How to simulate a movement in my HMI (TP700 Comfort) - siemens

Hello I'm new here so sorry about that. I have a project where I have to write a program for a car wash with Siemens TIA V16. I want to visually simulate this program with my HMI (TP700 Comfort). Whats the best way to convert my vars so that i can simulate it. The blue bar is my door, the white one is for my washing system and the grey for my fan. I want them to move like the would physically.Simulation of the car wash

In your PLC, create tags to define the dynamic position of the objects:
In the HMI, add Movement animations to objects as required. For Tag Name, specify the tags you created above:
I do not discuss here how to add PLC tags to the HMI. But you can in fact browse to the PLC tag in the Tag Name field, and the software will do the rest for you.


How to make a sprite display a variable

I am making a Undertale-Based game on Scratch, and I am trying to make a health counter that shows how much health you have. I could always make the variable viewable but I want it to fit in with the game and not stick out like a sore thumb. I've seen other games like Candy Clicker do this but I don't know how they make the sprite display the variable. Does anybody know how?
To do a sprite counter similar to Candy Clicker, you would need to use clones. You need to create a sprite with costumes for 0-9 numbers. Then you would need to have that sprite clone itself for however many digits you want to display, let's say 3, and then set its costume to the letter number of the variable that the clone's digit corresponds to. I'm not great at explaining stuff like this, so that might have seemed a bit complicated, so the short version is you need to create sprites that display the digits from costumes. I have created a demo at with comments in the code.
Just put the variable in a "Say Block" and put that in a "Forever Loop".

Dynamically generate interface using ScriptableObjects

Hello fellas!
Currently working on an AR application, I am learning and playing around with the ScriptableObjects.
With a little to no programming background (less than an effective year), I am struggling a little bit on some parts.
I am trying to create a frame, for a "home-made" video player, with interactive elements (aka buttons).
So far, both the sprites and external links for theses buttons (social media, shops, websites) are stored inside ScriptableObjects (same goes for the frame's sprite, and the video player related elements, such as the renderTexture or the videoClip).
I would like to go further, by creating a prefab letting me choose the number of buttons and their positioning.
For example, let say I have to create 2 different video players :
VideoPlayer_A the player and the frame, and 3 buttons (facebook, twitter and website)
VideoPlayer_B the player and the frame, and 2 buttons (facebook and website)
How can I achieve this, considering that the buttons (either be it 1, 2 or 4 -maximum-) must hold and have equal space on top of the frame (see screenshot bellow).
The final goal is to have a very modular system, creating frames according to the data I have.
As a final note, I am not asking for the "already made" solution, but more for the path to achieve what I am looking to. As I am still learning, I am looking for hints, "ways to do" but not directly the solution.
Thanks, by advance ;)

Unity application to simulate a foveal field of view - but how?

For research purposes, I would like to create a Unity VR 3D application that (more or less) simulates the foveal field of view of a person. This means, in particular, I would like to render the whole environment of the application in the full field of view, but certain objects of interest I only want to render in the foveal area.
For the purpose of explaining the problem, I created a simple 2D picture. Please assume it's 3D. In the picture, the green area is the peripheral field of view, and the yellow area is the foveal field of view. The whole environment, like walls, sky, etc., should get rendered in the green and in the yellow area. Particular objects of interests, here the flowers, however, should only get rendered only in the yellow area and - importand - these objects should get cut off when reaching the green area. With this approach, I want to force people moving their head instead of just moving the eyes.
Any idea how to achieve this? Is it possible to use a kind of mask or filter? Or do I need a stencil shader? I looked around but could not find the correct approach.

know object behind another object is fully visible

I have developed scratch card effect.I am stuck at logic of how can I know object got visible which is behind the scratch card image? So that I can show reward screen.
PS: with modifications in this link I able to work this scratch card effect in uGUI.
There are many ways you could go about this. Assuming you know the dimensions of the red "target image" that the user is trying to uncover, you could take a fixed number of samples from the area that the target is under. Once, say, 80% of those samples are transparent (i.e. the target is visible at those positions), you can consider the object visible and show the reward screen.
You can use GetPixel to get the individual samples from the scratch texture.

How to access Face Manipulation Mode?

I am fairly new to Blender and I am trying to join objects together on blender for a simulation. I have researched for an answer, and have found one source which seemed to work best with what I was trying to do. I have been using the answer given on this question. I have switched to object mode, selected the objects, and pressed Ctrl+J to join the objects. I am then supposed to enter Edit Mode, and then Face Manipulation Mode. I do not know how to access Face Manipulation Mode, or Vertex Manipulation Mode, and cannot find any online resource to show me how to access it. Does someone know what hot keys I can press/ tabs I can open to get to this?
Use the tab key to switch between object mode and edit mode.
"Face manipulation" mode is not really a thing, just select a face (RMB while in edit mode) and manipulate it just like anything else. Make sure that the face selection is enabled (three little buttons on the horizontal bar below the 3d view let you modify the selection possibilities to vertex, edges, and/or faces. (They look like icons with selected those-things on them, respectively)