Flutter setState not updating string variable - flutter

I am adding a file to firebase storage. After obtaining the firebase URL of the image, I use setState to set it equal to another string( fileUrl) and then add it to the Firestore database. The problem is it's not updating to the firebase URL and the String fileUrl still has its initialized value. This is the way I use to add the file and add it to the Firestore database, I'm not sure how to fix it.
First I select a file:
String fileUrl = 'temp';
Future uploadFile() async {
if (file == null) return Container();
final fileName = basename(file!.path);
final destination = 'files/$fileName';
task = FirebaseApi.uploadFile(destination, file!);
if (task == null) return;
final shot = await task!.whenComplete(() {});
final urlDownload = await shot.ref.getDownloadURL();
print('Download-Link: $urlDownload'); // This prints out the correct url
setState(() {
fileUrl = urlDownload.toString();
Then I upload to firebase database :
void postToFirebase(school, String fileName) {
print('fileUrl') ; //But when i check it here it still prints out 'temp'
"attachmentUrl": fileUrl,
"attachment_name": fileName,
Then my Button (on pressed )
onPressed: () async {
postToFirebase(school, fileName);
Not sure how to fix it. Any help will be much appreciated, thank you

The fileUrl field was updated in uploadFile method in an async way. So you are not guaranteed the field will be updated before the following method is called, which is the postToFirebase.
If you want to make it work sequentially, you can use promise/future to tune the process. New a promise, and complete it in the setState callback, and thus make uploadFile method return a future depended on the completion of the promise in setState callback method. And then chain the postToFirebase with the former one using future's then API.
Code example here:
String fileUrl = "";
Future updateFile() {
Completer completer = Completer();
setState(() {
fileUrl = "new";
return completer.future;
void postToFireBase() {
// use the fileUrl updated here
void text() {
updateFile().then((value) => postToFireBase());


setState() called after dispose() error after calling async function

I have this button that uploads to Firestore a picture that the user selects and stores the picture url into a varialble to be used to update the user's information.
SELECTION BUTTON calls selectFile().
Future selectFile() async {
final result = await FilePicker.platform
.pickFiles(allowMultiple: false, type: FileType.image, withData: true);
if (result == null) return;
setState(() {
pickedFile = result.files.first;
texto = Text(pickedFile!.name);
This successfully changes the state of pickedFiles and Texto variable.
Then I have this other button later in the code that calls uploadFile() and then exits the page with navigator.pop(context).
Future uploadFile() async {
var fileBytes = pickedFile?.bytes;
var fileName = pickedFile?.name;
var ref = FirebaseStorage.instance.ref().child('UserImages/$fileName');
if (fileBytes == null) {
return '';
TaskSnapshot uploadedFile = await ref.putData(fileBytes);
url = await ref.getDownloadURL();
if (uploadedFile.state == TaskState.success) {
setState(() { <<<<<<<<--------- setState() called after dispose() ERROR HERE
_petImage = url;
The function does upload the picture to FireStore and even produces a link (tested by using log(url)) but when it reaches the set state it fails.
I have no idea why this is not updating the state of the _petImage variable which stored outside of the main build(context) together with the other variables suck as pickedFile and texto. the setState work fine in other functions but in this function is not working .
what could I be doing wrong here?
It is safe to check if the state is mounted on async and then perform setState.
_() async {
if (mounted) {
setState(() {});

Why is (list.length == otherList.length) showing false - Flutter

I have a List<File> imageFiles made up of files that a user selects and when they press submit, each of the files is uploaded to the collection in Firebase Storage. For each one, the downloadUrl is added to another list uploadedImages. I cannot upload the document to Firestore until all the downloadUrls are added to the uploadedImages list so I used an if statement if (imageFiles.length == uploadedImages.length) {<upload document>}. The problem is, in those lists are not the same length until the forEach block completes, and even then it doesn't return true. I confirmed that all the files are uploaded to Firebase Storage and printed the uploadedImages so I know they are eventually the same length but don't know how to make the if statement recognize that. Here is my current code:
List<String> uploadedUrls = [];
/// Uploads each file and adds its URL
imageFiles.forEach((file) async {
String fileName = '${UniqueKey()}_post.png';
TaskSnapshot uploadTask = await FirebaseStorage.instance
String url = await uploadTask.ref.getDownloadURL();
setState(() {
/// Uploads post if all files and URLs are added *NOT WORKING*
if (imageFiles.length == uploadedUrls.length) {
Post post =
Post(postId, uploadedUrls, user.uid, profile, location, Timestamp.now());
try {
.set(post.toJson()).then((value) {
setState(() {
_isLoading = false;
} on FirebaseAuthException {
setState(() {
_isLoading = false;
Because you are running an asynchronous function in forEach,it won’t wait until the task is completed. So you can either move the if condition inside the forEach’s callback below the setState or use a parent function as wrapper for both them, and it should await the first call
imageFiles.forEach((file) async {
String fileName = '${UniqueKey()}_post.png';
TaskSnapshot uploadTask = await FirebaseStorage.instance
String url = await uploadTask.ref.getDownloadURL();
setState(() {
if (imageFiles.length == uploadedUrls.length) {
or extract the forEach loop into a async function
void addDownloafUrls() asyn {
imageFiles.forEach((file) async { ... });
// And you can await this function
addDownloafUrls().then(() {
if (imageFiles.length == uploadedUrls.length) {...}

