emulator for architecture arm64

I am encounter this error when first time I build my flutter app in iOS simulator (it works normally on android)
Device: MacbookAir M1
Flutter: 3.3.10
Xcode: 14.2
s.a(libsodium_la-aead_chacha20poly1305.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file
built for iOS, file
os.a' for architecture arm64
Anyone know how to fix it?
I tried to add exclude architecture and run Xcode in rosseta but nothing work

how to ensure my flutter application is compatible with android 4.1?

i would like to make possible to install and use my flutter application on a phone which has a android OS version 4.1, but when i run my code on a simulator the result is :
i cannot open the app no matter how many times i try it.
and my api and sdk versions are : minSdkVersion 16 targetSdkVersion 29
is my api version the problem? play store says about this the minimum OS compatible is 4.1 but it does not work

Occasional java.io.IOException: Operation not permitted only on Android 7.0 by DatagramSocket.send()

The following code works fine virtually 100% time on all Android device Android 7.0:
DatagramSocket clientSocket = new DatagramSocket();
DatagramPacket dpSend = new DatagramPacket(baSendData, baSendData.length, InetAddress.getByName(""), 3702);
On Android 7.0, only on Android 7.0, clientSocket.send(dpSend) generates the following error occasionally. I want to emphasize "occasionally". It works fine most of the time.
I am wondering if anyone could offer any insight of Android 7.0 to shed some light on why the exception happens only on Android 7.0.

Android AVD not starting

I try to set up my first Android AVD by starting it from Eclipse via Android AVD Manager.
Now I created a device named "EclipeTestDevice" with the following parameters:
- Device: Nexus 4
- Target: Android 2.3.3
- CPU: Intel Atom (x86) > of course I installed the "Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator" with the Android SDK-Manager
- Skin: HVGA
- Memory Options: RAM 1907, VM Heap 64 (this was a proposal by the device)
When I start the Device the new window appears, but only the text "android" (the android logo) is displayed and the device does not continue (I waited for about 10 mins).
I also tried other devices, but no one works.
Does anyone have a hint for me?
Can you try the configuration as shown in the figure(please use device and ABI of your choice).