reading partitioned parquet record in pyspark - pyspark

I have a parquet file partitioned by a date field (YYYY-MM-DD).
How to read the (current date-1 day) records from the file efficiently in Pyspark - please suggest.
PS: I would not like to read the entire file and then filter the records as the data volume is huge.

There are multiple ways to go about this:
Suppose this is the input data and you write out the dataframe partitioned on "date" column:
data = [(, 6, 12), "Hello"), (, 6, 19), "World")]
schema = StructType([StructField("date", DateType()),StructField("message", StringType())])
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=schema)
You can read the parquet files associated to a given date with this syntax:'./test/date=2022-06-19').show()
# The catch is that the date column is gonna be omitted from your dataframe
| World|
# You could try adding the date column with lit syntax.
.withColumn('date', f.lit('2022-06-19').cast(DateType()))
# Output
|message| date|
| World|2022-06-19|
The more efficient solution is using the delta tables:
df.write.mode('overwrite').partitionBy('date').format('delta').save('/test')'delta').load('./test').where(f.col('date') == '2022-06-19').show()
The spark engine uses the _delta_log to optimize your query and only reads the parquet files that are applicable to your query. Also, the output will have all the columns:
|message| date|
| World|2022-06-19|

you can read it by passing date variable while reading.
This is dynamic code, you nor need to hardcode date, just append it with path
|Sr_No| User_Id|Transaction| dt|
| 1|paytm 111002203#p| 100D|2022-06-29|
| 2|paytm 111002203#p| 50C|2022-06-27|
| 3|paytm 111002203#p| 20C|2022-06-26|
| 4|paytm 111002203#p| 10C|2022-06-25|
| 5| null| 1C|2022-06-24|
>>> df.write.partitionBy("dt").mode("append").parquet("/dir1/dir2/sample.parquet")
>>> from datetime import date
>>> from datetime import timedelta
>>> today =
#Here i am taking two days back date, for one day back you can do (days=1)
>>> yesterday = today - timedelta(days = 2)
>>> two_days_back=yesterday.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
>>> path="/di1/dir2/sample.parquet/dt="+two_days_back
|Sr_No| User_Id|Transaction|
| 2|paytm 111002203#p| 50C|


How to create a new sequential timestamp column in a CSV file using Spark

I have a sample CSV file with columns as shown below.
I want a new Timestamp column in the HH:mm:ss format and the timestamp should keep on the increase by seconds as shown below.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I can propose a solution based on pyspark. The scala implementation should be almost transparent.
My idea is to create a column filled with a unique timestamps (here 1980 as an example but does not matter) and add seconds based on your first column (row number). Then, you just reformat the timestamp to only see hours
import pyspark.sql.functions as psf
df = (df
.withColumn("ts", psf.unix_timestamp(timestamp=psf.lit('1980-01-01 00:00:00'), format='YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
.withColumn("ts", psf.col("ts") + psf.col("i") - 1)
.withColumn("ts", psf.from_unixtime("ts", format='HH:mm:ss'))
| i| x| ts|
| 1|57.5| 00:00:00|
| 2|24.0| 00:00:01|
only showing top 2 rows
Data generation
df = spark.createDataFrame([(1,57.5),
(5,75.5)], ['i','x'])
| i| x|
| 1|57.5|
| 2|24.0|
only showing top 2 rows
Update: if you don't have a row number in your csv (from your comment)
In that case, you will need row_number function.
This is not straightforward to number rows in Spark because the data are distributed on independent partitions and locations. The order observed in the csv will not be respected by spark when mapping file rows to partitions. I think it would be better not to use Spark to number your rows in your csv if the order in the file is important. A pre-processing step based on pandas with a loop over all your files, to take it one at a time, could make it work.
Anyway, I can propose you a solution if you don't mind having row order different from the one in your csv stored in disk.
import pyspark.sql.window as psw
w = psw.Window.partitionBy().orderBy("x")
.withColumn("i", psf.row_number().over(w))
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.unix_timestamp(timestamp=psf.lit('1980-01-01 00:00:00'), format='YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.col("Timestamp") + psf.col("i") - 1)
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.from_unixtime("Timestamp", format='HH:mm:ss'))
| x| i|Timestamp|
|12.5| 1| 00:00:00|
|24.0| 2| 00:00:01|
only showing top 2 rows
In terms of efficiency this is bad (it's like collecting all the data in master) because you don't use partitionBy. In this step, using Spark is overkill.
You could also use a temporary column and use this one to order. In this particular example it will produce the expected output but not sure it works great in general
w2 = psw.Window.partitionBy().orderBy("temp")
.withColumn("temp", psf.lit(1))
.withColumn("i", psf.row_number().over(w2))
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.unix_timestamp(timestamp=psf.lit('1980-01-01 00:00:00'), format='YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'))
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.col("Timestamp") + psf.col("i") - 1)
.withColumn("Timestamp", psf.from_unixtime("Timestamp", format='HH:mm:ss'))
| x|temp| i|Timestamp|
|57.5| 1| 1| 00:00:00|
|24.0| 1| 2| 00:00:01|
only showing top 2 rows

