How to define a function-local constant in Common Lisp? - constants

I have a function like this:
(defun lookup-data (index-key)
(let* ((key-table '("key0" "key1" "key2" ...))
(index (position index-key key-table :test #'string-equal))
; do stuff with index, among other things
The key table (really just a list of strings, but it's being used as a lookup table to map a string to an index number) is a literal value known at read time. I was thinking perhaps it should be made a defparameter or defconstant, but it's not used anywhere outside this one function. I assume the fact that it's a literal means that most compilers can do constant-based optimization on it as-is, but is there something else I should do to mark it as a constant? What are the options here?

Your code is fine.
key-table is a constant, it will be created once, when the function is compiled.
PS. You can also use #. to create more complicated constants that require code:
(defun ... (...)
(let ((unit #.(let ((u (make-array '(10000 10000) :element-type 'double-float
:initial-element 0)))
(dolist (i 10000 unit)
(setf (aref u i i) 1))))
here the unit matrix unit is created at read time and is a constant (well, you can modify it, but...).


Common Lisp setf expansions for functions which access bits of integers

I am writing a program in Common Lisp which needs to store a bunch of status bits for a very large number of entries in an array (the whole program is pretty much fortran-in-lisp) and the status bits are encoded as bits in a fixnum sitting in this array. The accessors for these status bits are actually going to be defined by a macro so I don't have to care about allocating the bits, but a sample reader function might be
(defun deadp (e)
(logbitp 0 e))
(In real life this will be inlined and cluttered with declarations to try and make sure it's quick but those don't matter here I think.)
I need these things to be functions because I want to be able to map them, but also because the using-a-macro-to-inline-a-function thing makes me feel bad.
Then I'll be using this as something like this:
(defconstant status-index 3)
(dotimes (i nentries)
(unless (deadp (aref entries i status-index))
(In real life (aref entries i status-index) will be (status entries i), which in turn is going to need a setf method but I think that's easy.)
(loop for i below nentries
counting (if (deadp entries i status-index) 1 0))
And of course there will be other similar single-bit flags which will have different bits associated with them.
So, now I want to be able to do this:
(dotimes (i nentries)
(when ...
(setf (deadp (aref entries i status-index) t)))
which should turn into code equivalent to
(dotimes (i nentries)
(when ...
(setf (ldb (byte 1 0) (aref entries i status-index)) 1)
And also this:
(let ((status 0))
(when ...
(setf (deadp status) t))
which should turn into code equivalent to this:
(let ((status 0))
(when ...
(setf (ldb (byte 1 0) status) 1)
In other words I want my deadp function to be an accessor and for setf on it to work in a general way for it: (setf (deadp (cdr x)) nil) should work, etc.
So this has dropped me into bits of CL that I've avoided for a long time: defining setf expanders. Pretty obviously just defining a (setf deadp) function won't work because numbers are immutable, and I'm fairly sure that defsetf is not powerful enough, so I need define-setf-expander, which I don't understand.
Can someone explain how I need to do this? I think the particular deadp function is not critical, although all the functions I care about will look like variants of it.
An alternative answer would be 'that's a braindead approach, instead do ...', and I'm open to those. I have considered writing code which abstracts the array away, so instead of (deadp (aref ...)) I'd write (deadp people ...) where people is the array of people. This would be fine, and it's easy to see how to make that setfable, except I also want to be able to say (deadp status) where status is just a fixnum. But perhaps there is some better approach.
According to the SBCL documentation for GET-SETF-EXPANSION, a setf expander must:
"Return five values needed by the SETF machinery: a list of temporary
variables, a list of values with which to fill them, a list of temporaries
for the new values, the setting function, and the accessing function."
The setting function and accessing function are actually just the forms that set and access the value at the place, not function objects.
Try this:
(define-setf-expander deadp (place)
(let ((new (gensym)))
(values nil nil (list new)
`(progn (setf (ldb (byte 1 0) ,place) (if ,new 1 0))
`(deadp ,place))))
Sample expansion:
(let ((status 1))
(setf (deadp status) t))
(let ((status 1))
(LET* ((#:G605 T))
(IF #:G605

function (OccurencesOfPrimes < list >) which counts the number of primes in a (possibly nested) list

