Why postgresql can efficiently use the index in this query? - postgresql

Given the following ddl
PRIMARY KEY (c1, c2, c3)
CREATE INDEX test_index ON test (c3, c2);
The following query
FROM test
WHERE c2 = '1 minute'::INTERVAL
LIMIT 1000
gives the following query plan in PostgreSQL 13.3
Limit (cost=0.43..49.92 rows=1000 width=60)
-> Index Scan using test_index on test (cost=0.43..316739.07 rows=6400526 width=60)
Index Cond: (c2 = '00:01:00'::interval)
Considering that test_index has columns in this order (c3, c2), why postgres can efficiently filter by c2 and sort by c3 using this index? From my understanding columns that appear in ORDER BY must be the last in the index definition otherwise index will not be used. It also works the same in case of ORDER BY c3 DESC

Without the actual run statistics (EXPLAIN ANALYZE), we don't know that it is efficient. We only know that the planner thinks it is more efficient than the alternatives.
By addressing the rows already in the desired order, it can filter out the ones that fail the c2 condition, then stop once it accumulates 1000 which pass the condition. It thinks it will accomplish this after reading only about 1/6000 of the index.
The plan doesn't explicitly say that the index is being used to provide ordering. We can infer that based on the absence of a Sort node. PostgreSQL knows how to follow an index in either direction, which is why the index also works if the order is DESC.
Whatever efficiency this does have mostly comes from stopping early and avoiding the sort. The filtering on c2='00:01:00'::interval is not very efficient. It can't jump to the part of the index were it knows that condition to be true, but rather it has to scan the index and individually assess the index tuples to filter them. But at least it can apply the filter to the index tuple, without needing to visit the table tuple, which can save a lot of random IO. (I think it would be a good idea if the plan would somehow distinguish jump-to index usage from in-index filtering usage, but that is easier said than done).
An index just on c3 could still read in order and stop early, but it would have to visit the table for every tuple, even the ones that end up failing on c2. The better index would be on (c2,c3). That way it can jump to the part of the index satisfying c2condition, and then read in order by c3 within just that part.

It may not be efficient.
However, the optimizer chose to filter on the index.
That means it will read index entries that are sorted according to the expected ordering, but not all of them will be useful. That's why it added the filtering predicate c2 = '00:01:00'::interval on the index scan.
Maybe the cost of the index scan that discards entries is still lower than a table scan, specially considering it will only keep 1000 at the most.


How to optimize the following query by adding more indexes?

I am trying to optimize a query which has been destroying my DB.
If you have any insights into how to make this better please let me know.
We are using RDS/Postgres 11.9
explain analyze SELECT "src_rowdifference"."key",
FROM "src_rowdifference"
INNER JOIN "src_containertype" ON ("src_rowdifference"."container_type_id" = "src_containertype"."key")
WHERE ("src_rowdifference"."container_type_id" IN
(SELECT U0."key"
FROM "src_containertype" U0
INNER JOIN "notification_tablenotification_container_types" U1 ON (U0."key" = U1."containertype_id")
WHERE U1."tablenotification_id" = 'test#test.com')
AND "src_rowdifference"."new_last_update" >= '2020-01-15T03:11:06.291947+00:00'::timestamptz
AND "src_rowdifference"."port_id" IN
(SELECT U0."key"
FROM "src_port" U0
INNER JOIN "notification_tablenotification_ports" U1 ON (U0."key" = U1."port_id")
WHERE U1."tablenotification_id" = 'test#test.com')
AND "src_rowdifference"."shipping_line_id" IN
(SELECT U0."key"
FROM "src_shippingline" U0
INNER JOIN "notification_tablenotification_shipping_lines" U1 ON (U0."key" = U1."shippingline_id")
WHERE U1."tablenotification_id" = 'test#test.com')
AND "src_rowdifference"."prev_last_update" IS NOT NULL
AND NOT ("src_rowdifference"."prev_availability_id" = 'na'
AND "src_rowdifference"."prev_availability_id" IS NOT NULL)
AND NOT ("src_rowdifference"."key" IN
(SELECT V1."rowdifference_id"
FROM "notification_tablenotificationtrigger_row_differences" V1
WHERE V1."tablenotificationtrigger_id" IN
(SELECT U0."id"
FROM "notification_tablenotificationtrigger" U0
WHERE U0."notification_id" = 'test#test.com'))));
All my indexes are btree + btree(varchar_pattern_ops)
"src_rowdifference_port_id_shipping_line_id_9b3465fc_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (port_id, shipping_line_id, container_type_id, shift_id, date, new_last_update)
Edit: A little unrelated change that I made was added some more ssd disk space to my RDS instance. That made a huge difference to the CPU usage and in turn made a huge difference to the number of connections we have.
It is hard to think about the plan as a whole, as I don't understand what it is looking for. But looking at the individual pieces, there are two which together dominate the run time.
One is the index scan on src_rowdifference_port_id_shipping_line_id_9b3465fc, which seems pretty slow given the number of rows returned. Comparing the Index Condition to the index columns, I can see that the condition on new_last_update cannot be applied efficiently in the index because two columns in the index come before it and have no equality conditions in the node. So instead that >= is applied as an "in-index filter" where it needs to test each row and reject it, rather than just skipping it in bulk. I don't know how many rows that removes as the "Rows Removed by Filter" does not count in-index filters, but it is potentially large. So one thing to try would be to make a new index on (port_id, shipping_line_id, container_type_id, new_last_update). Or maybe replace that index with a reordered version (port_id, shipping_line_id, container_type_id, new_last_update, shift_id, date) but of course that might make some other query worse.
The other time consuming thing is kicking the materialized node 47 thousand times (each one looping over up to 22 thousand rows) to implement NOT (SubPlan 1). That should be using a hashed subplan, rather than a linear searched subplan. The only reason I can think of that it not doing the hashed subplan is that work_mem is not large enough to anticipate fitting it into memory. What is your setting for work_mem? What happens if you bump it up to "100MB" or so?
The NOT (SubPlan 1) from the EXPLAIN corresponds to the part of your query AND NOT ("src_rowdifference"."key" IN (...)). If bumping up work_mem doesn't work, you could try rewriting that into a NOT EXISTS clause instead.

