.Net Maui: How to read/write (get/set) a global object from any content page (MVVM) - mvvm

I'm sure that I'm missing some deep or obvious concept here :)
So I have a page now that can setup various Bluetooth sensors and get data from a heart rate monitor, speedometer and cadence sensor. (Using Plugin.BLE)
So I do all of that in a ViewModel for a ContentPage called BluetoothPage.
I want to display the data I get in a different ContentPage called DisplayPage.
I have created a simple class (model) that can hold the data I want:
namespace TSDZ2Monitor.Models;
public partial class BluetoothData : ObservableObject
//Heart rate raw data
public int HRM { get; set; }
public double HRR { get; set; }
//SPD raw data
public int SPDWheelRevolutions { get; set; }
public double SPDWheelEventTime { get; set; }
//CAD raw data
public int CADCrankRevolutions { get; set; }
public double CADCrankEventTime { get; set; }
So, how do I get the data from my Bluetooth page to my Display page?
I suspect I need to use an object based on my model and populate it with data in my Bluetooth viewmodel (easy...ish)?
But how can my Display page see this data as it happens?
When I tried working with ReactNative this sort of thing was a nightmare (State!)
Or am I being a bit simple in the head here :lol
Workaround: I could save the data to some local storage or sqlite as per https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/dotnet-maui/store-local-data/2-compare-storage-options - is that the way to do it, or can it be done with the object?
Edit: I think I could also use the MessagingService https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/maui/fundamentals/messagingcenter and https://codemilltech.com/messing-with-xamarin-forms-messaging-center/ if I can figure out how to use them in MVVM context.
Also What is the difference between using MessagingCenter and standard .NET event handlers for informing interested parties of changes?

So it seems that using the MessagingCenter was a way to go.
Following the guidance in https://codemilltech.com/messing-with-xamarin-forms-messaging-center/
I created a MessagingMarker class:
namespace TSDZ2Monitor.Classes;
public class MessagingMarker
That's all.
In the ViewModel where I wanted to send an object from, I did
MessagingCenter.Send(new MessagingMarker(), "BTDataUpdate", btd);
where btd was an instance of a class I created to hold my data: Here is a simplified model:
namespace TSDZ2Monitor.Models;
public partial class BluetoothData : ObservableObject
//Heart rate raw data
private int hRM;
public int HRM //heart rate
get => hRM;
set => SetProperty(ref hRM, value);
private double hRR; //heartrate R-R value
public double HRR
get => hRR;
set => SetProperty(ref hRR, value);
private double wheelRPM;
public double WheelRPM
get => wheelRPM;
set => SetProperty(ref wheelRPM, value);
private double cadence;
public double Cadence
get => cadence;
set => SetProperty(ref cadence, value);
In the constructor of the ViewModel for the sending page (probably best somewhere else?)
public BluetoothData btd = new();
This is not used in the XAML for this ViewModel
In my receiving ViewModel
I also created an instance of the BluetoothData class, but this is used in the XAML bindings
private BluetoothData bTData;
and in the constructor of the ViewModel I had
BTData = new BluetoothData();
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MessagingMarker, BluetoothData>(this, "BTDataUpdate", (sender, arg) =>
//Debug.WriteLine($"Message received {arg}");
BTData.HRM = arg.HRM;
BTData.HRR = arg.HRR;
BTData.WheelRPM = arg.WheelRPM;
BTData.Cadence = arg.Cadence;
Well it works, don't know what the impact on performance might be, but it seems pretty responsive.
To my way of thinking though a more idea solution is to create a global instance of any class that any ViewModel can access.