I am working on problem to get the occurence of Prime in a list in lisp.
Write a function (OccurencesOfPrimes < list >) which counts the number of primes in a (possibly nested) list.
Output: Example: (OccurencesOfPrimes (((1)(2))(5)(3)((8)3)) returns 4.
I am using the below code but getting the error like:
defun OccurencesOfPrimes (list)
(loop for i from 2 to 100
do ( setq isPrime t)
(loop for j from 2 to i
never (zerop (mod i j))
(setq isPrime f)
(if (setq isPrime t)
(append list i)
LOOP: illegal syntax near (SETQ ISPRIME F) in
Any help.
It is important to keep the format consistent with the expected conventions of the language. It helps when reading the code (in particular with other programmers), and can help you see errors.
Also, you should use an editor which, at the minimum, keep tracks of parentheses. In Emacs, when you put the cursor in the first opening parenthesis, the matching parenthesis is highlighted. You can spot that you have one additional parenthesis that serves no purpose.
defun OccurencesOfPrimes (list)
(loop for i from 2 to 100
do ( setq isPrime t)
(loop for j from 2 to i
never (zerop (mod i j))
(setq isPrime f)
(if (setq isPrime t)
(append list i)
) ;; <- end of defun
) ;; <- closes nothing
In Lisp, parentheses are for the computer, whereas indentation is for humans. Tools can automatically indent the code according to the structure (the parenthesis), and any discrepancy between what indentation you expect and the one being computed is a hint that your code is badly formed. If you look at the indentation of your expressions, you can see how deep you are in the form, and that alone helps you understand the code.
Symbol names are dash-separated, not camlCased.
Your code, with remarks:
(defun occurences-of-primes (list)
;; You argument is likely to be a LIST, given its name and the way
;; you call APPEND below. But you never iterate over the list. This
;; is suspicious.
for i from 2 to 100
(setq is-prime t) ;; setting an undeclared variable
for j from 2 to i
never (zerop (mod i j))
;; the following two forms are not expected here according
;; to LOOP's grammar; setting IS-PRIME to F, but F is not
;; an existing variable. If you want to set to false, use
;; NIL instead.
(setq is-prime f)
;; BREAK enters the debugger, maybe you wanted to use
;; LOOP-FINISH instead, but the NEVER clause above should
;; already be enough to exit the loop as soon as its
;; sub-expression evaluates to NIL.
;; The return value of (SETQ X V) is V, so here your test would
;; always succeed.
(if (setq is-prime t)
;; Append RETURNS a new list, without modifying its
;; arguments. In particular, LIST is not modified. Note that "I"
;; is unknown at this point, because the bindings effective
;; inside the LOOP are not visible in this scope. Besides, "I"
;; is a number, not a list.
(append list i)))
Original question
Write one function which counts all the occurrences of a prime number in a (possibly nested) list.
Even though the homework questions says "write one function", it does not say that you should write one big function that compute everything at once. You could write one such big function, but if you split your problem into sub-problems, you will end with different auxiliary functions, which:
are simpler to understand (they do one thing)
can be reused to build other functions
The sub-problems are, for example: how to determine if a number is a prime? how to iterate over a tree (a.k.a. a possibly nested list)? how to count
the occurrences?
The basic idea is to write an "is-prime" function, iterate over the tree and call "is-prime" on each element; if the element is prime and was never seen before, add 1 to a counter, local to your function.
You can also flatten the input tree, to obtain a list, then sort the resulting
list; you iterate over the list while keeping track of the last
value seen: if the value is the same as the previous one, you
already know if the number is prime; if the previous number differs, then
you have to test if the number is prime first.
You could also abstract things a little more, and define a higher-order tree-walker function, which calls a function on each leaf of the tree. And write another higher-order function which "memoizes" calls: it wraps around a
function F so that if you call F with the same arguments as before,
it returns the result that was stored instead of recomputing it.
I'll combine the above ideas because if you give that answer to a teacher you are likely to have to carefully explain what each part does (and if you can, great for you); this is not necessarily the "best" answer, but it covers a lot of things.
(defun tree-walk-leaves (tree function)
(typecase tree
(null nil)
(tree-walk-leaves (car tree) function)
(tree-walk-leaves (cdr tree) function))
(t (funcall function tree))))
(defun flatten (tree &optional keep-order-p)
(let ((flat nil))
(tree-walk-leaves tree (lambda (leaf) (push leaf flat)))
(if keep-order-p
(nreverse flat)
(defun prime-p (n)
(or (= n 2)
(and (> n 2)
(oddp n)
for d from 3 upto (isqrt n) by 2
never (zerop (mod n d))))))
(defun count-occurences-of-prime (tree)
(count-if #'prime-p (remove-duplicates (flatten tree))))
(count-occurences-of-prime '(((1)(2))(5)(3)((8)3)))
=> 4
If, instead, you don't want to remove duplicates but count the multiple times a prime number occurs, you can do:
(count-if (memoize #'prime-p) (flatten tree))
... where memoize is:
(defun memoize (function &key (test #'equalp) (key #'identity))
(let ((hash (make-hash-table :test test)))
(lambda (&rest args)
(let ((args (funcall key args)))
(multiple-value-bind (result exists-p) (gethash args hash)
(if exists-p
(setf (gethash args hash)
(multiple-value-list (apply function args))))))))))
(memoize is useless if there are no duplicates)

