How does Measure-Command invoke ScriptBlock in parent scope? - powershell

In the example below after Measure-Command variable x is updated, but in example with my own version of command x remains the same.
$x = 0
Measure-Command -Expression { $x++ } | Out-Null
$x # outputs 1
function Measure-Command2
. $Expression
$x = 0
Measure-Command2 -Expression { $x++ }
$x # outputs 0
Can I use the same magic in my own functions?

The most user-friendly solution is to define your function in a dynamic module, using New-Module:
$null = New-Module {
function Measure-Command2 {
. $Expression
$x = 0
Measure-Command2 -Expression { $x++ }
$x # outputs *1* now, as desired.
Modules run in their own scope domain aka session state that is separate from the caller's. Thus, unlike with non-module functions, no child scope of the caller's scope is created on invocation.
The script block passed as an argument, due to having been created as a literal ({ ... }) in the caller's scope, executes there, not in the function's.
Without a module, you'd need to dot-source the invocation of Measure-Command2 itself, given that functions and scripts run in a child scope by default:
function Measure-Command2 {
. $Expression
$x = 0
# Note the dot-sourcing
. Measure-Command2 -Expression { $x++ }
$x # outputs *1* now, as desired.


How does $_ get set in a ScriptBlock?

I'm looking to have a function in script where I can use a ScriptBlock passed in as either a predicate or with Where-Object.
I can write
cat .\.gitignore | Where-Object { $_.contains('pp') }
and this works; as does:
$f = { $_.contains('pp') }; cat .gitignore | Where-Object $f
however trying
$f.Invoke( 'apple' )
results in
MethodInvocationException: Exception calling "Invoke" with "1" argument(s): "You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
Whereas I expected True. So clearly $_ wasn't set.
$ff = { echo "args: $args`nauto: $_" }; $ff.Invoke( 'apple' )
args: apple
So $_ is clearly not getting set.
'apple' | %{ $_.contains('pp') }
Works, but I want the scriptblock to be a variable and
$f = { $_.contains('pp') }; 'apple' | %$f
Is a compile error.
tl;dr: So how do I set/pass the value of $_ inside a scriptblock I am invoking?
Note, this answer only covers how does $_ gets populated in the context of a process block of a script block. Other use cases can be found in the about_PSItem documentation.
In the context of a process block of a Script Block, the $_ ($PSItem) variable is automatically populated and represents each element coming from the pipeline, i.e.:
$f = { process { $_.contains('pp') }}
'apple' | & $f # True
You can however achieve the same using InvokeWithContext method from the ScriptBlock Class:
$f = { $_.contains('pp') }
$f.InvokeWithContext($null, [psvariable]::new('_', 'apple')) # True
Do note, this method always returns Collection`1. Output is not enumerated.
Worth noting as zett42 points out, the scoping rules of script blocks invoked via it's methods or via the call operator & still apply.
Script Blocks are able to see parent scope variables (does not include Remoting):
$foo = 'hello'
{ $foo }.Invoke() # hello
But are not able to update them:
$foo = 'hello'
{ $foo = 'world' }.Invoke()
$foo # hello
Unless using a scope a modifier (applies only to Value Types):
$foo = 'hello'
{ $script:foo = 'world' }.Invoke()
$foo # world
Or via the dot sourcing operator .:
$foo = 'hello'
. { $foo = 'world' }
$foo # world
# still applies with pipelines!
$foo = 'hello'
'world' | . { process { $foo = $_ }}
$foo # world
See about Scopes for more details.
Using the .Invoke() method (and its variants, .InvokeReturnAsIs() and .InvokeWithContext()) to execute a script block in PowerShell code is best avoided, because it changes the semantics of the call in several respects - see this answer for more information.
While the PowerShell-idiomatic equivalent is &, the call operator, it is not enough here, given that you want want the automatic $_ variable to be defined in your script block.
The easiest way to define $_ based on input is indeed ForEach-Object (one of whose built-in aliases is %):
$f = { $_.contains('pp') }
ForEach-Object -Process $f -InputObject 'apple' # -> $true
Note, however, that -InputObject only works meaningfully for a single input object (though you may pass an array / collection in which case $_ then refers to it as a whole); to provide multiple ones, use the pipeline:
'apple', 'pear' | ForEach-Object $f # $true, $false
# Equivalent, with alias
'apple', 'pear' | % $f
If, by contrast, your intent is simply for your script block to accept arguments, you don't need $_ at all and can simply make your script either formally declare parameter(s) or use the automatic $args variable which contains all (unbound) positional arguments:
# With $args: $args[0] is the first positional argument.
$f = { $args[0].contains('pp') }
& $f 'apple'
# With declared parameter.
$f = { param([string] $fruit) $fruit.contains('pp') }
& $f 'apple'
For more information about the parameter-declaration syntax, see the conceptual about_Functions help topic (script blocks are basically unnamed functions, and only the param(...) declaration style can be used in script blocks).
I got it to work by wrapping $f in () like
$f = { $_.contains('pp') }; 'apple' | %($f)
...or (thanks to #zett42) by placing a space between the % and $ like
$f = { $_.contains('pp') }; 'apple' | % $f
Can even pass in the value from a variable
$f = { $_.contains('pp') }; $a = 'apple'; $a | %($f)
Or use it inside an If-statement
$f = { $_.contains('pp') }; $a = 'apple'; If ( $a | %($f) ){ echo 'yes' }
So it appears that $_ is only set by having things 'piped' (aka \) into it? But why this is and how it works, and if this can be done through .invoke() is unknown to me. If anyone can explain this please do.
From What does $_ mean in PowerShell? and the related documentation, it seems like $PSItem is indeed a better name since it isn't like Perl's $_

