I am trying to build my first andriod game but I keep getting this error about the Android SDK, NDK and tools even after doing manual install - unity3d

I am trying to build my first android game but I keep seeing this and getting a warning.
An Image of the warnings in my preferances in unity
I reinstalled the recent version of unity and also tried manually installing them. I have selected the android versions of 9 and above.


Unity asking NDK version that is no longer available

The version of NDK Unity asking me to install is not on google site NDK Versions. The only one available is r19 version 19.2.5345600 but unity app is asking for r19 version 19.0.52321"
Image of the problem
Yeah, I know the problem can be solved by using Unity Hub but the reason I am not using that is because Unity Hub takes forever to download anything and my connection is slow. Unity Hub times out a lot and I have to install the entire unity 3D software and all of the external tools using it in order to download the NDK using Unity Hub. Currently, Unity doesn't allow you to add modules if Unity 3D is not downloaded using Unity Hub.
I have tried installing NDK r18 and r20 but that doesn't work, same problem.
So can anyone please help me?
You could try spoofing your NDK version, though this may cause unexpected behaviour. In Android ndk-r19c, modify source.properties such that:
Pkg.Desc = Android NDK
Pkg.Revision = 19.0.5232133
If you have Android Studio installed, (or can access via sdk manager, I guess )You can download the ndk version requested by Unity (r19 - 19.0.5232133) using the SDK manager.
Note: you have to uncheck the hide obsolete packages option

Unity aab not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement

I have a Unity project that I'm switching from APKs to AABs (app bundles). Previously, when I was building it as an APK, the Google Play Console told me the APK was 64-bit compliant.
Now that I'm building an aab, I'm getting the warning:
This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement.
The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but
they only have 32-bit native code
I have both ARM7 and ARM64 architectures set.
I am excluding x86.
When I open the .aab in an archive viewer, the lib folder has all of
the .so's for both arm64-v8a and armabi-v7a.
I'm using IL2CPP, .NET 4.x
I'm using Unity 2018.3.7f1
My ndk version is 16b
Android Studio is up to 3.4.2 and gradle is 3.2
A lot of similar threads here talk about following the "Learn more" links, which I've done. I had already done all of the work to get my app 64-bit compliant before switching to app bundles.
Other threads talk about Android Studio solutions, which I can't use because my automated build process involves building with Unity from command line, so it has to be Unity configurations or bust.
My expectation was the app bundles were supposed to be the hot new way to let Google build better APKs for you, but it seems like it's getting confused on whether or not aabs are actually 64-bit compliant, which seems to defeat the whole purpose.
Is this a Unity problem, does Google have an error in their system with regards to app bundles, or is there some other step I'm missing?
For those who have this problem since yesterday (August 19, 2019):
In Player Settings > Other Settings you must now uncheck the x86 box (It is for the 32-bit Intel architecture).
You will now only have the following warning:
The device types on which your application can be installed will be more restricted.
But, in my case, it drops from 12392 devices to 12385 devices.
Here is the opinion of a Unity member on the issue:
x86 is used by less than 0.4% of all Android devices, so it shouldn't have any real impact.
x86 target will be removed completely in Unity 2019.3.
It looks that there was a bug in the Play Console where this message was displayed even when the AAB was compliant. This should have been fixed last Friday afternoon.
Try again now.

This app is incompatible - on installing apk build on unity

When I run my game through Unity Remote 5 it works well, but when I build the apk and try to install it on my device, it shows app is incompatible, I have tried changing many settings in player settings section but nothing worked for me. What can be done with this problem?
I am using unity 2017.3, the Android version on phone is 7.0 (Nougat) (I also tried on oreo but didn't work either), minsdk version in player settings is set on the marshmallow and target SDK version is on highest installed.
I have had this problem before. Maybe you can try removing the app you just have installed and trying to install the new version.
But you should complete your question with more information as someone comented.
Hope it works!

Add android target to visual studio for Mac

I'm building over a non from scratch project, that a previous developer created in my office.
In a previous version of Unity - Visual Studio for Mac I generated some build for iOS, but now, with the newest version, I get this configuration:
Also, the configuration for Android is disabled.
How I can add Android as target for my project to generate an apk file?
VS Configuration.
Please refer to the following link to setup unity to make Android APK:
You will need to download: the latest version of java, and the android sdk.
You will need to set the unity path to the sdk
You will need to download and set up the android ndk.
Sounds like a lot of work but its really a lot of waiting. the Android SDK can take some time depending on which versions you wish to support and how far back you go.
Once you have followed the guide above you will be able to change your project to android in the project settings menu.
Good luck!
For mac users with unity looking to set up android:
Instructions for Mac
you should be able to select android here and then click switch platform...

Unable to list target platforms Unity 2018.1.0f2

I have a problem when i build / export my game into android's APK.
i've already replace latest tools folder to my SDK path but the problem still don't fixed.
So i tried to upgrade my Unity from 2017.2.0f3 into Unity 2018.1.0f2 and reconfigure my SDK path but still not working.
There's the error notice
Go through Unitys preferences and make sure android SDK Java SDK paths are configured. I had this error recently on a fresh install, the solution was to install https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools ( also setting paths to platform tools in your system path can be useful while at it)