About generalized variable in onlisp

I am not sure what is going on here, a macro example in the text.
Basically, not comfortable with how to use get-setf-method, a built-in macro (maybe function?).
To be specific, how about the case that some of the return values of get-setf-method are nil?
(get-setf-method 'x)
(#:NEW-3069) ;
(SETQ X #:NEW-3069) ;
And why this example code set the fifth return value to the second return value first, for initialization?
Finally how it can handle the order of setting the variables in an expression, such as (aref ar (incf i)
(get-setf-method '(aref ar (incf i)))
(#:G3070 #:G3071) ;
(AR (INCF I)) ;
(#:G3072) ;
(SYSTEM::STORE #:G3070 #:G3071 #:G3072) ;
(AREF #:G3070 #:G3071)
Here is the definition of the macro :
(defmacro sortf (op &rest places)
(let* ((meths (mapcar #'(lambda (p)
(get-setf-method p)))
(temps (apply #'append (mapcar #'third meths))))
`(let* ,(mapcar #'list
(mapcan #'(lambda (m)
(append (first m)
(third m)))
(mapcan #'(lambda (m)
(append (second m)
(list (fifth m))))
,#(mapcon #'(lambda (rest)
#'(lambda (arg)
`(unless (,op ,(car rest) ,arg)
(rotatef ,(car rest) ,arg)))
(cdr rest)))
,#(mapcar #'fourth meths))))
That's actually some older code. get-setf-method was actually replaced by get-setf-expansion as described in Issue SETF-METHOD-VS-SETF-METHOD Writeup. So what you should be interested in these days is get-setf-expansion. The values that it returns are the pieces of code that you need to safely store a value in a location. This is very important because it's very easy to write modyfing macros incorrectly.
As to why some of the values can be nil, one of the examples in the documentation for get-setf-expansion actually shows how some of the values can be nil:
(get-setf-expansion 'x)
;=> NIL, NIL, (#:G0001), (SETQ X #:G0001), X
But what are those values? For that we need to look at the syntax of the documentation:
get-setf-expansion place &optional environment
&Rightarrow; vars, vals, store-vars, writer-form, reader-form
Arguments and Values:
place—a place.
environment—an environment object.
vars, vals, store-vars, writer-form, reader-form—a setf expansion.
Those five return values are described in Setf Expansions:
List of temporary variables a list of symbols naming temporary variables to be bound sequentially, as if by let*, to values resulting
from value forms.
List of value forms a list of forms (typically, subforms of the place) which when evaluated yield the values to which the
corresponding temporary variables should be bound.
List of store variables a list of symbols naming temporary store variables which are to hold the new values that will be assigned to
the place.
Storing form a form which can reference both the temporary and the store variables, and which changes the value of the place and
guarantees to return as its values the values of the store variables,
which are the correct values for setf to return.
Accessing form a form which can reference the temporary variables, and which returns the value of the place.
So what do those values in the example mean?
(get-setf-expansion 'x)
;⇒ NIL, NIL, (#:G0001), (SETQ X #:G0001), X
To write to variable x, we don't need any temporary storage, and since there are no temporary values, we don't need any forms to produce values for them. We can notice here that the first and second values are always lists, and they should always have the same length. The third value is a list of store variables. This is a list, because we can actually use setf to modify multiple values, but in this case there's just one. The variables here are where the macro should actually store the new values for the place. Then, it's the writer-form (setq x #:g0001) that will actually take care of putting the value in the place. x, of course, is a simple way of reading the value.
As a more complex example, have a look at this transcript from SBCL:
CL-USER> (defstruct person
CL-USER> (get-setf-expansion '(char (person-name (first (second list-of-list-of-persons))) 3))
; (#:TMP965)
; (#:NEW964)
; (SB-KERNEL:%CHARSET #:TMP965 3 #:NEW964)
; (CHAR #:TMP965 3)
This means that if we wanted to change the fourth character of the name of the first person in the second list of persons in a list of lists of persons, we could do it with:
(let* ((temp965 (person-name (first (second list-of-list-of-persons))))
(old-char (char tmp965 3))) ; optional
(setq new964 <compute-new-value>)
(sb-kernel:%charset tmp965 3 new964))
We can compute the new value however we want (just fill in for <compute-new-value>), and we can even reference the old value if we want to (by including the optional line). All we need to do is set new964 to the new value, and then execute the writer-form that was given to us.
There are more examples of get-setf-expansion on Stack Overflow:
what is to append as push is to cons, in Lisp?
Writing a destructive macro or function like incf?
Writing a ++ macro in Common Lisp
How could I implement the push macro?