I had need to also do this -- in my case, reference an ObservableCollection<State> States from multiple pages. Sharing this as another possible solution:
I created a class with the ObservableCollection as a static member which is populated once upon first use:
public class Filter
public static ObservableCollection<State> StateSelections { get; } = new();
public Filter(DataService dataService) : base()
this.dataService = dataService;
public async Task PopulateData()
// Populate the available selections
await LoadStates();
public async Task LoadStates()
if (StateSelections?.Count > 0)
For each page that uses the collection, its VM has a reference to an instance of the class:
public partial class ParkListVM : BaseVM
public Filter Filter { get; set; }
public void PopulateData()
if (ParkListVM.Filter is null)
ParkListVM.Filter = new Filter(dataService);
And the page has a reference to the static collection for display:
Title="{Binding Title}">
<model:Filter x:Key="Filter"/>
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Static model:Filter.StateSelections}}"
SelectedItems="{Binding SelectedStates}">
<DataTemplate x:DataType="model:State">
<Label Style="{StaticResource LabelMedium}" Text="{Binding Name}" />


ms mvvm toolkit: can't work out how to wire up ReplayCommand and canExecute

I have a simple model:
public sealed partial class ResultsModel : ObservableObject {
ObservableCollection<Arrivals> _arrivals = new();
public RelayCommand SaveCommand { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand ClearCommand { get; private set; }
internal ResultsModel() {
SaveCommand = new RelayCommand(SaveRequest, CanSaveClear);
ClearCommand = new RelayCommand(OnClear, CanSaveClear);
public bool CanSaveClear() {
return _arrivals.Count > 0;
void OnClear() {
async void SaveRequest() {
// save stuff
// c#
DataContext = (model = new ResultsModel());
model.Arrivals.insert(0, thing);
// The _arrivals are bound to an ItemsRepeater and appear in gui as //they're added
<ItemsRepeater ItemsSource="{Binding Arrivals}">
<Button Content="Clear" Command="{Binding ClearCommand}"/>
<Button Content="Save" Command="{Binding SaveCommand}" />
I've bound buttons to the two Commands and they work ok, I just can't work how to get the canExecute code to run more than one time.
I was expecting that when items get added to the _arrivals collection (and they do) the canExecutes would be re-evaluated via the NotifyCanExecuteChangedFor attribute, but I'm obviously missing some glue somewhere because the button are always disabled.
Any help would be appreciated.
It won't happen when you added an item to the Arrivals. But it will happen when you change the Arrivals by giving a new ObservableCollection. You could create a simple string property to test this behavior.
The reason for this behavior is that when the NotifyCanExecuteChangedFor Attribute is used, the IRelayCommand.NotifyCanExecuteChanged will be called when the setter of the property is called. In your scenario, that means only when the setter of the Arrivals property is called, this Attribute will call the IRelayCommand.NotifyCanExecuteChanged.

How can I marry AutoCompleteBox.PopulateComplete method with the MVVM paradigm?