Multi-column indexes and ORDER BY

The PostgreSQL documentation states that if we run a query ... ORDER BY x ASC, y DESC on a table with an index ... (x ASC, y ASC), the index cannot be used because the directions do not match.
Does this mean that this index is completely useless, or can the database engine use the index to order the x ASC part (and then manually sort the y DESC part)?
What if we run a query ... WHERE x = 999 ORDER BY y DESC, can this index be used?
Answer to question 1.
Postgres 12 or older
No, the index cannot be used, like the manual suggests. You can verify by creating such an index on any table and then, for the test session only:
SET enable_seqscan = OFF;
Now, if the index could be used in any way, it would be. But you'll still see a sequential scan.
Corner case exception: If an index-only scan is possible, the index might still be used if it's substantially smaller than the table. But rows have to be sorted from scratch.
Optimizing queries on a range of timestamps (two columns)
Postgres 13 or newer
Postgres 13 added "incremental sort", which can be controlled with the GUC setting enable_incremental_sort that is on by default. The release notes:
If an intermediate query result is known to be sorted by one or more
leading keys of a required sort ordering, the additional sorting can
be done considering only the remaining keys, if the rows are sorted in
batches that have equal leading keys.
Corner case problems have been fixed with version 13.1 and 13.2. So - as always - be sure to run the latest point release.
Now, the index can be used. You'll see something like this in the EXPLAIN plan:
Sort Key: x, y DESC
Presorted Key: x
It's not as efficient as an index with matching (switched) sort order where readily sorted rows can be read from the index directly (with no sort step at all). But it can be a huge improvement, especially with a small LIMIT, where Postgres had to sort all rows historically. Now it can look at each (set of) leading column(s), sort only those, and stop as soon as LIMIT is satisfied.
Answer to question 2.
Yes, the index fits perfectly.
(Even works if the index has y ASC. It can be scanned backwards. Only NULL placement is a drawback in this case.)
Of course, if x = 999 is a stable predicate (it's always 999 we are interested in) and more than a few rows have a different x, then a partial index would be even more efficient:
db<>fiddle here - Postgres 10
db<>fiddle here - Postgres 13 (2nd demo uses incremental sort now)