Call several functions with the same value

I have various functions and I want to call each function with the same value. For instance,
I have these functions:
(defun OP1 (arg) ( + 1 arg) )
(defun OP2 (arg) ( + 2 arg) )
(defun OP3 (arg) ( + 3 arg) )
And a list containing the name of each function:
(defconstant *OPERATORS* '(OP1 OP2 OP3))
So far, I'm trying:
(defun TEST (argument) (dolist (n *OPERATORS*) (n argument) ) )
I've tried using eval, mapcar, and apply, but these haven't worked.
This is just a simplified example; the program that I'm writing has eight functions that are needed to expand nodes in a search tree, but for the moment, this example should suffice.
Other answers have provided some idiomatic solutions with mapcar. One pointed out that you might want a list of functions (which *operators* isn't) instead of a list of symbols (which *operators* is), but it's OK in Common Lisp to funcall a symbol. It's probably more common to use some kind of mapping construction (e.g., mapcar) for this, but since you've provided code using dolist, I think it's worth looking at how you can do this iteratively, too. Let's cover the (probably more idiomatic) solution with mapping first, though.
You have a fixed argument, argument, and you want to be able to take a function function and call it with that `argument. We can abstract this as a function:
(lambda (function)
(funcall function argument))
Now, we want to call this function with each of the operations that you've defined. This is simple to do with mapcar:
(defun test (argument)
(mapcar (lambda (function)
(funcall function argument))
Instead of operators, you could also write '(op1 op2 op3) or (list 'op1 'op2 'op3), which are lists of symbols, or (list #'op1 #'op2 #'op3) which is a list of functions. All of these work because funcall takes a function designator as its first argument, and a function designator is
an object that denotes a function and that is one of: a symbol (denoting the function named by that symbol in the global environment), or a function (denoting itself).
You can do this using dolist. The [documentation for actually shows that dolist has a few more tricks up its sleeve. The full syntax is from the documentation
dolist (var list-form [result-form]) declaration* {tag | statement}*
We don't need to worry about declarations here, and we won't be using any tags, but notice that optional result-form. You can specify a form to produce the value that dolist returns; you don't have to accept its default nil. The common idiom for collecting values into a list in an iterative loop is to push each value into a new list, and then return the reverse of that list. Since the new list doesn't share structure with anything else, we usually reverse it destructively using nreverse. Your loop would become
(defun test (argument)
(let ((results '()))
(dolist (op *operators* (nreverse results))
(push (funcall op argument) results))))
Stylistically, I don't like that let that just introduces a single value, and would probably use an &aux variable in the function (but this is a matter of taste, not correctness):
(defun test (argument &aux (results '()))
(dolist (op *operators* (nreverse results))
(push (funcall op argument) results)))
You could also conveniently use loop for this:
(defun test2 (argument)
(loop for op in *operators*
collect (funcall op argument)))
You can also do somewhat succinctly, but perhaps less readably, using do:
(defun test3a (argument)
(do ((results '() (list* (funcall (first operators) argument) results))
(operators *operators* (rest operators)))
((endp operators) (nreverse results))))
This says that on the first iteration, results and operators are initialized with '() and *operators*, respectively. The loop terminates when operators is the empty list, and whenever it terminates, the return value is (nreverse results). On successive iterations, results is a assigned new value, (list* (funcall (first operators) argument) results), which is just like pushing the next value onto results, and operators is updated to (rest operators).
FUNCALL works with symbols.
From the department of silly tricks.
(defconstant *operators* '(op1 op2 o3))
(defun test (&rest arg)
(setf (cdr arg) arg)
(mapcar #'funcall *operators* arg))
There's a library, which is almost mandatory in any anywhat complex project: Alexandria. It has many useful functions, and there's also something that would make your code prettier / less verbose and more conscious.
Say, you wanted to call a number of functions with the same value. Here's how you'd do it:
(ql:quickload "alexandria")
(use-package :alexandria)
(defun example-rcurry (value)
"Calls `listp', `string' and `numberp' with VALUE and returns
a list of results"
(let ((predicates '(listp stringp numberp)))
(mapcar (rcurry #'funcall value) predicates)))
(example-rcurry 42) ;; (NIL NIL T)
(example-rcurry "42") ;; (NIL T NIL)
(defun example-compose (value)
"Calls `complexp' with the result of calling `sqrt'
with the result of calling `parse-integer' on VALUE"
(let ((predicates '(complexp sqrt parse-integer)))
(funcall (apply #'compose predicates) value)))
(example-compose "0") ;; NIL
(example-compose "-1") ;; T
Functions rcurry and compose are from Alexandria package.

