Xcode does also include succeeded tests in failed test section - swift

I am using Xcode's test plans with the option 'Retry until failure' and some repetitions. When a test fails but then succeeds, it will still show up in the failed test section when another test is actually consistently failing. This is my code:
import XCTest
class SomeTests: XCTestCase {
func testExampleA() throws {
let random = Int.random(in: 0...10)
// Will always fail
if random != -1 {
func testExampleB() throws {
let random = Int.random(in: 0...3)
if random != 1 {
And I run the test command:
xcodebuild test -project uitest.xcodeproj -scheme unittest -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 12,OS=15.5' -only-testing SomeTests
This is the output:
/Users/jaspervisser/Desktop/uitest/dfsdfsff/dfsdfsff.swift:16: error: -[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleA] : failed - fail
Test Case '-[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleA]' failed (0.005 seconds).
Test Case '-[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleA]' started (Iteration 20 of 20).
/Users/jaspervisser/Desktop/uitest/dfsdfsff/dfsdfsff.swift:16: error: -[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleA] : failed - fail
Test Case '-[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleA]' failed (0.005 seconds).
Test Case '-[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleB]' started (Iteration 1 of 20).
/Users/jaspervisser/Desktop/uitest/dfsdfsff/dfsdfsff.swift:24: error: -[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleB] : failed - fail
Test Case '-[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleB]' failed (0.005 seconds).
Test Case '-[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleB]' started (Iteration 2 of 20).
/Users/jaspervisser/Desktop/uitest/dfsdfsff/dfsdfsff.swift:24: error: -[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleB] : failed - fail
Test Case '-[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleB]' failed (0.005 seconds).
Test Case '-[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleB]' started (Iteration 3 of 20).
Test Case '-[dfsdfsff.SomeTests testExampleB]' passed (0.019 seconds).
Test Suite 'SomeTests' failed at 2022-07-04 17:55:03.367.
Executed 23 tests, with 22 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.184 (0.202) seconds
Test Suite 'dfsdfsff.xctest' failed at 2022-07-04 17:55:03.373.
Executed 23 tests, with 22 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.184 (0.209) seconds
Test Suite 'All tests' failed at 2022-07-04 17:55:03.377.
Executed 23 tests, with 22 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.184 (0.217) seconds
2022-07-04 17:55:28.752 xcodebuild[77552:4967879] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 31.789 elapsed -- Testing started completed.
2022-07-04 17:55:28.752 xcodebuild[77552:4967879] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 0.000 sec, +0.000 sec -- start
2022-07-04 17:55:28.752 xcodebuild[77552:4967879] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 31.789 sec, +31.789 sec -- end
Test session results, code coverage, and logs:
Failing tests:
You can see that testExampleB has succeeded, but it still pops up in the failing tests section. It takes me so much time in the 'real' CI to find actual consistently failing tests, I don't care about tests that fails and succeeds, I just need to kind consistently failing tests. Is there a way to identify them? Can I filter out tests that succeeds?