Get-Variable defined in a scriptblock from a psm function

I have the following piece of code:
$x = 'xyz'
& {
$y = 'abc'
The foo function is defined in the foo.psm1 module which is imported before the script block is started.
Inside the foo function, I call Get-Variable which shows me x but it doesn't show y. I tried playing with the -Scope parameter: Local, Script, Global, 0 - which is the local scope from what I understood from the docs, 1 - which is the parent scope.
How could I get the y variable inside the foo function?
I'm not looking for a solution such as passing it as an argument. I want something as Get-Variable but sadly it doesn't see it for some reason.
Based on the comments received, probably more context is needed.
Say that foo receives a ScriptBlock which is using the $using: syntax.
$x = 'xyz'
& {
$y = 'abc'
foo -ScriptBlock {
Write-Host $using:x
Write-Host $using:y
I'm 'mining' these variables as follows:
$usingAsts = $ScriptBlock.Ast.FindAll( { param($ast) $ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.UsingExpressionAst] }, $true) | ForEach-Object { $_ -as [System.Management.Automation.Language.UsingExpressionAst] }
foreach ($usingAst in $usingAsts) {
$varAst = $usingAst.SubExpression -as [System.Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAst]
$var = Get-Variable -Name $varAst.VariablePath.UserPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
This is how I'm using Get-Variable and in the case presented above, y cannot be found.
Modules run in their own scope domain (aka session state), which means they generally do not see the caller's variables - unless (a module-external) caller runs directly in the global scope.
For an overview of scopes in PowerShell, see the bottom section of this answer.
However, assuming that you define the function in your module as an advanced one, there is a way to access the caller's state, namely via the automatic $PSCmdlet variable.
Here's a simplified example, using a dynamic module created via the New-Module cmdlet:
# Create a dynamic module that defines function 'foo'
$null = New-Module {
function foo {
# Make the function and advanced (cmdlet-like) one, via
# [CmdletBinding()].
[CmdletBinding()] param()
# Access the value of variable $bar in the
# (module-external) caller's scope.
# To get the variable *object*, use:
# $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get('bar')
& {
$bar = 'abc'
The above outputs verbatim abc, as desired.