Here is the setup:
I have an autocompletebox that is being populated by the viewmodel which gets data from a WCF service. So it's quite straightforward and simple so far.
Now, I am trying to follow the principles of MVVM by which the viewmodel doesn't know anything about the view itself. Which is good, because I bound the Populating event of the autocomplete box to a method of my viewmodel via triggers and commands.
So the view model is working on fetching the data, while the view is waiting. No problems yet.
Now, the view model got the data, and I passed the collection of results to a property bound to the ItemSource property of the control. Nothing happens on the screen.
I go to MSDN and to find the officially approved way on how this situation is supposed to be handled (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.controls.autocompletebox.populating(v=vs.95).aspx):
Set the MinimumPrefixLength and MinimumPopulateDelay properties to
values larger than the default to minimize calls to the Web service.
Handle the Populating event and set the PopulatingEventArgs.Cancel
property to true.
Do the necessary processing and set the ItemsSource property to the
desired item collection.
Call the PopulateComplete method to signal the AutoCompleteBox to show
the drop-down.
Now I see a big problem with the last step because I don't know how I can call a method on a view from the view model, provided they don't know (and are not supposed to know!) anything about each other.
So how on earth am I supposed to get that PopulateComplete method of view called from the view model without breaking MVVM principles?
If you use Blend's Interactivity library, one option is an attached Behavior<T> for the AutoCompleteBox:
public class AsyncAutoCompleteBehavior : Behavior<AutoCompleteBox>
public static readonly DependencyProperty SearchCommandProperty
= DependencyProperty.Register("SearchCommand", typeof(ICommand),
typeof(AsyncAutoCompleteBehavior), new PropertyMetadata(null));
public ICommand SearchCommand
get { return (ICommand)this.GetValue(SearchCommandProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(SearchCommandProperty, value); }
protected override void OnAttached()
this.AssociatedObject.Populating += this.PopulatingHook;
protected override void OnDetaching()
this.AssociatedObject.Populating -= this.PopulatingHook;
private void PopulatingHook(object sender, PopulatingEventArgs e)
var command = this.SearchCommand;
var parameter = new SearchCommandParameter(
() => this.AssociatedObject
if (command != null && command.CanExecute(parameter))
// Cancel the pop-up, execute our command which calls
// parameter.Complete when it finishes
e.Cancel = true;
Using the following parameter class:
public class SearchCommandParameter
public Action Complete
private set;
public string SearchText
private set;
public SearchCommandParameter(Action complete, string text)
this.Complete = complete;
this.SearchText = text;
At this point you need to do 2 things:
Wire up the Behavior
<sdk:AutoCompleteBox MinimumPopulateDelay="250" MinimumPrefixLength="2" FilterMode="None">
<b:AsyncAutoCompleteBehavior SearchCommand="{Binding Search}" />
Create a DelegateCommand which handles your aysnc searching.
public class MyViewModel : ViewModelBase
public ICommand Search
private set;
private void InitializeCommands()
this.Search = new DelegateCommand<SearchCommandParamater>(DoSearch);
private void DoSearch(SearchCommandParameter parameter)
var client = new WebClient();
var uri = new Uri(
+ HttpUtility.UrlEncode(parameter.SearchText));
client.DownloadStringCompleted += Downloaded;
client.DownloadStringAsync(uri, parameter);
private void Downloaded(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
// Do Something with 'e.Result'

MVVM - How to wrap ViewModel in a ViewModel?

First of all, I have read this post and did not find the answer for my problem.
I am not sure if this is an aggregated Model class or an aggregated ViewModel class, but this is what I have:
In my WPF (with Prism) application, I have a view 'Filter Customers View' that connects to a service and requests a list of 'Customer' objects, based on a filter.
The list that is returned from the service is this :
List<CustomerDTO> FilteredCustomers;
And the CustomerDTO looks like this:
public class CustomerDTO
public Guid CustomerId;
public String Name;
public String Address;
public String PhoneNumber;
public OrderInfoDTO LastOrderInformation;
public List<OtherClass> ListOfSomething;
And the OrderInfoDTO looks like this:
public class OrderInfoDTO
public Guid OrderId;
public DateTime OrderDate;
public int NumberOfProducts;
public double TotalAmountSpent;
And the OtherClass looks like this:
public class OtherClass
public Guid Id;
public String SomeText;
As you can see - the customer might or might not have a 'Last Order',
I would like to wrap the 'CustomerDTO' object in a ViewModel,
so that I can bind it to the view.
This is what I thought of doing :
public class CustomerViewModel : NotificationObject
private CustomerDTO _customerDTO;
public CustomerViewModel(CustomerDTO customerDTO)
_customerDTO = customerDTO;
public Guid CustomerId
get { return _customerDTO.CustomerId; }
set { _customerDTO.CustomerId = value; RaisePropertyChanged("CustomerId "); }
public String Name
get { return _customerDTO.Name; }
set { _customerDTO.Name = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Name"); }
public String Address
get { return _customerDTO.Address; }
set { _customerDTO.Address = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Address"); }
public String PhoneNumber
get { return _customerDTO.PhoneNumber; }
set { _customerDTO.PhoneNumber= value; RaisePropertyChanged("PhoneNumber"); }
First of all - is 'CustomerDTO' what is known as a Model ? And is 'OrderInfoDTO' also a Model ? and what about 'OtherClass' ?
How do I treat the 'OrderInfoDTO' in my CustomerViewModel class ? Do I create a 'ViewModel' for it also ? where do I create the 'OrderInfoDTO' view-model ??? What happens if now someone updates the customer and sets the 'OrderInfoDTO' value ?
How do I treat the list of 'OtherClass' in my CustomerViewModel class ? Do I create an ObservableCollection for it ? What happens if someone will want to delete an item in it or update an item in it or add an item to it ?
Think about it this way:
The View is your UI that you would bind elements from the View Model to using the {Binding Path=, Mode=TwoWay -- If you want to update based upon the user input
The Model is only the data, this could a record set, file, database records etc. So CustomerDTO and OrderInfoDTO are models.
The View Model is your link between the data (Model) and the UI (View). It will allow to you change the data so it's easier to present on the UI
You would need to use ObservableCollection in all instances where there's a list that could change in the background.
You don't need a view model for OrderInfoDTO unless you need a view to update that data. If you are presenting a CustomerDTO info with OrderInfoDTO in it, then making it a property of the CustomerDTO view model would be fine.