Bitbake do image failure

I have been successfully building an image for many days now. I add all of my custom files to GitLab. I have not knowingly made changes to my build environment. I am now getting errors can can not build my image. Can anyone understand what this error is telling me? I have tried looking it up but nothing seems to work.
Initialising tasks: 100% |##################################################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:06
Sstate summary: Wanted 5 Local 3 Network 0 Missed 2 Current 1114 (60% match, 99% complete)
NOTE: Executing Tasks
ERROR: evccapplication-1.0-r0 do_image: Error executing a python function in exec_python_func() autogenerated:
The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:
File: 'exec_python_func() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module>
*** 0002:do_image(d)
File: '/home/michael/Documents/evcc_custom/sources/poky/meta/classes/image.bbclass', lineno: 262, function: do_image
0259: d.setVarFlag('REPRODUCIBLE_TIMESTAMP_ROOTFS', 'export', '1')
0260: pre_process_cmds = d.getVar("IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND")
*** 0262: execute_pre_post_process(d, pre_process_cmds)
0264:do_image[dirs] = "${TOPDIR}"
0265:addtask do_image after do_rootfs
File: '/home/michael/Documents/evcc_custom/sources/poky/meta/lib/oe/utils.py', lineno: 263, function: execute_pre_post_process
0259: for cmd in cmds.strip().split(';'):
0260: cmd = cmd.strip()
0261: if cmd != '':
0262: bb.note("Executing %s ..." % cmd)
*** 0263: bb.build.exec_func(cmd, d)
0265:# For each item in items, call the function 'target' with item as the first
0266:# argument, extraargs as the other arguments and handle any exceptions in the
0267:# parent thread
File: '/home/michael/Documents/evcc_custom/sources/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/build.py', lineno: 256, function: exec_func
0252: with bb.utils.fileslocked(lockfiles):
0253: if ispython:
0254: exec_func_python(func, d, runfile, cwd=adir)
0255: else:
*** 0256: exec_func_shell(func, d, runfile, cwd=adir)
0258: try:
0259: curcwd = os.getcwd()
0260: except:
File: '/home/michael/Documents/evcc_custom/sources/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/build.py', lineno: 503, function: exec_func_shell
0499: with open(fifopath, 'r+b', buffering=0) as fifo:
0500: try:
0501: bb.debug(2, "Executing shell function %s" % func)
0502: with open(os.devnull, 'r+') as stdin, logfile:
*** 0503: bb.process.run(cmd, shell=False, stdin=stdin, log=logfile, extrafiles=[(fifo,readfifo)])
0504: except bb.process.ExecutionError as exe:
0505: # Find the backtrace that the shell trap generated
0506: backtrace_marker_regex = re.compile(r"WARNING: Backtrace \(BB generated script\)")
0507: stdout_lines = (exe.stdout or "").split("\n")
File: '/home/michael/Documents/evcc_custom/sources/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/process.py', lineno: 186, function: run
0183: if pipe.returncode != 0:
0184: if log:
0185: # Don't duplicate the output in the exception if logging it
*** 0186: raise ExecutionError(cmd, pipe.returncode, None, None)
0187: raise ExecutionError(cmd, pipe.returncode, stdout, stderr)
0188: return stdout, stderr
Exception: bb.process.ExecutionError: Execution of '/home/michael/Documents/evcc_custom/build-fb/tmp/work/imx6ull14x14evk-poky-linux-gnueabi/evccapplication/1.0-r0/temp/run.prelink_image.131394' failed with exit code 2
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/michael/Documents/evcc_custom/build-fb/tmp/work/imx6ull14x14evk-poky-linux-gnueabi/evccapplication/1.0-r0/temp/log.do_image.131394
ERROR: Task (/home/michael/Documents/evcc_custom/evcc_layers/meta-evccapplication/recipes-core/images/evccapplication.bb:do_image) failed with exit code '1'
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 3064 tasks of which 3063 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.
Summary: 1 task failed:
Summary: There were 2 WARNING messages shown.
Summary: There was 1 ERROR message shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
If you get an error similar to this delete your build folder. Then recreate it. For NXP devices they give you the command
DISTRO=fsl-imx-fb MACHINE=imx6ull14x14evk source imx-setup-release.sh -b build-fb
Save your local.conf and bblayers.bb file to git or to a new location.
Delete the build-fb folder and re-run the command above. Pull in any changes from git or files saved elsewhere.
Re-run bitbake. This got my workspace back. Because you are not deleting any of the downloads folders the build takes little time. All the time is spent compiling sources.