Delay-bind script block does not work when function is exported from module

I have following function:
function PipeScript {
[Object] $InputObject,
[Object] $ScriptBlock
process {
$value = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
Write-Host "Script: $value"
When I define this function directly in script and pipe input into it I get following result which is expected:
#{ Name = 'Test' } | PipeScript -ScriptBlock { $_.Name }
# Outputs: "Script: Test"
But when I define this function inside module and export it with Export-ModuleMember -Function PipeScript then pipeline variable $_ inside script block is always null:
Import-Module PipeModule
#{ Name = 'Test' } | PipeScript -ScriptBlock { $_.Name }
# Outputs: "Script: "
Full repro is available at:
Can someone explain this behaviour?
Tip of the hat to PetSerAl for all his help.
Here's a simple solution, but note that it runs the script block directly in the caller's scope, i.e. it effectively "dot-sources", which allows modification of the caller's variables.
By contrast, your use of Invoke-Command runs the script block in a child scope of the caller's scope - if that is truly the intent, see the variant solution below.
"Dot-sourcing" the script block is also what standard cmdlets such as Where-Object and ForEach-Object do.
# Define the function in an (in-memory) module.
# An in-memory module is automatically imported.
$null = New-Module {
function PipeScript {
[Object] $InputObject
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
process {
# Use ForEach-Object to create the automatic $_ variable
# in the script block's origin scope.
$value = ForEach-Object -Process $ScriptBlock -InputObject $InputObject
# Output the value
"Script: $value"
# Test the function:
$var = 42; #{ Name = 'Test' } | PipeScript -ScriptBlock { $_.Name; ++$var }
$var # -> 43 - the script block ran in the caller's scope.
The above outputs string Script: Test and 43 afterwards, proving that the input object was seen as $_ and that dot-sourcing worked ($var was successfully incremented in the caller's scope).
Here's a variant, via the PowerShell SDK, that runs the script block in a child scope of the caller's scope.
This can be helpful if you don't want the execution of the script block to accidentally modify the caller's variables.
It is the same behavior you get with the engine-level delay-bind script-block and calculated-property features - though it's unclear whether that behavior was chosen intentionally.
$null = New-Module {
function PipeScript {
[Object] $InputObject
[scriptblock] $ScriptBlock
process {
# Use ScriptBlock.InvokeContext() to inject a $_ variable
# into the child scope that the script block runs in:
# Creating a custom version of what is normally an *automatic* variable
# seems hacky, but the docs do state:
# "The list of variables may include the special variables
# $input, $_ and $this." - see
$value = $ScriptBlock.InvokeWithContext(
$null, # extra functions to define (none here)
[psvariable]::new('_', $InputObject) # actual parameter type is List<PSVariable>
# Output the value
"Script: $value"
# Test the function:
$var = 42
#{ Name = 'Test' } | PipeScript -ScriptBlock { $_.Name; ++$var }
$var # -> 42 - unaltered, because the script block ran in a child scope.
The above outputs string Script: Test, followed by 42, proving that the script block saw the input object as $_ and that variable $var - although seen in the script block, was not modified, due to running in a child scope.
The ScriptBlock.InvokeWithContext() method is documented here.
As for why your attempt didn't work:
Generally, script blocks are bound to the scope and scope domain in which they are created (except if they're created expressly as unbound script blocks, with [scriptblock]::Create('...')).
A scope outside of a module is part of the default scope domain. Every module has its own scope domain, and except for the global scope, which all scopes across all scope domains see, scopes in different scope domains do not see one another.
Your script block is created in the default scope domain, and when the module-defined function invokes it, the $_ is looked for in the scope of origin, i.e., in the (non-module) caller scope, where it isn't defined, because the automatic $_ variable is created by PowerShell on demand in the local scope, which is in the enclosing module's scope domain.
By using .InvokeWithContext(), the script block runs in a child scope of the caller's scope (as would be the case with .Invoke() and Invoke-Command by default), into which the above code injects a custom $_ variable so that the script block can reference it.
Providing better SDK support for these scenarios is being discussed in GitHub issue #3581.