Selecting primary key:Why postgres prefers to do sequential scan vs index scan

I have the following table
create table log
id bigint default nextval('log_id_seq'::regclass) not null
constraint log_pkey
primary key,
level integer,
category varchar(255),
log_time timestamp,
prefix text,
message text
It contains like 3 million of rows.
I'm comparing the following queries:
FROM log
WHERE log_time < now() - INTERVAL '3 month'
LIMIT 100000
which yields the following plan:
Limit (cost=0.00..19498.87 rows=100000 width=8)
-> Seq Scan on log (cost=0.00..422740.48 rows=2168025 width=8)
Filter: (log_time < (now() - '3 mons'::interval))
And the same query with ORDER BY id instruction added:
FROM log
WHERE log_time < now() - INTERVAL '3 month'
LIMIT 100000
which yields
Limit (cost=0.43..25694.15 rows=100000 width=8)
-> Index Scan using log_pkey on log (cost=0.43..557048.28 rows=2168031 width=8)
Filter: (log_time < (now() - '3 mons'::interval))
I have the following questions:
The absence of ORDER BY instruction allows Postgres not to care about the order of rows. They may be as well delivered sorted. Why it does not use index without ORDER BY?
How can Postgres use index in the first place in such a query? WHERE clause of the query contains a non-indexed column and to fetch that column, sequential database scan will be required, but the query with ORDER BY doesn't indicate that.
The Postgres manual page says:
For a query that requires scanning a large fraction of the table, an explicit sort is likely to be faster than using an index because it requires less disk I/O due to following a sequential access pattern
Can you please clarify this statement for me? Index is always ordered. And reading an ordered structure is always faster, it is always a sequential access (at least in terms of page scanning) than reading non-ordered data and then ordering it manually.
Can you please clarify this statement for me? Index is always ordered. And reading an ordered structure is always faster, it is always a sequential access (at least in terms of page scanning) than reading non-ordered data and then ordering it manually.
The index is read sequentially, yes, but postgres needs to follow up with a read of the rows from the table. That is, in most cases, if an index identifies 100 rows, then postgres will need to perform up to 100 random reads against the table.
Internally, the postgres planner weighs sequential and random reads differently, with random reads generally much more expensive. The settings seq_page_cost and random_page_cost determine those. There are other settings you can view and tinker with if you want, though I recommend being very conservative with modifications.
Let's go back to your earlier questions:
The absence of ORDER BY instruction allows Postgres not to care about the order of rows. They may be as well delivered sorted. Why it does not use index without ORDER BY?
The reason is the sort. As you note later, the index doesn't include the constraining column, so it doesn't make any sense to use the index. Instead, the planner is basically saying "read the whole table, figure out which rows conform to the constraint, and then return the first 100000 of them, in whatever order we find them".
The sort changes things. In that case, the planner is saying "we need to sort by this field, and we have an index which is already sorted, so read rows from the table in index order, checking against the constraint, until we have 100000 of them, and return that set".
You'll note that the cost estimates (e.g. '0.43..25694.15') are much higher for the second query -- the planner thinks that doing so many random reads from the index scan is going to cost significantly more than just reading the whole table at once with no sorting.
Hope that helps, and let me know if you have further questions.

Postgres multi-column index (integer, boolean, and array)