Pytest: How to display failed assertion only once, not twice

I run pytest via PyCharm, and execute a single test:
/home/guettli/projects/lala-env/bin/python /snap/pycharm-professional/230/plugins/python/helpers/pycharm/_jb_pytest_runner.py --target test_models.py::test_address_is_complete
Testing started at 11:53 ...
Launching pytest with arguments test_models.py::test_address_is_complete in /home/guettli/projects/lala-env/src/lala/lala/tests
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.0, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /home/guettli/projects/lala-env/bin/python
cachedir: .pytest_cache
django: settings: mysite.settings (from ini)
rootdir: /home/guettli/projects/lala-env/src/lala, configfile: pytest.ini
plugins: django-4.1.0
collecting ... collected 1 item
test_models.py::test_address_is_complete Creating test database for alias 'default' ('test_lala')...
Operations to perform:
Synchronize unmigrated apps: allauth, colorfield, debug_toolbar, google, messages, staticfiles
Apply all migrations: account, admin, auth, contenttypes, lala, sessions, sites, socialaccount
Synchronizing apps without migrations:
Creating tables...
Running deferred SQL...
Running migrations:
Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
Applying account.0001_initial... OK
Applying account.0002_email_max_length... OK
Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK
Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0010_alter_group_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0011_update_proxy_permissions... OK
Applying auth.0012_alter_user_first_name_max_length... OK
Applying lala.0001_initial... OK
Applying lala.0002_offer_price... OK
Applying lala.0003_order_amount... OK
Applying lala.0004_auto_20201215_2043... OK
Applying lala.0005_auto_20201229_2148... OK
Applying lala.0006_auto_20201229_2150... OK
Applying lala.0007_auto_20210117_1632... OK
Applying lala.0008_auto_20210117_1632... OK
Applying lala.0009_add_address... OK
Applying lala.0010_auto_20210117_2102... OK
Applying lala.0011_auto_20210119_1909... OK
Applying lala.0012_allergen_short... OK
Applying lala.0013_auto_20210119_1914... OK
Applying lala.0014_auto_20210120_0734... OK
Applying lala.0015_auto_20210120_0752... OK
Applying lala.0016_auto_20210120_1923... OK
Applying lala.0017_allergenuser... OK
Applying lala.0018_address_place... OK
Applying lala.0019_auto_20210126_2027... OK
Applying lala.0020_auto_20210126_2027... OK
Applying lala.0021_recurringoffer_days... OK
Applying lala.0022_auto_20210126_2129... OK
Applying lala.0023_auto_20210201_2056... OK
Applying lala.0024_globalconfig_navbar_title... OK
Applying lala.0025_activationstate... OK
Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
Applying sites.0001_initial... OK
Applying sites.0002_alter_domain_unique... OK
Applying socialaccount.0001_initial... OK
Applying socialaccount.0002_token_max_lengths... OK
Applying socialaccount.0003_extra_data_default_dict... OK
Destroying test database for alias 'default' ('test_lala')...
lala/tests/test_models.py:18 (test_address_is_complete)
user = <User: Dr. Foo>
def test_address_is_complete(user):
address = user.address
> assert address.is_complete
E assert False
E + where False = <Address: Address object (1)>.is_complete
test_models.py:21: AssertionError
Assertion failed
Assertion failed
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________________________ test_address_is_complete ___________________________
user = <User: Dr. Foo>
def test_address_is_complete(user):
address = user.address
> assert address.is_complete
E assert False
E + where False = <Address: Address object (1)>.is_complete
test_models.py:21: AssertionError
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test_models.py::test_address_is_complete - assert False
============================== 1 failed in 2.88s ===============================
Process finished with exit code 1
Assertion failed
Assertion failed
Why does the exception gets displayed twice?