Converting string time to day timestamp

I have just started working for Pyspark, and need some help converting a column datatype.
My dataframe has a string column, which stores the time of day in AM/PM, and I need to convert this into datetime for further processing/analysis.
fd = spark.createDataFrame([(['0143A'])], ['dt'])
| dt|
from pyspark.sql.functions import date_format, to_timestamp'dt','hhmma')).show()'dt','hhmmaa')).show()
|to_timestamp(`dt`, 'hhmmaa')|
| null|
Expected output: 01:43
How can I get the proper datetime format in the above scenario?
Thanks for your help!
If we look at the doc for to_timestamp ( we see that the format must be specified as a SimpleDateFormat (
In order to retrieve the time of the day in AM/PM, we must use hhmma. But in SimpleDateFormat, a catches AM or PM, and not A or P. So we need to change our string :
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = spark.createDataFrame([(['0143A'])], ['dt'])
df2 = df.withColumn('dt', F.concat(F.col('dt'), F.lit('M')))
df3 = df2.withColumn('ts', F.to_timestamp('dt','hhmma'))
| dt| ts|
|0143AM|1970-01-01 01:43:00|
If you want to retrieve it as a string in the format you mentionned, you can use date_format :
df4 = df3.withColumn('time', F.date_format(F.col('ts'), format='HH:mm'))
| dt| ts| time|
|0143AM|1970-01-01 01:43:00|01:43|

PySpark: String to timestamp transformation

I am working with time data and try to convert the string to timestamp format.
Here is what the 'Time' column looks like
| Time |
Here is what I want
| Time |
|2013/1/17 8:0:0|
|2013/10/2 8:0:0|
I find some similar questions and answers and have tried these code, but all end with 'null'
df2 = df.withColumn("Time", test["Time"].cast(TimestampType()))
df2 = df.withColumn('Time', F.unix_timestamp('Time', 'yyyy-MM-dd').cast(TimestampType()))
Well your are doing it the other way around. The sql function unix_timestamp converts a string with the given format to a unix timestamp. When you want to convert a unix timestamp to the datetime format, you have to use the from_unixtime sql function:
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
from pyspark.sql import types as T
l1 = [('1358380800',),('1380672000',)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(l1,['Time'])
df.withColumn('Time', F.from_unixtime(df.Time).cast(T.TimestampType())).show()
| Time|
|2013-01-17 01:00:00|
|2013-10-02 02:00:00|

parse string of jsons pyspark

I am trying to parse a column of a list of json strings but even after trying multiple schemas using structType, structField etc I am just unable to get the schema at all.
Based on this SO post, I was able to derive the json schema but even after apply from_json function, it still wouldn't work
Pyspark: Parse a column of json strings
Can you please help?
You can parse the given json schema with below schame definition and read the json as a DataFrame providing the schema info.
>>> dschema = StructType([
... StructField("event", StringType(),True),
... StructField("count", StringType(),True)])
>>> df ='/<json_file_path>/json_file.json', schema=dschema)
| event|count|
| empCreation| 148|
| jobAssignment| 3|
|locationAssignment| 77|
| empCreation| 334|
| jobAssignment| 33|
|locationAssignment| 73|
| empCreation| 18|
| jobAssignment| 32|
|locationAssignment| 72|
Contents of the json file:
cat json_file.json
thanks so much #Lakshmanan but I had to just add a slight change to the schema:
eventCountSchema = ArrayType(StructType([StructField("event", StringType(),True),StructField("count", StringType(),True)]), True)
and then applied this schema to the dataframe complex datatype column

Extract week day number from string column (datetime stamp) in spark api

I am new to Spark API. I am trying to extract weekday number from a column say col_date (having datetime stamp e.g '13AUG15:09:40:15') which is string and add another column as weekday(integer). I am not able to do successfully.
the approach below worked for me, using a 'one line' udf - similar but different to above:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName('dayofweek').getOrCreate()
set up the dataframe:
df = spark.createDataFrame(
[(1, "2018-05-12")
,(2, "2018-05-13")
,(3, "2018-05-14")
,(4, "2018-05-15")
,(5, "2018-05-16")
,(6, "2018-05-17")
,(7, "2018-05-18")
,(8, "2018-05-19")
,(9, "2018-05-20")
], ("id", "date"))
set up the udf:
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf,desc
from datetime import datetime
weekDay = udf(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%w'))
df = df.withColumn('weekDay', weekDay(df['date'])).sort(desc("date"))
| id| date|weekDay|
| 9|2018-05-20| 0|
| 8|2018-05-19| 6|
| 7|2018-05-18| 5|
| 6|2018-05-17| 4|
| 5|2018-05-16| 3|
| 4|2018-05-15| 2|
| 3|2018-05-14| 1|
| 2|2018-05-13| 0|
| 1|2018-05-12| 6|
Well, this is quite simple.
This simple function make all the job and returns weekdays as number (monday = 1):
from time import time
from datetime import datetime
# get weekdays and daily hours from timestamp
def toWeekDay(x):
# v = datetime.strptime(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(x)).strftime("%Y %m %d %H"), "%Y %m %d %H").strftime('%w') - from unix timestamp
v = datetime.strptime(x, '%d%b%y:%H:%M:%S').strftime('%w')
return v
days = ['13AUG15:09:40:15','27APR16:20:04:35'] # create example dates
days = sc.parallelize(days) # for example purposes - transform python list to RDD so we can do it in a 'Spark [parallel] way'
days.take(2) # to see whats in RDD
> ['13AUG15:09:40:15', '27APR16:20:04:35']
result = x: (toWeekDay(x))) # apply functon toWeekDay on each element of RDD
result.take(2) # lets see results
> ['4', '3']
Please see Python documentation for further details on datetime processing.