PowerShell: Invoking a script block that contains underscore variable

I normally do the following to invoke a script block containing $_:
$scriptBlock = { $_ <# do something with $_ here #> }
$theArg | ForEach-Object $scriptBlock
In effect, I am creating a pipeline which will give $_ its value (within the Foreach-Object function invocation).
However, when looking at the source code of the LINQ module, it defines and uses the following function to invoke the delegate:
# It is actually surprisingly difficult to write a function (in a module)
# that uses $_ in scriptblocks that it takes as parameters. This is a strange
# issue with scoping that seems to only matter when the function is a part
# of a module which has an isolated scope.
# In the case of this code:
# 1..10 | Add-Ten { $_ + 10 }
# ... the function Add-Ten must jump through hoops in order to invoke the
# supplied scriptblock in such a way that $_ represents the current item
# in the pipeline.
# Which brings me to Invoke-ScriptBlock.
# This function takes a ScriptBlock as a parameter, and an object that will
# be supplied to the $_ variable. Since the $_ may already be defined in
# this scope, we need to store the old value, and restore it when we are done.
# Unfortunately this can only be done (to my knowledge) by hitting the
# internal api's with reflection. Not only is this an issue for performance,
# it is also fragile. Fortunately this appears to still work in PowerShell
# version 2 through 3 beta.
function Invoke-ScriptBlock {
param (
begin {
# equivalent to calling $ScriptBlock.SessionState property:
$SessionStateProperty = [ScriptBlock].GetProperty('SessionState',([System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'NonPublic,Instance'))
$SessionState = $SessionStateProperty.GetValue($ScriptBlock, $null)
process {
$NewUnderBar = $InputObject
$OldUnderBar = $SessionState.PSVariable.GetValue('_')
try {
$SessionState.PSVariable.Set('_', $NewUnderBar)
$SessionState.InvokeCommand.InvokeScript($SessionState, $ScriptBlock, #())
finally {
$SessionState.PSVariable.Set('_', $OldUnderBar)
This strikes me as a bit low-level. Is there a recommended, safe way of doing this?
You can invoke scriptblocks with the ampersand. No need to use Foreach-Object.
$scriptblock = {## whatever}
& $scriptblock
#(1,2,3) | % { & {write-host $_}}
To pass parameters:
$scriptblock = {write-host $args[0]}
& $scriptblock 'test'
$scriptBlock = {param($NamedParam) write-host $NamedParam}
& $scriptBlock -NamedParam 'test'
If you're going to be using this inside of Invoke-Command, you could also usin the $using construct.
$test = 'test'
$scriptblock = {write-host $using:test}

Powershell function creation with Set-Item and GetNewClosure

I am attempting to build a function that can itself create functions through the Set-Item command where I pass a scriptblock for the new function to the -Value parameter of Set-Item. I'm running into an issue where using GetNewClosure on the scriptblock doesn't seem to be working and I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.
In the code below, first I'm creating a function manually (testFunc) which works as intended, in that setting $x to 2 after the function creation will not cause the function to return 2; instead it returns 1 because that was the value of $x at the time the function was created. But when I try to do the same through the make-function function, the behavior changes.
I'm sure I'm overlooking something small.
> $x = 1
> $block = {$x}.GetNewClosure()
> Set-Item function:global:testFunc -Value $block
> testFunc
> $x = 2
> testFunc
1 # still 1 because of GetNewClosure - this is expected behavior
> $x = 1
> function make-function { $block2 = {$x}.GetNewClosure()
Set-Item function:global:testFunc2 -Value $block2
> make-function
> testFunc2
> $x = 2
> testFunc2
2 # Why is it not returning 1 in this case?
The clue is in the MSDN docs but it is subtle:
Any local variables that are in the context of the caller are copied
into the module.
GetNewClosure() appears to capture "only" local variables i.e those from the caller's current scope. So try this:
function Make-Function {
$x = $global:x
$function:global:testFunc2 = {$x}.GetNewClosure()
BTW you can see what variables are captured by GetNewClosure() into the newly created dynamic module by executing:
$m = (Get-Command testFunc2).Module
& $m Get-Variable -Scope 0