sbt testOnly exclusion list with tag does not work

I have a test class as
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import scala.collection.mutable
class Tags101Spec extends FlatSpec {
"A Stack" should "pop values in last-in-first-out order" in {
val stack = new mutable.Stack[Int]
assert(stack.pop() === 2)
assert(stack.pop() === 1)
it should "throw NoSuchElementException if an empty stack is popped" in {
val emptyStack = new mutable.Stack[String]
intercept[NoSuchElementException] {
"A String" should "return 0 size when empty" taggedAs (Fast) in {
assert("".size === 0)
"A Sorted List of 10 numbers" must "return 10 as the first element when reversed" taggedAs (Slow) in {
assert(10 === (1 to 10).toList.reverse.head)
In the same directory, I have a class called Tags which looks like
import org.scalatest.Tag
object Slow extends Tag("Slow Tests")
object Fast extends Tag("Fast Tests")
I run my tests using sbt by including a tag using -n flag and it works
sbt:Unit Testing in Scala> testOnly -- -n Fast
[info] Tags101Spec:
[info] A Stack
[info] A String
[info] A Sorted List of 10 numbers
[info] Run completed in 137 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 0
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 0, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
Since only 1 test was taggedAs(Fast), the test ran only one test.
Now, I want to do the opposite, exclude the Fast tag and run remaining tests. Here is what I tried
sbt:Unit Testing in Scala> testOnly -- -l Fast
[info] Tags101Spec:
[info] A Stack
[info] - should pop values in last-in-first-out order
[info] - should throw NoSuchElementException if an empty stack is popped
[info] A String
[info] - should return 0 size when empty
[info] A Sorted List of 10 numbers
[info] - must return 10 as the first element when reversed
[info] Run completed in 252 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 4
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 4, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
And as you see, it ran 4 tests, which is all the tests, including 1 Fast tagged test.
What am I missing here? How can I make exclusion tag work with sbt?
The argument to -l or -n should be the name string argument passed to Tags constructor, not the name of the object. For example, given
object Slow extends Tag("SlowTests")
object Fast extends Tag("FastTests")
then exclude with
testOnly -- -l FastTests
instead of
testOnly -- -l Fast
which outputs
[info] Tags101Spec:
[info] A Stack
[info] - should pop values in last-in-first-out order
[info] - should throw NoSuchElementException if an empty stack is popped
[info] A String
[info] A Sorted List of 10 numbers
[info] - must return 10 as the first element when reversed
[info] Run completed in 187 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 3
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 3, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
where we see A string test did not execute.
Personally I would use a fully qualified name as the name argument when constructing Tags like so
package example
import org.scalatest.Tag
object Slow extends Tag("example.Slow")
object Fast extends Tag("example.Fast")
and execute with
testOnly -- -n example.Fast
which outputs
[info] Tags101Spec:
[info] A Stack
[info] A String
[info] - should return 0 size when empty
[info] A Sorted List of 10 numbers
[info] Run completed in 158 milliseconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 1
[info] Suites: completed 1, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 1, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.

