ranges::views::generate have generator function signal end of range - range-v3

I'd like to have a generator that terminates, like python, but I can't tell from ranges::views::generate's interface if this is supported.

You can roll it by hand easily enough:
https://godbolt.org/z/xcGz6657r although it's probably better to use a coroutine generator if you have one available.
You can return an optional in the generator, and stop taking elements when a std::nullopt is generated with views::take_while
auto out = ranges::views::generate(
[i = 0]() mutable -> std::optional<int>
if (i > 3)
return std::nullopt;
return { i++ };
| ranges::views::take_while([](auto opt){ return opt.has_value();})


How to combine the elements of an arbitrary number of dependent Fluxes?

In the non reactive world the following code snippet is nothing special:
interface Enhancer {
Result enhance(Result result);
Result result = Result.empty();
result = fooEnhancer.enhance(result);
result = barEnhancer.enhance(result);
result = bazEnhancer.enhance(result);
There are three different Enhancer implementations taking a Result instance, enhancing it and returning the enhanced result. Let's assume the order of the enhancer calls matters.
Now what if these methods are replaced by reactive variants returning a Flux<Result>? Because the methods depend on the result(s) of the preceding method, we cannot use combineLatest here.
A possible solution could be:
.switchMap(result -> first(result)
.switchMap(result -> second(result)
.switchMap(result -> third(result))))
.subscribe(result -> doSomethingWith(result));
Note that the switchMap calls are nested. As we are only interested in the final result, we let switchMap switch to the next flux as soon as new events are emitted in preceding fluxes.
Now let's try to do it with a dynamic number of fluxes. Non reactive (without fluxes), this would again be nothing special:
List<Enhancer> enhancers = <ordered list of different Enhancer impls>;
Result result = Result.empty();
for (Enhancer enhancer : enhancers) {
result = enhancer.enhance(result);
But how can I generalize the above reactive example with three fluxes to deal with an arbitrary number of fluxes?
I found a solution using recursion:
interface FluxProvider {
Flux<Result> get(Result result);
// recursive method creating the final Flux
private Flux<Result> cascadingSwitchMap(Result input, List<FluxProvider> fluxProviders, int idx) {
if (idx < fluxProviders.size()) {
return fluxProviders.get(idx).get(input).switchMap(result -> cascadingSwitchMap(result, fluxProviders, idx + 1));
return Flux.just(input);
// code using the recursive method
List<FluxProvider> fluxProviders = new ArrayList<>();
cascadingSwitchMap(Result.empty(), fluxProviders, 0)
.subscribe(result -> doSomethingWith(result));
But maybe there is a more elegant solution using an operator/feature of project-reactor. Does anybody know such a feature? In fact, the requirement doesn't seem to be such an unusual one, is it?
switchMap feels inappropriate here. If you have a List<Enhancer> by the time the Flux pipeline is declared, why not apply a logic close to what you had in imperative style:
List<Enhancer> enhancers = <ordered list of different Enhancer impls>;
Mono<Result> resultMono = Mono.just(Result.empty)
for (Enhancer enhancer : enhancers) {
resultMono = resultMono.map(enhancer::enhance); //previousValue -> enhancer.enhance(previousValue)
return resultMono;
That can even be performed later at subscription time for even more dynamic resolution of the enhancers by wrapping the whole code above in a Mono.defer(() -> {...}) block.

How to read a stream in a simple way in scala?

To read from a stream in Java I would do the usual:
byte buff[] = new byte[10]
int len = 0;
while ((len = inputStream.read(buff)) != -1){
...do something with buff..
I know scala offers things like Source.fromInputStream but I see it a bit heavy to be honest. I know the above won't work in Scala because the assignment doesn't return the value. Is there a simple way without using the library?
It is possible to close over mutable state and use Iterator.continually like so:
val buff = Array.ofDim[Byte](10)
.takeWhile(_ != -1)
.foreach { len =>
// do something wit buff and len
being a more or less direct translation of Java code. I'd reach for the libraries based on task at hand, however.