How make async api calls inside loop and complete loop with all data from api call. Due to async I'm losing that part of data

I'm reading json List from device memory and want to perform some operations on it's components.
When I load that list I start loop where I check each item of that list.
While in loop I add each item to new List to have updated List after loop ends so I could save it on device memory.
If some conditions are true then I use future async http call to get updated data
then theoretically I update that item of the List while staying inside loop. And thus after loop ends I must have updated Json List ready to be saved on device memory.
Problem is that While I http call inside loop, the answer delays, loop ends and new Json List is being constructed and saved on memory without the component that was supposed to be updated.
Is there any way to force wait the whole loop or something else ?
Here is the code
Future<void> readStoredData() async {
try {
final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
_rawJsonListE = prefs.getStringList('storedData');
List<String> rawJsonListNEW = [];
bool _isNeedUpdate = false;
_rawJsonListE!.forEach((item) async {
if (someCondition with item Data) {
_isNeedUpdate = true;
await makeHttpCallFutureAwaitFunction(item).then((_) {
} else {
if (_isNeedUpdate) prefs.setStringList('storedData', rawJsonListNEW);
} catch (error) {
print('Error : ${error}');
throw error;
You can separate the refreshing data part to another function.
// Just need to check _rawJsonListE is empty or not
_isNeedUpdate = _rawJsonListE.isNotEmpty();
Create a new function.
Future<List<String>> checkDataAndRefresh(List<String> _rawJsonListE) async {
List<String> rawJsonListNEW = [];
_rawJsonListE!.forEach((item) async {
if (someCondition with item Data) {
final String newString = await makeHttpCallFutureAwaitFunction(item);
} else {
return rawJsonListNEW;
And if _isNeedUpdate is true, do work.
if (_isNeedUpdate)
final List<String> newData = await checkDataAndRefresh(_rawJsonListE);
prefs.setStringList('storedData', newData);

read file returns null Flutter

I have a page that writes a color on file, called "colors.txt".Then the page is closed, when it will be opened again this file will be read and its content (String) printed on the screen.
This is the class that handles reads and writes :
class Pathfinder {
Future<String> get _localPath async {
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
return directory.path;
Future<File> get _localFile async {
final path = await _localPath;
return File('$path/colors.txt');
Future<File> writeColor(String color) async {
final file = await _localFile;
// Write the file
return file.writeAsString('$color');
Future<String> readColor() async {
try {
final file = await _localFile;
// Read the file
final contents = await file.readAsString();
return contents;
} catch (e) {
// If encountering an error, return 0
return "Error while reading colors";
Before page closure, the color has been saved with writeColor, we just need to read the file and print its content.
And this is how I read the color :
void initState() {
String colorRead;
() async {
pf = new Pathfinder();
colorRead = await pf.readColor();
print("Color in initState: " + colorRead.toString());
The problem is that colorRead is always null. I already tried .then() and .whenCompleted() but nothing changed.
So my doubt is :
Am I not waiting read operation in right way or the file, for some reasons, is deleted when page is closed?
I think that if file wouldn't exists then readColor should throw an error.
EDIT : How writeColor is called :
Color bannerColor;
//some code
await pf.writeColor(bannerColor.value.toRadixString(16));
void initState() {
String colorRead;
() async {
pf = new Pathfinder();
colorRead = await pf.readColor();
print("Color in initState: " + colorRead.toString()); /// << this will execute before the async code in the function is executed
It's null because of how async/await works. The print statement is going to be called before the anonymous async function finishes executing. If you print in inside the function you should see the color if everything else is working correctly.

Flutter- call function after function

I want to call function2 after function1 finished.
To do that I did like that.
this is function 1.
Future _uploadImages() async {
setState(() {isUploading = true;});
images.forEach((image) async {
await image.requestThumbnail(300, 300).then((_) async {
final int date = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
final String storageId = '$date$uid';
final StorageReference ref =
final file = image.thumbData.buffer.asUint8List();
StorageUploadTask uploadTask = ref.putData(file);
Uri downloadUrl = (await uploadTask.future).downloadUrl;
final String url = downloadUrl.toString();
this is function 2
Future _writeImageInfo() async {
await _uploadImages().then((_) async {
await Firestore.instance.collection('post').document(uid).setData({
'imageUrls': imageUrls,
}).then((_) {
But console says function2's imageUrls called when list length = 0 because it's called before function 1 finished.
I don't know why that function not called after function 1.
How can I make this right?
This happens because of your images.forEach. The .forEach doesn't work with async callback. Therefore it doesn't wait the end of each the foreach to continue the function.
In general, don't use .forEach in dart anyway. Dart did a great job on the for keyword directly.
So ultimately, you should do the following:
for (final image in images) {