Oppo Realme1 Job Schduler Min interval for Periodic Work is 1 hr

Currently I am using WorkManager 1.0.0-alpha05. I set periodic Work Request using below code.
When interval is below 1 hr then In Oppo Realme (Android Version - 8.1.0 , ColorOSVersion V5.0)
job execute at 1 hr. When interval greater than 1 hr job execute at exact time . when interval is smaller than 1 hr then job execute at 1 hr.
Please let me know any log or information required :
Code For Schdule Periodic Job:
PeriodicWorkRequest uploadWork = new PeriodicWorkRequest.
Builder(LocationUpdatesJobService.class ,interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE, uploadWork);
in all other device Periodic Work request interval is proper. In Oppo Realme 1 work execute at 1 hr.
Oppo Realme 1: Interval 15 Min
I debug Job Schduler using below command:
adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler
JOB #u0a249/18: cc2fc59 com.cygneto.field_sales/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
u0a249 tag=job/com.cygneto.field_sales/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
Source: uid=u0a249 user=0 pkg=com.cygneto.field_sales
Service: com.cygneto.field_sales/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
PERIODIC: interval=+1h0m0s0ms flex=+21m0s0ms
Requires: charging=false batteryNotLow=false deviceIdle=false
Extras: mParcelledData.dataSize=180
Backoff: policy=1 initial=+30s0ms
Has early constraint
Has late constraint
Required constraints: TIMING_DELAY DEADLINE
Satisfied constraints: APP_NOT_IDLE DEVICE_NOT_DOZING
Unsatisfied constraints: TIMING_DELAY DEADLINE
Doze whitelisted: true
Tracking: TIME
Enqueue time: -9m4s617ms
Run time: earliest=+29m55s383ms, latest=+50m55s383ms
Ready: false (job=false user=true !pending=true !active=true !backingup=true comp=true)
Oppo Realme 1: Interval 1hr 10 Min
Service: com.cygneto.field_sales/androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService
PERIODIC: interval=+1h10m0s0ms flex=+1h10m0s0ms
Requires: charging=false batteryNotLow=false deviceIdle=false
Extras: mParcelledData.dataSize=180
Doze whitelisted: true
Tracking: TIME
Enqueue time: -4m19s846ms
Run time: earliest=+1h5m39s833ms, latest=+2h15m39s833ms
Last successful run: 2018-07-25 17:01:23
Ready: false (job=false user=true !pending=true !active=true !backingup=true comp=true)
Other Device :
Log :
PERIODIC: interval=+15m0s0ms flex=+15m0s0ms
Requires: charging=false batteryNotLow=false deviceIdle=false
Tracking: TIME
Enqueue time: -29s237ms
Run time: earliest=+14m30s690ms, latest=+29m30s690ms
Last successful run: 2018-07-25 17:29:19
Ready: false (job=false user=true !pending=true !active=true !backingup=true comp=true)
I also try Using different library. I found same behavior in Job Scheduler and Android-Job.
job period length is 15 min but execute at 1 hr but when i try using firebase job dispatcher
job execute at correct 15 min interval time.
i debug Job Scheduler and Android-Job using below command:
adb shell dumpsys jobscheduler
Job Scheduler:
Interval : 15 Min
Output : 1 hr
JOB #u0a266/1: a0dd846 com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.periodic.JobSchedulerService
u0a266 tag=*job*/com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.periodic.JobSchedulerService
Source: uid=u0a266 user=0 pkg=com.jobscheduler_periodic
Service: com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.periodic.JobSchedulerService
PERIODIC: interval=+1h0m0s0ms flex=+15m0s0ms
Interval : 15 Min
Output : 1 hr:
JOB #u0a266/3: 10c0d65 com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.evernote.android.job.v21.PlatformJobService
u0a266 tag=*job*/com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.evernote.android.job.v21.PlatformJobService
Source: uid=u0a266 user=0 pkg=com.jobscheduler_periodic
Service: com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.evernote.android.job.v21.PlatformJobService
PERIODIC: interval=+1h0m0s0ms flex=+5m0s0ms
Firebase Job Dispatcher:
I debug firebase job Dispatcher using below command:
adb shell "dumpsys activity service GcmService | grep com.jobscheduler_periodic"
Interval : 15 Min
Output : 15 min
u0|com.jobscheduler_periodic: 1
(scheduled) com.jobscheduler_periodic/com.firebase.jobdispatcher.GooglePlayReceiver{u=0 tag="MyJobService" trigger=window{s
tart=720s,end=900s,earliest=46s,latest=226s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED,CHARGING] attributes=[RECURRING] scheduled=-673s last_
run=N/A jid=N/A status=PENDING retries=0 client_lib=FIREBASE_JOB_DISPATCHER-1}
This happens to be an OEM bug. Unfortunately, it is very hard to work around these kind of bugs, in a battery efficient way. If you want a period of 15 mins, I suggest using the following workaround:
Use a OneTimeWorkRequest instead of a periodic work request, and upon first execution of the first work request, schedule a second from inside the worker with an initialDelay of 15 mins. That will essentially give you what you want.

Moped: Running naked mongo command

I am getting no such command error while running stat command as in
db.stat() in mongo console
But running it from moped gives error
session.command(stat: 1)
failed with error "no such cmd: stat"
The mongo console command is "stats" (not "stat") and is documented here.
As detailed,
The db.stats() method is a wrapper around the dbStats database command.
So here is a test showing usage for moped.
require 'moped'
require 'test/unit'
require 'pp'
class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
#session = Moped::Session.new([ "" ])
#session.use "test"
test "db stats" do
puts "Moped::VERSION:#{Moped::VERSION}"
dbstats = #session.command(dbstats: 1)
assert_equal("test", dbstats["db"])
pp dbstats
ruby test.rb
Loaded suite test
"dataFileVersion"=>{"major"=>4, "minor"=>5},
"extentFreeList"=>{"num"=>0, "totalSize"=>0},
Finished in 0.005335 seconds.
1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 pendings, 0 omissions, 0 notifications
100% passed
187.44 tests/s, 187.44 assertions/s