Mapbox Reset Zoom when Marker deselected - mapbox

Fairly new to Mapbox and getting there (slowly).
I have a map initially loaded at zoom level 1 for use in a web browser. When a user clicks on a marker, it'll center and zoom to level 10.
When that marker loses focus, I'd like to zoom back out to level 1.
This page discussing web applications does it (link below), but there doesn't seem to be (that I can find - sorry!) any documentation on how to achieve this.
Any and all help appreciated!

For the first event, to zoom in when clicking a marker, you could adapt this example to zoom in addition to panning when calling flyTo
For the second part, you'd need to add a listener for another event depending on what you have in mind by "losing focus".


Turn off Animation on Mapbox

I have a map that has a search box. A user types an address, and presses enter. The map then zooms out, pans to wherever the target is, then zooms in again. I understand from documentation that this is default behavior and that it's commonly referred to as "Fly To".
The question is... How do you disable this? I don't need fancy animation, I just want it to quickly draw a new map at the Lat/Long chosen and set the zoom level I specify.
Can this be done?
I assume you're using Mapbox-GL-Geocoder.
Just use setFlyTo:

Mapbox: Center map after popup closes

I have a mapbox project that I need to be able to re-center the map when a popup closes. Right now, clicking a marker will pan the map and after the user closes the popup they are left with the map panned over to the new location. I simply need the map to recenter to the original location I set as my map center.
I've not found a method using the mapbox api so I don't have any code to start. I'm more looking for someone who might have experience with such a configuration.
Since mapbox.js is built on top of leaflet you can use the Leaflet API.
You can listen for popupclose events. Then you can call map.setView() and center the map at the original position.
Here is a working example

Keep touchZoom centered?

I am using Leaflet in a mobile app and want to get rid of the two zooming buttons in the top corner, but I need the exact same effect (zooming without the possibility of panning around with it) but using a pinching gesture. Alas, the default pinching gesture does not keep the view centred!
I don't know why, but keeping the zoom centred when using the mousewheel or doubleclick are available options for the map object:
If passed 'center', double-click zoom will zoom to the center of the view regardless of where the mouse was.
If passed 'center', it will zoom to the center of the view regardless of where the mouse was.
But not for touchZoom, I tried. maybe the nice people at Leaflet thought the effect doesn't "feel" nice, but I really wish I could try it nonetheless and judge it by myself.
Anyone knows how to get a similar effect? I don't really want to end up calling setView() at every "zoom" event call, if that even was an option...
Found out that I could use the maxBounds option. If you set both corners on a single point (the one you'd use for setView, for example), the map won't be able to pan away from it.

Mapbox zoom to location based on url

I have a main map landing page of the U.S. which shows my map and all the pins on it, then there are individual pages for each state with specific content related to them, that also show the map. I am wondering if it is possible to have the map zoom into the states location when that url is clicked. e.g. When you click to go to the Colorado page, the map zooms and centers on Colorado, instead of going to the default view on the main map landing page.
It would work like the geocoder, if you type Colorado, it zoom and centers on the state.
The initially position map with geocode example is probably close to what you're looking for.

disabling 'grab' panning for bing maps control

How do I disable just the grab aspect of panning for bing maps AJAX control 7.0?
I have tried this -
var map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById("mapDiv"), { credentials: "bing maps credentials", mapTypeId: Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.road, disablePanning: true});
But setting the disablePanning property in the map options not only disables grab panning but also zoom panning. Zoom becomes not completely disabled but instead will only zoom in and out on the center of the map. No doubt you will have come accross zoom panning where you can use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in on the map under the cursor and therefore can pan around by zooming in and out and moving the cursor. I would like to have zoom panning enabled but grab panning (where the user depresses the mouse and drags it around) to be disabled.
I am aiming for functionality very similar to when using the my places editor on the main bing maps site. When using the polyline tool to draw on the map grab panning is disabled and zoom panning is enabled just as I would like. I am actually intending on creating a custom drawing tool similar to the polyline tool in the my places editor.
I have been studying the api but have not discovered how to do it yet. I have also tried to discover how it is done on the main bing maps site but as the javascript code is all minified I am finding it very difficult. I have managed to gleen that the polyline tool hijacks the mouse, but that is about all.
Surely there must be a simple way of doing this. How is it done?
I don't think there is a map option you can set to achieve the behavior you want(enable zoom panning/disable grab panning). However, there is an easy way to hack it. The panning is initiated by the user clicking down on the map and moving the mouse. So if you can supply your own mousedown event handler for the map, and in its implementation prevent the default behavior of the mousedown, you should be good to go. Turns out the handled property on MouseEventArgs does just this:
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(yourMapObj, 'mousedown', function (mouseEvent) {
mouseEvent.handled = true; //A boolean indicating whether the event is handled. If this property is set to true, the default map control behavior for the event is cancelled.
With this, mousedown events on the map are processed by you and ignored by the map. So when the user tries to pan the map using the mouse, nothing happens. They can still click and zoom around as usual. Keep in mind if you have other elements on the map such as pushpins and shapes, this will prevent the mousedown event from reaching them. So any mousedown event handlers you registered on them will not get called. You can handle this either by unregistering the above handler when you want the other mousedown events to be called(preferable), or interogate the target property on your MouseEventArgs to see what fired the mousedown(messy).