after buildind lammps when i run the executable this problem is shown - lammps

after completion of installation when running the executable this error is showing
Local host: csehpc
Local device: mlx4_0
./lmp: symbol lookup error: ./lmp: undefined symbol: _ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE17find_first_not_ofEPKcmm


VS Code and pytest: Where is the default junit-xml output path defined and why is there one?

I am trying to run a debug the tests of my Python project inside the VS Code interface.
I followed the instruction from VS Code's website using pytest but when trying to run a test the output fails:
============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: c:\Users\myUserName\Projects\myProjectName
plugins: localserver-0.5.0
collected 1 item
myProjectName\tests\ . [100%]
- generated xml file: C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp-26696NTXW7ChqfMEN.xml
============================== 1 passed in 0.18s ==============================
Error: Error: cannot open file:///c%3A/Users/myUserName/Projects/myProjectName/C. Detail:
Unable to read file 'c:\Users\myUserName\Projects\myProjectName\C' (Error: Unable to resolve
non-existing file 'c:\Users\myUserName\Projects\myProjectName\C')
Error: Error: cannot open file:///c%3A/Users/myUserName/Projects/myProjectName/C. Detail:
Unable to read file 'c:\Users\myUserName\Projects\myProjectName\C' (Error: Unable to resolve
non-existing file 'c:\Users\myUserName\Projects\myProjectName\C')
Maybe VS Code doesn't have the authorization to write in AppData.
What concerns me is why is VS Code launching pytest with a junit-xml output option?
The command actually executed by VS Code is:
c:; cd 'c:\Users\myUserName\Projects\myProjectName'; & 'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\venv-myProjectName\python.exe' 'c:\Users\myUserName\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2021.8.1105858891\pythonFiles\lib\python\debugpy\launcher' '53774' '--' 'c:\Users\myUserName\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2021.8.1105858891\pythonFiles\' 'c:\Users\myUserName\Projects\myProjectName' 'pytest' '--override-ini' 'junit_family=xunit1' '--rootdir' 'c:\Users\myUserName\Projects\myProjectName' '--junit-xml=C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp-26696pYh1w3pF2cXx.xml' './myProjectName/tests/'
When going in Settings > python.testing.pytestArgs it is empty.
Where is this output path defined?
How can I change it to be in the local working directory?
Do I need to have a junit-xml output? Is it mandatory for VS Code UI to work?

Symbolic linking issue in local postgres instance on MacOS

Having recently upgraded postgresql and gdal using homebrew, I am stuck with a could not load library error when trying to run a GDAL command that creates a connection to a local postgres database:
ERROR 1: ERROR: could not load library "/usr/local/lib/postgresql/": dlopen(/usr/local/lib/postgresql/, 10): Symbol not found: _hash_bytes
Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/postgresql/
Expected in: /usr/local/opt/postgresql/bin/postgres
in /usr/local/lib/postgresql/
ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db
ERROR 1: ERROR: could not load library "/usr/local/lib/postgresql/": dlopen(/usr/local/lib/postgresql/, 10): Symbol not found: _hash_bytes
Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/postgresql/
Expected in: /usr/local/opt/postgresql/bin/postgres
in /usr/local/lib/postgresql/
I am confused by the "Referenced from: Expected in:" part
When I check the folder /usr/local/lib/postgresql/ , I see that the file is symbolically linked to another directory
cd /usr/local/lib/postgresql/
ls -l
... -> ../../Cellar/postgis/3.0.3/lib/postgresql/
How should this error be interpreted and are there any suggestions on further steps to take in this case?

How to solve error on docker:layers_calculator to compute the Merkle tree on private tangle?

I want to setup a private tangle on my own virtual machine with Ubuntu 18.04, 4GB RAM and 20GB memory.
I have follow this instructions: Every command works fine until reach this one: bazel run //docker:layers_calculator.
It shows an error as follows:
Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
ERROR: /home/istabraq/compass/third-party/maven_deps.bzl:3:5: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/istabraq/compass/WORKSPACE", line 42
File "/home/istabraq/compass/third-party/maven_deps.bzl", line 3, in maven_jars
native.maven_jar(<4 more arguments>)
type 'struct' has no method maven_jar()
ERROR: error loading package '': Encountered error while reading extension file 'protobuf_deps.bzl': no such package '#com_google_protobuf_deps//': error loading package 'external': Could not load //external package
ERROR: error loading package '': Encountered error while reading extension file 'protobuf_deps.bzl': no such package '#com_google_protobuf_deps//': error loading package 'external': Could not load //external package
INFO: Elapsed time: 4.743s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)
How can I solve this problem? what I have missed?
read carefully the message given after running bazel installer:
Make sure you have "/home/yourusername/bin" in your path. You can also activate bash completion by adding the following line to your :
source /home/yourusername/.bazel/bin/bazel-complete.bash
You can check with: "bazel info" or "bazel version"
Unfortunately, there are further errors:
I have solve this issue by using this commands:
Step 3: Set up your environment
If you ran the Bazel installer with the --user flag as above, the Bazel executable is installed in your $HOME/bin directory. It’s a good idea to add this directory to your default paths, as follows:
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
You can also add this command to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file to make it permanent.

SYSTEMD_SERVICE_swupdate value swupdate.service does not exist

I am trying to build swupdate image by running bitbake swupdate-image but getting following errors,
ERROR: swupdate-2019.04-r0 do_package: SYSTEMD_SERVICE_swupdate value swupdate.service does not exist
ERROR: swupdate-2019.04-r0 do_package:
ERROR: swupdate-2019.04-r0 do_package: Function failed: systemd_populate_packages
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/panther2/warrior/build/tmp/work/corei7-64-poky-linux/swupdate/2019.04-r0/temp/log.do_package.22017
ERROR: Task (/home/panther2/warrior/sources/meta-swupdate/recipes-support/swupdate/ failed with exit code '1'
I am building for warrior yocto branch. Error indicates that swupdate.service does not exist but swupdate.service does exist under meta-swupdate/recipes-support/swupdate/swupdate. Any help is really appreciated. Thanks for your time.
swupdate-image is a rescue system - it generates a Ramdisk. Care was taken about footprint - it runs then with SystemV and not with systemd. If you want to buid swupdate-image with systemd as init, add your own swupdate-image.bbappend and rearrange the list of packages.

Yocto minimal image failed

I am trying to build "core-image-minimal" in centos 7.
How to fix this error.
bitbake core-image-minimal
fatal: repository '/my_data/yocto/poky/build/downloads/git2/' does not exist
ERROR: linux-yocto-4.18.21+gitAUTOINC+8f4a98c938_9eddc793f9-r0 do_unpack: Function failed: base_do_unpack
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /my_data/yocto/poky/build/tmp/work/qemux86-poky-linux/linux-yocto/4.18.21+gitAUTOINC+8f4a98c938_9eddc793f9-r0/temp/log.do_unpack.22789
ERROR: Task (/my_data/yocto/poky/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/ failed with exit code '1'
Removing the tmp/ dir and building from scratch again works for me.