Closing or minimizing the Android Emulator sidebar/menu closes Qemu - android-emulator

I don't want the built-in Android Emulator menu, but it always pops up. When I close it or minimize it, it does the same with the emulator window; is there any way to hide not open it ever?


How can I change the docking of devtools in VS Code?

VS Code was docking devtools pane within the window before. Now, It opens a new window that increases back and forth. Is there any way to dock it back? I tried a few settings they did not work. Also, there is no dock icon as in Chrome.
This started with vscode v1.74 and is an electron bug. See The developer tools become a floating window.
There is a fix reported there. Disable the setting
Windows > Experimental > Windows Control Overlay: Enabled
You will be prompted to restart vscode and then opening the Dev Tools will be docked as before. Apparently, the Electron bug has been fixed.
In the devtools panel, click the vertically-aligned three dots at the top right. That will open up a context menu. You will see a "Dock side" entry with different icons signifying option values for that setting. You probably accidentally clicked the one that makes it pop the devtools out into its own window. Select whichever option you actually want there.

How can we DISABLE the soft keyboard on Android TV Emulators with commands?

We are building an app for an Android TV device which doesn't have a soft keyboard and has a hardware keyboard attached for input. We have an emulator which is spawned during the builds, for which we want the specs to match the actual device, which includes not having a soft keyboard pop up.
Even though these 2 methods work for most emulators, it doesn't work for Android TV emulators.
Setting the following in the emulator config.ini file
Requires a reboot, but the keyboard does get hidden
Using adb shell command
adb shell settings put secure show_ime_with_hard_keyboard 0
This instantly makes the keyboard disappear
Did any of you have to deal with the same use-case?

Android Studio Emulator not showing "Always on Top" toggle Button. How to set it always on top?

In the Android Studio Emulator, in the settings tab, it is not showing "Always on Top" toggle Button.
How can I set the emulator on always top of the screen?
Please Go to Android Emulator Settings Window... Enable Show Window Frame Around Device
Go to options in the android emulator and click: Settings -> Show window frame around device. Then the frame will appear around the emulator. Right click on frame around the emulator. Then click on Always on top.

How to bring back "Add to home" banner for progressive web app after removed the icon from home screen?

The reason - I made a Progressive web app, opened in the browser - all is fine and browser offered me to add it to home screen.
Now, I want to demonstrate this on a presentation, and so - removed the icon from home screen. But for the last whole day I've been playing with the website in chrome a lot, and the banner never appears back.
Is it really a once-in-a-lifetime thing? Or is there something specific I need to do?
The app-install banner prompt is normally presented after you've visited the site at least twice with at least 5 minutes between each visit. Using a Chrome flag, you can bypass these checks so that the banner always appears on every visit:
Open Android Chrome.
Go to chrome://flags/#bypass-app-banner-engagement-checks
Click Enable
Click Relaunch Now
You can also simulate an Add To Homescreen event from Chrome DevTools:
Open Android Chrome on your phone, and navigate to a PWA (e.g., the Paper Planes app from
Connect to your Android with a USB cable.
From desktop Chrome DevTools, select Menu > More Tools > Remote Devices. OR CTRLSHIFTP (or CMDSHIFTP for macOS), and enter "Remote devices".
Select your phone by name.
Click the Inspect button next to the list item corresponding to your PWA (e.g., Paper Planes).
In the new DevTools pop-up for your PWA, go to the Application panel, and click Add to homescreen. This should cause the app-install banner to appear in Android Chrome. Note the banner won't appear in the Chrome DevTools screen mirror.
(steps above verified with Chrome 55 on macOS Sierra, and Android Chrome 57)
I found another solution - when I go to the settings of chrome mobile and choose History -> Clear browsing data (make sure that the option to clear Cookies is ticked) then click the Clear Data button - after that I get again the app install banner to add the app to the home screen.
Apparently - it clears not only the data itself, but also makes the browser forget everything about this website.
(Strangely - the old icon doesn't go away ... so now I have a few icons on the home screen :D ...)

Is there a way to open Chrome Dev tools to a new window right away?

Anyone know of a way to open Chrome Dev tools to a new window upon open?
I know that I can click F12 and then click the 'customize' button and change orientation or pop out the dev tools window. But that's an extra step, and often a window resize is necessary, and when you do it 50 times a day, it gets to be tedious.
Also, sometimes, on pages I'm testing, pressing F12 will change the layout of the elements on the page and even popping out the dev tools leaves the page layout different than before I opened dev tools. This can make it hard to tell if an element is visible or not, which makes troubleshooting Webdriver more difficult.
Ideally, CTRL+F12 or something to open dev tools as a separate window would be super handy. (to any Chromium devs that might be listening ;) But if anyone has another solution, I'd love to hear it.
If you have your DevTools un-docked, the dock mode, size and position of your DevTools window will remain the same as you previously set it. For example, I just set mine to be maximised on my other monitor. Every time I open up DevTools, it's an un-docked, maximised window, and there's no change to the layout of the inspected window other than the fact it's no longer in focus.
You could alternatively launch Chrome using the --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs flag, which will automatically open DevTools in the dock mode, size and position you had it previously. You can use:
Mac:/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs
Windows: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs
In WebDriver, you can set flags for how Chrome opens. However, after looking into this further, it turns out Chrome currently do not support multiple clients connected to the protocol simultaneously.
As for speeding things up, you can switch between dock positions with Cmd+Shift+D (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+D (Windows). This toggles between the last two modes you have used, so say you have it docked at the bottom, you then pop it out, using the shortcut now will toggle between the two.
Here's how you do it. On opening the developer tools, with the developer tools window in focus, press F1. This will open a settings page. Check the "Auto-open DevTools for popups".
Originally documented here --