Groovy/Scala - Abort Early while iterating using an accumulator

I have a fairly large collection that I would like to iterate and find out if the collection contains more than one instance of a particular number. Since the collection is large, i'd like to exit early, i.e not traverse the complete list.
I have a dirty looking piece of code that does this in a non-functional programming way. However, i'm unable to find a functional programming way of doing this (In Groovy or Scala), since I need to do 2 things at the same time.
Accumulate state
Exit Early
The "accumulate state" can be done using the "inject" or "fold" methods in Groovy/Scala but there's no way of exiting early from those methods. Original groovy code is below. Any thoughts?
def collection = [1,2,3,2,4,6,0,65,... 1 million more numbers]
def n = 2
boolean foundMoreThanOnce(List<Integer> collection, Integer n) {
def foundCount = 0
for(Integer i : collection) {
if(i == n) {
foundCount = foundCount + 1
if(foundCount > 1) {
return true
return false
print foundMoreThanOnce(collection, n)
One of many possible Scala solutions.
def foundMoreThanOnce[A](collection: Seq[A], target: A): Boolean =
collection.dropWhile(_ != target).indexOf(target,1) > 0
Or a slight variation...
Scans the collection only until the 2nd target element is found.
Not sure about groovy, but if possible for you to use Java 8 then there is a possibility
collection.stream().filter(z -> {return z ==2;} ).limit(2)
the limit will stop the stream processing as soon as it get 2nd occurrence of 2.
You can use it as below, to ensure there are exact two occurrences
Long occ = collection.stream().filter(z -> {return z ==2;} ).limit(2).count();
if(occ == 2)
return true;

For loop not executing in protractor

I am able to get the count value with the following:
element.all(by.options('type as type for type in types')).then(function(elems){
return elems.length;
cnt = count;
Then later in the code I want to use cnt in a for loop where I also use closure:
for(var x = 1;x < cnt; x++){
function test(y){
function search_options(input){
it('tess', function(){
The problem is that the for does not execute.
Any tips or suggestions, guidance is appreciated or point out any errors.
I have read about IIFE but I find most samples use arrays, I believe 'cnt' has resolved
Unfortunately, I have to use the for loop. 'each' is not suitable.
The problem is that cnt would only be set when the promise would be resolved by the control flow mechanism. The for loop would be executed earlier.
Instead, define cnt as a promise and resolve it in your test:
cnt = element.all(by.options('type as type for type in types')).count();
cnt.then(function (actualCount) {
for(var x = 1; x < actualCount; x++){
Also see: Using protractor with loops.
Also, I'm not exactly sure if dynamically creating its this way would actually work, here are some relevant threads:
Can I dynamically create a test spec within a callback?

Test if property exists on a class at runtime

Something like this:
I looked into doing something like this:
set classDefinition = ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%OpenId(%class.Name)
and then looping through the Properties, however, I need to be able to use any class, not just %class
For a simple OO approach, you can use the following API:
Set tPropExists = ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledProperty).IDKEYExists("SomeClass","SomeProperty")
This should have much less runtime cost than loading the class definition data and looping over its properties (and thus loading the data for those properties as well).
If you still want to create a %HasProperty() helper method for your application classes, you can use the following base method (assuming you are on Cache 2010.2 or higher - I believe the $this special variable and the $classname() function were added in 2010.2, but that may have been in 2010.1.):
ClassMethod %HasProperty(pPropName As %String = "") As %Boolean
Set tHasProp = 0
If (pPropName '= "") {
Set tHasProp = ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledProperty).IDKEYExists($classname($this),pPropName)
Quit tHasProp
You also might want to use a generator method (one of the really nice features in Cache objects) if run-time speed is important to you.
For example:
Method PropertyExists(Name) As %Boolean [ CodeMode = generator, ProcedureBlock = 1, ServerOnly = 1 ]
Set %code=0
S ClassDef=##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%OpenId(%class)
i '$IsObject(ClassDef) $$$GENERATE(" Q 0") Q $$$OK
I '$IsObject(ClassDef.Properties) $$$GENERATE(" Q 0") Q $$$OK
S Key="" F S Key=ClassDef.Properties.Next(Key) Q:Key="" D
. S CompiledProperty=ClassDef.Properties.GetAt(Key)
. $$$GENERATE(" I Name="""_CompiledProperty.Name_""" Q 1" )
$$$GENERATE(" Q 0")
q $$$OK