how to scroll pdf in tabview with nestedScrollview - flutter - flutter

i use nestedScrollView with tabbar but it is having problem scrolling with pdf, it can't scroll the full view of pdf


Expand a sliver on top of the other slivers in the scroll view

I have a CustomScrollView with several slivers and a floating sliver app bar at the top. I'd like to be able to tap the app bar and have it expand vertically over the slivers below. Currently expanding the panel pushes the subsequent slivers down instead of expanding over them.

Flutter NestedScrollView how to disabled scroll header when scroll body

How to make a NestedScrollView so that until the ListView (located in the body) scrolls up to the end, the headerSliverBuilder does not start displaying.

flutter NestedScrollView with Pageview in the body not working as expected

I created a screen with nestedscrollview that consist of a sliverappbar to hide when scroll and body with pageview. but when i switching between pages with swipes the scroll is not behaving as expected. the sliver app bar not expanding when swiping forward and its working fine when swiping backward to previous pages in pageview. Is there any way to force scroll from top on every page view?

Flutter prevent TextField nestedscrollview

How to prevent Textfield scrolling when text is longer then screen height the problem is that I have CustomScrollView inside of it horizontal ListView and textfield and I want that when you scroll text inside textfield it would scroll with ListView now it scrolls just text and leaves ListView pinned to the place, but if you scroll while tapping outside textfield it works as expected.
Seems that nested scrollview would solve such problem but no idea how to implement it with two child widgets
You can use a NestedScrollView and a controller and then ListView will work.

Content behind SliverAppBar

I use a CustomScrollView and for children I have SliverAppBar and SliverList. So right now list is being rendered after app bar but my app bar is transparent and I would like list to be rendered under app bar (basically ignoring AppBar). Is it possible to do?