Google Cloud Function works in emulator but errs on deploy to Firebase: Unexpected token p in JSON at position 1 - flutter

I have a cloud function that is meant to delete a post with its subcollection of comments. It properly deletes the post in the emulator. However, when I try to deploy the cloud function to Firebase the following error occurs:
i functions: updating Node.js 16 function
Function failed on loading user code. This is likely due to a bug in
the user code. Error message:
Error: please examine your function logs to see the error cause:
Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at
Functions deploy had errors with the following functions:
As instructed, I checked the error in the log in Google Cloud I found:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token p in JSON at position 1
at .JSON.parse
at .parse (
This is the function:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const firebase_tools = require('firebase-tools');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
* Initiate a recursive delete of documents at a given path.
* #param {string} data.path the document or collection path to delete.
exports.recursiveDelete = functions
timeoutSeconds: 540,
memory: '2GB'
.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const path = data[0].path;
console.log(`Running cloud function recursiveDelete on ${path}`);
await firebase_tools.firestore
.delete(path, {
project: process.env.GCP_PROJECT,
recursive: true,
yes: true,
token: '...',
force: true
return {
path: path
This is how I'm calling it:
static Future<void> delete(String ref) async {
if (FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser == null) {
throw Exception('Must be logged in');
await FirebaseFunctions.instance
.call([{'path': 'posts/$ref'}])
.then((value) => logger("Post deleted: ${}"))
.catchError((error) => logger.error("Failed to delete post: $error"));
In the emulator, deletion works fine and the output is:
I/flutter (26907): [Post] [INFO] Post deleted: {path:
So, what's wrong with it?
Full stack-trace:
=== Deploying to 'sightings-dev'...
i deploying functions
i functions: ensuring required API is enabled...
i functions: ensuring required API is enabled...
✔ functions: required API is enabled
✔ functions: required API is enabled
✔ artifactregistry: required API is enabled
i functions: preparing codebase default for deployment
i functions: preparing functions directory for uploading...
i functions: packaged /Users/strijdhaftig/sightings/frontend/flutter/sightings/functions (55.13 KB) for uploading
✔ functions: functions folder uploaded successfully
i functions: updating Node.js 16 function recursiveDelete(us-central1)...
Function failed on loading user code. This is likely due to a bug in the user code. Error message: Error: please examine your function logs to see the error cause: Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at Please visit for in-depth troubleshooting documentation.
Functions deploy had errors with the following functions:
i functions: cleaning up build files...
Error: There was an error deploying functions
Having trouble? Try again or contact support with contents of firebase-debug.log


How to deploy the kinesis-video-producer Docker image from AWS's own ECR to Fargate using CDK in TypeScript?

I'm trying to stand up a proof of concept that ingests an RTSP video stream into Kinesis Video. The provided documentation has a docker image all set up that seems to have everything I need to do this, hosted by AWS on What I am having trouble with, though, is getting that deployment (via an Amplify Custom category, in TypeScript CDK) to work.
I've tried different variations on
import * as iam from "#aws-cdk/aws-iam";
import * as ecs from "#aws-cdk/aws-ecs";
import * as ec2 from "#aws-cdk/aws-ec2";
const kinesisUserAccessKey = new iam.AccessKey(this, 'KinesisStreamUserAccessKey', {
user: kinesisStreamUser,
const servicePrincipal = new iam.ServicePrincipal('');
const executionRole = new iam.Role(this, 'IngestVideoTaskDefExecutionRole', {
assumedBy: servicePrincipal,
managedPolicies: [
const taskDefinition = new ecs.FargateTaskDefinition(this, 'IngestVideoTaskDef', {
cpu: 512,
memoryLimitMiB: 1024,
const image = ecs.ContainerImage.fromRegistry('');
taskDefinition.addContainer('IngestVideoContainer', {
command: [
// `aws-region="${cdk.Aws.REGION}"`,
logging: new ecs.AwsLogDriver({
streamPrefix: 'IngestVideoContainer',
const service = new ecs.FargateService(this, 'IngestVideoService', {
desiredCount: 1,
securityGroups: [
ec2.SecurityGroup.fromSecurityGroupId(this, 'DefaultSecurityGroup', SECURITY_GROUP_ID)
vpcSubnets: {
subnets: => ec2.Subnet.fromSubnetId(this, subnetId, subnetId)),
But it seems like regardless of what I do, an amplify push just stays in 'in progress' for like an hour until I go into the CloudFormation console and cancel the stack update, but deep in the my way to the ECS Console I managed to find an actual error message:
Resourceinitializationerror: unable to pull secrets or registry auth: execution resource retrieval failed: unable to retrieve ecr registry auth: service call has been retried 3 time(s): RequestError: send request failed caused by: Post "": dial tcp i/o timeout
It seems to be some kind of networking issue, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Any assistance you can provide would be wonderful. Cheers!
Figured it out. For those stuck with similar issues, you have to give it an execution role with AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy, which I already edited above, and set assignPublicIp: true in the service.

Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined - nestjs with typeorm and mongoDB

I'm setting up a simple API using nestjs with typeorm and mongodb. However when I make a simple http request I get the following error
[Nest] 8852 - 09/28/2021, 6:06:03 PM [ExceptionsHandler] Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined +4874934ms TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined at FindCursor.cursor.toArray (C:\Users\admin\Documents\projects\shoplist\api\node_modules\typeorm\entity-manager\MongoEntityManager.js:669:37) at MongoEntityManager.<anonymous> (C:\Users\admin\Documents\projects\shoplist\api\node_modules\typeorm\entity-manager\MongoEntityManager.js:60:54) at step (C:\Users\admin\Documents\projects\shoplist\api\node_modules\tslib\tslib.js:143:27) at (C:\Users\admin\Documents\projects\shoplist\api\node_modules\tslib\tslib.js:124:57) at fulfilled (C:\Users\admin\Documents\projects\shoplist\api\node_modules\tslib\tslib.js:114:62) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
findAll() {
return this.officesService.findAll();
async findAll() {
try {
const offices = await this.officesRepository.find();
return { success: true, message: 'Office successfully retrieved!', data: offices }
} catch(e) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException({ success: false, error: e.message })
I honestly don't know why it gives me error 500 with that message. Any idea what's happening?
These errors seam like a mongodb version problem. If you are using mongodb > 3, Typeorm doesn't support yet. They have PR open at github -->
It's issue of mongodb version with typeorm.
typeorm doesn't have support for >3 version yet.
Run this to resolve issue.
mongodb#3 #types/mongodb#3
Complete dependencies
npm install typeorm #nestjs/typeorm mongodb#3 #types/mongodb#3
Resolved same issue following this.

K6 Get reqeust result in error against specific endpoint URL

I am new to K6 and is trying to use the tool to perform a Get request by verifying an API.
When the script is executed I get a warning that terminates the scrip. As far as my understanding is that this error is somewhat related to Go (if I have understood it correctly).
The result that I want to achieve is to be able to execute the Get request to the endpoint URL, but would appreciate any kind of feedback if I have done any incorrectly or should try an other approach.
import http from "k6/http";
import { check } from "k6";
export default function () {
var url =
var headerParam = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
const response = http.get(url, headerParam);
check(response, {
"Response status reciving a 200 response ": (r) => r.status === 200,
let body = JSON.parse(response.body);
WARN[0000] Request Failed error="Get \"\": x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs or temporarily enable Common Name matching with GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0"
Changing URL endpoint:
If i change the URL endpoint (mockup url) like below, there will be no errors:
var url = "";
Updated solution to run this locally:
In order to run this locally i had to add the certification and key:
export let options = {
tlsAuth: [
cert: open(`${__ENV.Certificate}`),
key: open(`${__ENV.Key}`),
In addition populate the execute command with --insecure-skip-tls-verify
k6 run -e Certificate=/home/cert/example_certification.crt -e Key=/home/cert/certification/example_key.key -e example.js --insecure-skip-tls-verify
k6 is written in Go, and the latest versions of Go have a breaking change in how they handle X.509 certificates:
As it says in the error message, you can temporarily allow the old behavior by setting a GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 environment variable, but that will likely stop working in a few months with Go 1.17. Using the insecureSkipTLSVerify k6 option might also work, I haven't checked, but as the name implies, that stops any TLS verification and is insecure.
So the real solution is to re-generate your server-side certificate properly.

Ejabberd - ejabberd_auth_external:failure:103 External authentication program failed when calling 'check_password'

