The scala tutorial site gives this example:
HttpRequest(uri = "")
// or:
import akka.http.scaladsl.client.RequestBuilding.Get
How do I access the data? I.e. How do I do the equivalent of
I am trying to explore different options to connect to a REST endpoint using Azure Data Factory. I have the below python code which does what I am looking for but not sure if Azure Data Factory offers something out of the box to connect to the api or a way to call a custom code.
import sys
import requests
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient
import json
import logging
import time
api_url = ""
client_id = 'client'
client_secret = 'secret'
client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=client_id)
oauth = OAuth2Session(client=client)
token = oauth.fetch_token(token_url='', client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret)
client = OAuth2Session(client_id, token=token)
response = client.get(api_url)
data = response.json()
When I look at the REST linked service I don't see many authentication options
Could you please point to me on what activities to use to make OAuth2 working in Azure Data Factory
You would have to use a WebActivity to call using POST method and get the authentication token before getting data from API.
Here is an example.
First create an Web Activity.
Select your URL that would do the authentication and get the token.
Set Method to POST.
Create header > Name: Content-Type Value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Configure request body for HTTP request.
Format: grant_type=refresh_token&client_id={client_id}&client_secret=t0_0CxxxxxxxxOKyT8gWva3GPU0JxYhsQ-S1XfAIYaEYrpB&refresh_token={refresh_token}
Example: grant_type=refresh_token&client_id=HsdO3t5xxxxxxxxx0VBsbGYb&client_secret=t0_0CqU8oA5snIOKyT8gWxxxxxxxxxYhsQ-S1XfAIYaEYrpB&refresh_token={refresh_token
I have shown above for example, please replace with respective id and secret when you try.
As an output from this WebActivity, you would receive a JSON string. From which you can extract the access_token to further use in any request header from further activities (REST linked service) in the pipeline depending on your need.
You can get the access_token like below. I have assigned it to a variable for simplicity.
#activity('GetOauth2 token').output.access_token
Here is an example from official MS doc for Oauth authentication implementation for copying data.
I have a URL such as:
the_given_URL =
which contains a Json formatted data and may update regularly.
I couldn't find a way to convert this to a dataframe. Both Scala and Pyspark ways could be helpful.
I have tried something like
val df ="the_given_URL")
but i get the following error:
19/08/05 17:43:13 WARN FileStreamSink: Error while looking for metadata directory. No FileSystem for scheme: https
Please consider the error that I get is for the given URL.
You should use requests library to access the webpage. This should help you with sta
rting up
import json
import requests
req = requests.get("path to json")
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([json.loads(line) for line in req.iter_lines()])
In my play framework 2 application I'd like to have a log message with the request, response, and some details about the response - such as the number of search results returned from an external web call.
What I have now is a filter like this:
object AccessLog extends Filter {
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._
def apply(next: RequestHeader => Future[SimpleResult])(request: RequestHeader): Future[SimpleResult] = {
val result = next(request)
result map { r =>"Request: ${request.uri} - Response: ${r.header.status}")
At the point of logging, I've alread converted my classes into json, so it seems wasteful to parse the json back into objects so I can log information about it.
Is it possible to compute the number of search results earlier in the request pipeline, maybe into a dictionary, and pull them out when I log the message here?
I was looking at flash, but don't want the values to be sent out in a cookie at any cost. Maybe I can clear the flash instead. Buf if there's a more suitable way I'd like to see that.
This is part of a read-only API that does not involve user accounts or sessions.
You could try using the play.api.cache.Cache object if you can come up with a reproducible unique request identifier. Once you have logged your request, you can remove it from the Cache.
I am building a webservice request that submits some data to a 3rd party service we use:
val promise = WS.url("" format(prefineryAPIKey)).post(requestBody)
val data = promise.value.get.body
The variable requestBody is XML content and I need to send this post with "Content-Type: text/xml". How do I set that inside the webservice? Does it work like Play!'s result by chaining .as("text/xml")?
Found it! I had to dig around the API docs and decrypt some of the compiler errors, but basically the above will look like:
val promise = WS
.url("" format(prefineryAPIKey))
.withHeaders("Content-Type" -> "text/xml")
When you call WS you are putting together a WSRequestHolder. The docs for WSRequest are here:$$WSRequestHolder
i am confused on how to combine the json library in dispatch and lift to parse my json response.
I am apparently a scala newbie.
I have written this code :
val status = {
val httpPackage = http(Status(screenName).timeline)
val json1 = httpPackage
Now i am stuck on how to parse the twitter json response
I've tried to use the JsonParser:
val status1 = JsonParser.parse(status)
but got this error:
<console>:38: error: overloaded method value parse with alternatives:
(s: String)net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.JValue
cannot be applied to (http.HttpPackage[List[dispatch.json.JsObject]])
val status1 = JsonParser.parse(status1)
I unsure and can't figure out what to do next in order to iterate through the data, extract it and render it to my web page.
Here's another way to use Dispatch HTTP with Lift-JSON. This example fetches JSON document from google, parses all "titles" from it and prints them.
import dispatch._
import net.liftweb.json.JsonParser
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._
object App extends Application {
val http = new Http
val req = :/("") / "base" / "feeds" / "snippets" <<? Map("bq" -> "scala", "alt" -> "json")
val json = http(req >- JsonParser.parse)
val titles = for {
JField("title", title) <- json
JField("$t", JString(name)) <- title
} yield name
The error that you are getting back is letting your know that the type of status is neither a String or Instead, what you have is a List of already parsed JSON responses as Dispatch has already done all of the hard work in parsing the response into a JSON response. Dispatch has a very compact syntax which is nice when you are used to it but it can be very obtuse initially, especially when you are first approaching Scala. Often times, you'll find that you have to dive into the source code of the library when you are first learning to see what is going on. For instance, if you look into the dispatch-twitter source code, you can see that the timeline method actually performs a JSON extraction on the response:
def timeline = this ># (list ! obj)
What this method is defining is a Dispatch Handler which converts the Response object into a JsonResponse object, and then parses the response into a list of JSON Objects. That's quite a bit going on in one line. You can see the definition for the operand ># in the JsHttp.scala file in the http+json Dispatch module. Dispatch defines lots of Handlers that do a conversion behind the scenes into different types of data which you can then pass to block to work with. Check out the StdOut Walkthrough and the Common Tasks pages for some of the handlers but you'll need to dive into the various modules source code or Scaladoc to see what else is there.
All of this is a long way to get to what you want, which I believe is essentially this:
val statuses = http(Status(screenName).timeline) _)
Only instead of doing a println, you can push it out to your web page in whatever way you want. Check out the Status object for some of the various pre-built extractors to pull information out of the status response.