how to connect flutter app with oracle database on local server? - flutter

I don't know how to connect flutter app to a oracle database resides on local server. I want to communicate directly with database without using any RESTFUL API. if anyone have solution please let me know


How you can connect between flutter and owncloud

I want to connect my Flutter project with owncloud on my server. How do I do this? What do I study so I can do it?
You can use the Own Cloud External API. It allows third party developers to access data provided by ownCloud apps.

How to share a postgreSQL database?

I'm currently working on a project with some colleagues and a colleague of mine linked a database created in her postgreSQL server to our visual studio project, but we don't know how she can share the database with the rest of us, or how can we modify the database without having it.
We're using postgreSQL 14.
One option is to create your database in a cloud provider such as AWS.
You can take a look at:
This way all of you will be able to access the database.

NativeScript : I have to develop an offline app for Android + iOS + Web app. Offline data will be stored in SQLite DB

Using native script, it is possible to access SQLite DB. But is it possible to use SQLite DB from NativeScript + Angular web app?
Anthing you can do in NativeScript Core, you can also do with NativeScript Angular, so yes you can access a SQLite database with NativeScript Angular as all you need is access to the local file system to store the SQLite database.
On the other hand, you mentioned "web app" so not sure if you meant to ask, "Can you access a SQLite database from a shared mobile/web app, using NativeScript Angular for the mobile app, and regular Angular for the web browser app?" If that is what you meant, then no, you wouldn't be able to access a SQLite database from the web app becuase SQLite databases are stored locally as a regular file, so there would be no way for an Angular web app in a web browser to access the same SQLite database file as a mobile app. For this situtation, you would need a traditional database server setup like MySQL, MariaDB, or PostgreSQL, hosted on an external server, where both the mobile app, and the web browser app can access that same database over a network connection. You could easily have the Angular web app, and the database cluster, hosted from the same server.
I personally use a PostgreSQL database server with a shared NativeScript Angular mobile app/Angular web app in production and it works really well. It is really nice to be able to share a lot of the Angular code (mostly core services) between the mobile and web app.

How to connect Swift to a postgresql database hosted on Google Cloud

I'm new to working with back-end, but have been running into issues trying to get my iOS app to connect to my PostgreSQL DB.
I have developed an app with Swift which is a game that I want to run locally on iOS devices. I have a PostgreSQL DB set up in Google Cloud Platform but I cannot figure out how to get the Swift app to connect to my PostgreSQL DB.
I've read some about using Vapor or Perfect to run the application using Googles App Engine but I'm not sure that is what I want to do since I want the app to run locally but there are a few aspects of my app that I need a global database for.
Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction of how I need to connect my Swift application with Google Cloud's PostgreSQL?
Your question is pretty much very similar to this one.
In short, the correct answer is you shouldn't connect your client side application directly to the database. Instead, you should build a service that can connect to the database, and act as a service between your application. This helps prevent any unauthorized queries to your database and provides better performance. If you wanted to do this on GCP, you could look into something like Google Cloud Functions or Google Cloud App Engine to act as a service.
An alternative would be to use a "Database-as-a-Service" like Cloud Firestore. This is a scalable, pay-as-you-go service with great mobile support.
Yeah sure you need a server, ruby on rails to connect to your Postgres database.
The server will facilitate data back and forth from the Google cloud Postgressql

Connect Oracle MAF app to server database

I am using eclipse to develop an oracle MAF application. I set up the environment but i need now to connect my app to the oracle database on the server and i don't know how to start. Do i have to use the local sqlite database then sync with the server or connect directly to the server and how to do it?
thank you!
It's not possible to make a direct database connection MAF. You will have to expose your data in a web service and consume it in your mobile app.
One option you can consider is to expose the data in the database as a REST Service which you can invoke from a MAF application.
See this presentation on how to use OEPE to build a MAF application that invokes REST services:
Hope this helps. Thanks for your interest in OEPE.
Here is the simple tutorial which describes that how can you make a REST web service in Oracle MAF, deploy it to web logic server using Jdeveloper and access it from your browser. I hope it'll help you:
Pervasync just released a new version (6.0.2) of its sync framework that supports synchronization of Oracle MAF SQLite databases with central Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases.
You can try this sample tutorial which having the step by step explanation.
To make it work, you need to use JDeveloper 12c (download it from here). It will contain WebLogic server as well.
In additional you need to have Android SDK for emulator (or) you can make use of Android device to deploy and run the application.
For Android Device:
You can deploy the application into machine and configure the mobile client app using virtual IP of that machine. So that it can be accessed from outside of the network.
For Emulator:
you can run the webservice and client in same machine by configuring the webservice IP as this will route your client app into local machine (P.S: localhost does't works here)