I already have a schema of users with authentication-key and wanted to do authentication via that. I tried implementing authentication via sql but due to different structure of my schema I was getting error and so I implemented external-authentication method. The technologies and OS used in my application are :
Ejabberd as XMPP server
MySQL Database
React-Native (Front-End)
OS - Ubuntu 18.04
I implemented the external authentication configuration as mentioned in and took php script as an example. But I am getting the below mentioned error in error.log. In ejabberd.yml I have done following configuration.
auth_method: [external]
extauth_program: "/usr/local/etc/ejabberd/JabberAuth.class.php"
auth_use_cache: false
Also, is there any external auth javascript script?
Here is the error.log and ejabberd.log as mentioned below
2019-03-19 07:19:16.814 [error]
<0.524.0>#ejabberd_auth_external:failure:103 External authentication
program failed when calling 'check_password' for
2019-03-19 07:19:16.811 [debug] <0.524.0>#ejabberd_http:init:151 S:
2019-03-19 07:19:16.811 [debug]
<0.524.0>#ejabberd_http:process_header:307 (#Port<0.13811>) http
query: 'POST' <<"/api/register">>
2019-03-19 07:19:16.811 [debug]
<0.524.0>#ejabberd_http:process:394 [<<"api">>,<<"register">>] matches
2019-03-19 07:19:16.811 [info]
<0.364.0>#ejabberd_listener:accept:238 (<0.524.0>) Accepted connection
::ffff:ip -> ::ffff:ip
2019-03-19 07:19:16.814 [info]
<0.524.0>#mod_http_api:log:548 API call register
from ::ffff:ip
2019-03-19 07:19:16.814 [error]
<0.524.0>#ejabberd_auth_external:failure:103 External authentication
program failed when calling 'check_password' for
2019-03-19 07:19:16.814 [debug]
<0.524.0>#mod_http_api:extract_auth:171 Invalid auth data:
Any help regarding this topic will be appreciated.
1) Your config about the auth_method looks good.
2) Here is a python script I've used and upgraded to make an external authentication for ejabberd.
import sys
from struct import *
import os
def openAuth(args):
(user, server, password) = args
# Implement your interactions with your service / database
# Return True or False
return True
def openIsuser(args):
(user, server) = args
# Implement your interactions with your service / database
# Return True or False
return True
def loop():
switcher = {
"auth": openAuth,
"isuser": openIsuser,
"setpass": lambda(none): True,
"tryregister": lambda(none): False,
"removeuser": lambda(none): False,
"removeuser3": lambda(none): False,
data = from_ejabberd()
to_ejabberd(switcher.get(data[0], lambda(none): False)(data[1:]))
def from_ejabberd():
input_length =
(size,) = unpack('>h', input_length)
def to_ejabberd(result):
if result:
if __name__ == "__main__":
except error:
I didn't created the communication with Ejabberd from_ejabberd() and to_ejabberd(), and unfortunately can't find back the sources.

can we connect to public api endpoint instead of local host using dredd tool?

I tried to use a public end point( instead of the local host while configuring dredd and ran the command to run the tool.But I am not able to connect to the end point through dredd. It is throwing Error:getaddrINFO EAI_AGAIN .
But when I tried to connect to the endpoint using post man .I am able to connect successfully
There is no difference in calling a local or remote endpoint.
Some remote endpoints have some sort of authorization requirements.
This an example of Dredd calling external endpoint:
dredd.yml configuration file fragment
blueprint: doc/
# endpoint: 'http://api-srv:5000'
As you see, the only change is the endpoint on Dredd configuration file (created using Dredd init).
But, as I mention, sometimes you'll need to provide authorization through the header or query string parameter.
Dreed has hooks that allow you to change things before each transaction, for instance:
You'd like to add the apikey parameter in each URL before executing the request. This code can handle that.
// Writing Dredd Hooks In Node.js
// Ref:
var hooks = require('hooks');
hooks.beforeEach(function(transaction) {
hooks.log('before each');
// add query parameter to each transaction here
let paramToAdd = 'api-key=23456';
if (transaction.fullPath.indexOf('?') > -1)
transaction.fullPath += '&' + paramToAdd;
transaction.fullPath += '?' + paramToAdd;
hooks.log('before each fullpath: ' + transaction.fullPath);
Code at Github gist
Save this hook file anywhere in your project an than run Dredd passing the hook file.
dredd --hookfiles=./hoock.js
That's it, after execution the log will show the actual URL used in the request.
info: Configuration './dredd.yml' found, ignoring other arguments.
2018-06-25T16:57:13.243Z - info: Beginning Dredd testing...
2018-06-25T16:57:13.249Z - info: Found Hookfiles: 0=/api/scripts/dredd-hoock.js
2018-06-25T16:57:13.263Z - hook: before each
2018-06-25T16:57:13.264Z - hook: before each fullpath: /notes?api-key=23456
2018-06-25T16:57:16.095Z - pass: GET (200) /notes duration: 2829ms
2018-06-25T16:57:16.096Z - hook: before each
2018-06-25T16:57:16.096Z - hook: before each fullpath: /notes?api-key=23456
2018-06-25T16:57:16.788Z - pass: POST (201) /notes duration: 691ms
2018-06-25T16:57:16.788Z - hook: before each
2018-06-25T16:57:16.789Z - hook: before each fullpath: /notes/abcd1234?api-key=23456
2018-06-25T16:57:17.113Z - pass: GET (200) /notes/abcd1234 duration: 323ms
2018-06-25T16:57:17.114Z - hook: before each
2018-06-25T16:57:17.114Z - hook: before each fullpath: /notes/abcd1234?api-key=23456
2018-06-25T16:57:17.353Z - pass: DELETE (204) /notes/abcd1234 duration: 238ms
2018-06-25T16:57:17.354Z - hook: before each
2018-06-25T16:57:17.354Z - hook: before each fullpath: /notes/abcd1234?api-key=23456
2018-06-25T16:57:17.614Z - pass: PUT (200) /notes/abcd1234 duration: 259ms
2018-06-25T16:57:17.615Z - complete: 5 passing, 0 failing, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 5 total
2018-06-25T16:57:17.616Z - complete: Tests took 4372ms