How do I find the output model type in a behavior?

With FubuMVC, I'm not sure what the best way is to determine the current action's output model type. I see different objects that I could get the current request's URL from. But that doesn't lead to a very good solution.
What's the easiest way to get the current action's output model type from the behavior?
If this isn't a good practice, what's a better way?
First, I'm assuming you've already got your settings object(s) set up in StructureMap and have the ISettingsProvider stuff already wired up.
The best, simplest thing to do would be just to pull the settings in the view, like this:
<%: Get<YourSettingsObject>().SomeSettingProperty %>
If you insist on having these be a property on your output model, then continue reading:
Let's say you had a settings object like this:
public class OutputModelSettings
public string FavoriteAnimalName { get; set; }
public string BestSimpsonsCharacter { get; set; }
Then you had an output model like this:
public class OutputModelWithSettings
public string SomeOtherProperty { get; set; }
public OutputModelSettings Settings { get; set; }
You'll need to do a few things:
Wire up StructureMap so that it will do setter injection for Settings objects (so it will automatically inject the OutputModelSettings into your output model's "Settings" property.
Set up a setter injection policy in your StructureMap initialization code (a Registry, Global ASAX, your Bootstrapper, etc -- wherever you set up your container).
x.SetAllProperties(s => s.Matching(p => p.Name.EndsWith("Settings")));
Create your behavior to call StructureMap's "BuildUp()" on the output model to trigger the setter injection. The behavior will be an open type (i.e. on the end) so that it can support any kind of output model
public class OutputModelSettingBehavior<TOutputModel> : BasicBehavior
where TOutputModel : class
private readonly IFubuRequest _request;
private readonly IContainer _container;
public OutputModelSettingBehavior(IFubuRequest request, IContainer container)
: base(PartialBehavior.Executes)
_request = request;
_container = container;
protected override DoNext performInvoke()
return DoNext.Continue;
public void BindSettingsProperties()
var viewModel = _request.Find<TOutputModel>().First();
Create a convention to wire up the behavior
public class OutputModelSettingBehaviorConfiguration : IConfigurationAction
public void Configure(BehaviorGraph graph)
.Where(x => x.HasOutput &&
.Any(p => p.Name.EndsWith("Settings")))
.Each(x => x.AddAfter(new Wrapper(
typeof (OutputModelSettingBehavior<>)
Wire the convention into your FubuRegistry after the Routes section:
In your view, use the new settings object:
<%: Model.Settings.BestSimpsonsCharacter %>
NOTE: I have committed this as a working sample in the FubuMVC.HelloWorld project in the Fubu source. See this commit: https://github.com/DarthFubuMVC/fubumvc/commit/2e7ea30391eac0053300ec0f6f63136503b16cca