Lisp warning: xx is neither declared nor bound, it will be treated as if it were declared SPECIAL

I am new to lisp and am writing a few simple programs to get more familiar with it. One of the things I am doing is writing a recursive and iterative version of a factorial method. However, I have come across a problem and can't seem to solve it.
I saw a similar error at
Lisp: CHAR is neither declared nor bound
but a solution wasn't actually reached, other than the OP realized he made a "typing mistake". In the REPL I can use the setf function and it works fine. I am also using LispBox with emacs. I would appreciate any suggestions!
(defun it-fact(num)
(setf result 1)
(dotimes (i num)
(setf result (* result (+ i 1)))
RESULT is neither declared nor bound,
it will be treated as if it were declared SPECIAL.
There are a few things wrong or not so good Lisp style:
(defun it-fact(num) ; style: use a space before (
(setf result 1) ; bad: variable RESULT is not introduced
(dotimes (i num)
(setf result (* result (+ i 1))) ; bad: extra addition in each iteration
) ; style: parentheses on a single line
) ; bad: no useful return value
A possible version:
(defun it-fact (num)
(let ((result 1)) ; local variable introduced with LET
(loop for i from 1 upto num ; I starts with 1, no extra addition
do (setf result (* result i)))
result)) ; result gets returned from the LET
In Lisp, local variables must be explicitly declared with LET or other forms that create local variables.
That differs from e.g. Python or JavaScript where assignment to variable creates the variable in current lexical scope.
Your example can be rewritten like this:
(defun it-fact(num)
(let ((result 1))
(dotimes (i num)
(setf result (* result (+ i 1))))))
An off-topic comment: there is no point in putting closing parentheses on separate lines.
You need to bind the variable 'result' - using 'let', for example - before starting to use it:
(defun it-fact(num)
(let ((result 1))
(dotimes (i num)
(setf result (* result (+ i 1))))))
For futher details you might want to read this ...