I and my colleagues will migrate from firestore to MongoDB and we need to find a suitable way or a tool to analyze the firebase schema and know exactly the model for each collection and each sub-collection inside a collection in a nested level.
I tried to write a script but it was tedious due to the level of sub-collection we have.
I was able to get collection and sub-collections but I found it is hard to loop on each document and get its schema.
So any suggestions?
Iam using nosql in totajs4 .
Document structure in nosql database
{directoryName:{fileName:{"created": timestamp,"modified":timestamp,"deleted":timestamp}}}
unable to update this structure.
Changing nested objects isn't supported yet in Total.js 4. I recommend reading the specific document and modify only the nested property/key.
I want to manage multiple projects data in mongoDB. Each project contains multiple users from multiple departments with multiple role assigned to them. plus certain task is assigned to each user. Now I am confused about schema, not able to decide which entity should be kept as collection & which one as document ? What is the best efficient way to store ?
should I keep all under single collection as embedded documents or in separate collection ?
First of all if you are using mongodb you should know why are you using it. MongoDB is not about normalize stuff. If you are able to create data structure is de-normalize way then and only then go for MongoDB.
I think you should maintain one single document containing all the mentioned things above. But the scenario which you have mentioned above is good for relational database. you need only 3 entities in relational database and your problem is solved.
Still if you want to go for mongodb you can go with one collection only. which contains project details number of users working there and their roles and department.
Is there a way to switch off the ability of mongo to sporadically create dbs and collections as soon as it sees one in a query. I run queries on the mongo console all the time and mistype a db or collection name, causing mongo to just create one. There should be a switch to have mongo only explicitly create dbs and collections. I can't find one on the docs.
To be clear, MongoDB does not auto create collections or databases on queries. For collections, they are auto created when you actually save data to them. You can test this yourself, run a query on a previously unknown collection in a database like this:
use unknowndb
show collections
No collection named "unknowncollection" shows up until you insert or save into it.
Databases are a bit more complex. A simple "use unknowndb" will not auto create the database. However, if after you do that you run something like "show collections" it will create the empty database.
I agree, an option to control this behavior would be great. Happy to vote for it if you open a Jira ticket at mongoDB.
No, implicit creation of collections and DBs is a feature of the console and may not be disabled. You might take a look at the security/authorization/role features of 2.6 and see if anything might help (although there's not something that exactly matches your request as far as I know).
I'd suggest looking through the MongoDB issues/bug/requests database system here to and optionally add the feature request if it doesn't already exist.
For people who are using Mongoose, a new database will get created automatically if your Mongoose Schema contains any form of index. This is because Mongo needs to create a database before it can insert said index.
What I've understood, sails binds collection with its Models. Is there a way i can create a collection on runtime. What i want to do is create a different collection for each user. something like (user_12345, unique for every user).
I've tried waterline and sails-mongo, They allow me to query collections for CRUD operation. but I couldn't understand how to create a new collection using sails-mongo or waterline library. Please help.
Waterline doesn't provide a way to create arbitrary collections in Mongo. The ORM's job is to map the logical models in your app to collections (or tables, or whatever) in your database. It's not clear what you're trying to accomplish by giving each user their own collection, but if it's truly necessary you can still achieve it by just making the raw Mongodb driver a dependency in your project:
npm install --save mongodb
and following the documentation for connecting and creating collections. You won't be able to use Waterline to work with those collections, though; you'll have to use native operations for all inserting, querying, etc.
It is not recommended to use ElasticSearch as the only storage from some obvious reasons like security, transactions etc. So how it is usually used together with other database?
Say, I want to store some documents in MongoDB and be able to effectively search by some of their properties. What I'd do would be to store full document in Mongo as usual and then trigger insertion to ElasticSearch but I'd insert only searchable properties plus MongoDB ObjectID there. Then I can search using ElasticSearch and having ObjectID found, go to Mongo and fetch whole documents.
Is this correct usage of ElasticSearch? I don't want to duplicate whole data as I have them already in Mongo.
The best practice is for now to duplicate documents in ES.
The cool thing here is that when you search, you don't have to return to your database to fetch content as ES provide it in only one single call.
You have everything with ES Search Response to display results to your user.
My 2 cents.
You may like to use mongodb river take a look at this post
There are more issue then the size of the data you store or index, you might like to have MongoDB as a backup with "near real time" query for inserted data. and as a queue for the data to indexed (you may like to use mongodb as cluster with the relevant write concern suited for you application