Communication between ViewModels

I have two questions regarding communication between ViewModels.
I am developing a customer management program. I'm using Laurent Bugnion's MVVM Light framework.
In the main page, there's a list of customers. when each customer is clicked, a child windows shows up with information about that customer. the user should be able to open up multiple child windows at the same time and compare information between customers. how do you pass customer object from the main page's ViewModel to the child window's ViewModel in an MVVM-friendly fashion?
In the child window that shows customer information, there are a number of tabs, each showing different areas of information. I've created separate ViewModels for each of the tabs. how can you share the current customer information between each tab's viewmodels?
Thanks a lot!
In my project I'm passing ViewModels to child windows too. I create a dependency property for the ViewModel in my child window's code behind and in the setter of this property I pass the ViewModel along to my child window's ViewModel. This means you're creating a separate ViewModel class just for your child window.
To answer your second question, you could have your child window's ViewModel contain properties that each tab cares about, but have their data context still be the same as the child window's data context so they have access to shared properties. This is actually very easy since they automatically get the child window's data context.
Here's an example illustrating the two concepts above.
The child window view DetailsWindow.xaml (note that I've gotten in the habit of naming my child window views *Window.xaml instead of *View.xaml)
<controls:ChildWindow x:Class="DetailsWindow"
DataContext="{Binding DetailsWindowViewModel, Source={StaticResource Locator}}"
<sdk:TabItem Header="First Tab" Content="{Binding FirstTabContent}" />
<sdk:TabItem Header="Second Tab" Content="{Binding SecondTabContent}" />
The child window view's code behind DetailsWindow.xaml.cs and its interface IDetailsWindow.cs
public partial class DetailsWindow : ChildWindow, IDetailsWindow
private IDetailsWindowViewModel ViewModel
get { return this.DataContext as IDetailsWindowViewModel; }
public DetailsWindow()
#region Customer dependency property
public const string CustomerViewModelPropertyName = "Customer";
public ICustomerViewModel Customer
return (ICustomerViewModel)GetValue(CustomerViewModelProperty);
SetValue(CustomerViewModelProperty, value);
if (ViewModel != null)
ViewModel.Customer = value;
public static readonly DependencyProperty CustomerViewModelProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
public interface IDetailsWindow
ICustomerViewModel Customer { get; set; }
void Show();
The child window view model DetailsWindowViewModel.cs and its interface IDetailsWindowViewModel
public class DetailsWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase, IDetailsWindowViewModel
public DetailsWindowViewModel(IMessenger messenger)
: base(messenger)
#region Properties
#region Customer Property
public const string CustomerPropertyName = "Customer";
private ICustomerViewModel _customer;
public ICustomerViewModel Customer
get { return _customer; }
if (_customer == value)
var oldValue = _customer;
_customer = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(CustomerPropertyName, oldValue, value, true);
#region FirstTabContent Property
public const string FirstTabContentPropertyName = "FirstTabContent";
private FrameworkElement _firstTabContent;
public FrameworkElement FirstTabContent
get { return _firstTabContent; }
if (_firstTabContent == value)
_firstTabContent = value;
#region SecondTabContent Property
public const string SecondTabContentPropertyName = "SecondTabContent";
private FrameworkElement _secondTabContent;
public FrameworkElement SecondTabContent
get { return _secondTabContent; }
if (_secondTabContent == value)
_secondTabContent = value;
public interface IDetailsWindowViewModel
ICustomerViewModel Customer { get; set; }
FrameworkElement FirstTabContent { get; set; }
FrameworkElement SecondTabContent { get; set; }
void Cleanup();
And you can show the child window from your MainPageViewModel.cs like this.
public class MainViewModel : ViewModelBase, IMainViewModel
private readonly IDetailsWindow _detailsWindow;
public MainViewModel(IMessenger messenger, IDetailsWindow DetailsWindow)
: base(messenger)
_detailsWindow = DetailsWindow;
private void DisplayCustomerDetails(ICustomerViewModel customerToDisplay)
_detailsWindow.Customer = customerToDisplay;
Note that I create interfaces for all of my view models and child windows and I use an DI/IoC container in my ViewModelLocator so that all of my ViewModels' dependencies are injected for me. You don't have to do this, but I like how it works.