I have a Postgres 9.4 database with a table like this:
| id | other_id | current | dn_ids | rank |
| 1 | 5 | F | {123,234,345,456,111,222,333,444,555} | 1 |
| 2 | 7 | F | {123,100,200,900,800,700,600,400,323} | 2 |
(update) I already have a couple indexes defined. Here is the CREATE TABLE syntax:
CREATE TABLE mytable (
id integer NOT NULL,
other_id integer,
rank integer,
current boolean DEFAULT false,
dn_ids integer[] DEFAULT '{}'::integer[]
ALTER TABLE ONLY mytable ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('mytable_id_seq'::regclass);
CREATE INDEX ind_dn_ids ON mytable USING gin (dn_ids);
CREATE INDEX index_mytable_on_current ON mytable USING btree (current);
CREATE INDEX index_mytable_on_other_id ON mytable USING btree (other_id);
CREATE INDEX index_mytable_on_other_id_and_current ON mytable USING btree (other_id, current);
I need to optimize queries like this:
SELECT id, dn_ids
FROM mytable
WHERE other_id = 5 AND current = F AND NOT (ARRAY[100,200] && dn_ids)
This query works fine, but I'm sure it could be much faster with smart indexing. There are about 250,000 rows in the table and I always have current = F as a predicate. The input array I'm comparing to the stored array will have 1-9 integers, as well. The other_id can vary. But generally, before limiting, the scan will match between 0-25,000 rows.
Here's an example EXPLAIN:
Limit (cost=36944.53..36945.78 rows=500 width=65)
-> Sort (cost=36942.03..37007.42 rows=26156 width=65)
Sort Key: rank
-> Seq Scan on mytable (cost=0.00..35431.42 rows=26156 width=65)
Filter: ((NOT current) AND (NOT ('{-1,35257,35314}'::integer[] && dn_ids)) AND (other_id = 193))
Other answers on this site and the Postgres docs suggest it's possible to add a compound index to improve performance. I already have one on [other_id, current]. I've also read in various places that indexing can improve the performance of the ORDER BY in addition to the WHERE clause.
What's the right type of compound index to use for this query? I don't care about space at all.
Does it matter much how I order the terms in the WHERE clause?
What's the right type of compound index to use for this query? I don't care about space at all.
This depends on the complete situation. Either way, the GIN index you already have is most probably superior to a GiST index in your case:
Difference between GiST and GIN index
You can combine either with integer columns once you install the additional module btree_gin (or btree_gist, respectively).
Multicolumn index on 3 fields with heterogenous data types
However, that does not cover the boolean data type, which typically doesn't make sense as index column to begin with. With just two (three incl. NULL) possible values it's not selective enough.
And a plain btree index is more efficient for integer. While a multicolumn btree index on two integer columns would certainly help, you'll have to test carefully if combining (other_id, dn_ids) in a multicolumn GIN index is worth more than it costs. Probably not. Postgres can combine multiple indexes in a bitmap index scan rather efficiently.
Finally, while indexes can be used for sorted output, this will probably not pay to apply for a query like you display (unless you select large parts of the table).
Not applicable to updated question.
Partial indexes might be an option. Other than that, you already have all the indexes you need.
I would drop the pointless index on the boolean column current completely, and the index on just rank is probably never used for this query.
Does it matter much how I order the terms in the WHERE clause?
The order of WHERE conditions is completely irrelevant.
Addendum after question update
The utility of indexes is bound to selective criteria. If more than roughly 5 % (depends on various factors) of the table are selected, a sequential scan of the whole table is typically faster than dealing with the overhead on any indexes - except for pre-sorting output, that's the one thing an index is still good for in such cases.
For a query that fetches 25,000 of 250,000 rows, indexes are mostly just for that - which gets all the more interesting if you attach a LIMIT clause. Postgres can stop fetching rows from an index once the LIMIT is satisfied.
Be aware that Postgres always needs to read OFFSET + LIMIT rows, so performance deteriorate with the sum of both.
Even with your added information, much of what's relevant is still in the dark. I am going to assume that:
Your predicate NOT (ARRAY[100,200] && dn_ids) is not very selective. Ruling out 1 to 10 ID values should typically retain the majority of rows unless you have very few distinct elements in dn_ids.
The most selective predicate is other_id = 5.
A substantial part of the rows is eliminated with NOT current.
Aside: current = F isn't valid syntax in standard Postgres. Must be NOT current or current = FALSE;
While a GIN index would be great to identify few rows with matching arrays faster than any other index type, this seems hardly relevant for your query. My best guess is this partial, multicolumn btree index:
CREATE INDEX foo ON mytable (other_id, rank, dn_ids)
WHERE NOT current;
The array column dn_ids in a btree index cannot support the && operator, I just include it to allow index-only scans and filter rows before accessing the heap (the table). May even be faster without dn_ids in the index:
CREATE INDEX foo ON mytable (other_id, rank) WHERE NOT current;
GiST indexes may become more interesting in Postgres 9.5 due to this new feature:
Allow GiST indexes to perform index-only scans (Anastasia Lubennikova,
Heikki Linnakangas, Andreas Karlsson)
Aside: current is a reserved word in standard SQL, even if it's allowed as identifier in Postgres.
Aside 2: I assume id is an actual serial column with the column default set. Just creating a sequence like you demonstrate, would do nothing.
Auto increment SQL function
Unfortunately I don't think you can combine a BTree and a GIN/GIST index into a single compound index, so the planner is going to have to choose between using the other_id index or the dn_ids index. One advantage of using other_id, as you pointed out, is that you could use a multicolumn index to improve the sort performance. The way you would do this would be
CREATE INDEX index_mytable_on_other_id_and_current
ON mytable (other_id, rank) WHERE current = F;
This is using a partial index, and will allow you to skip the sort step when you are sorting by rank and querying on other_id.
Depending on the cardinality of other_id, the only benefit of this might be the sorting. Because your plan has a LIMIT clause, it's difficult to tell. SEQ scans can be the fastest option if you're using > 1/5 of the table, especially if you're using a standard HDD instead of solid state. If you're planner insists on SEQ scanning when you know an IDX scan is faster (you've tested with enable_seqscan false, you may want to try fine tuning your random_page_cost or effective_cache_size.
Finally, I'd recomment not keeping all of these indexes. Find the ones you need, and cull the rest. Indexes cause huge performance degradation in inserts (especially mutli-column and GIN/GIST indexes).
The simplest index for your query is mytable(other_id, current). This handles the first two conditions. This would be a normal b-tree type index.
You can satisfy the array condition using a GIST index on mytable(dn_ids).
However, I don't think you can mix the different data types in one index, at least not without extensions.

Why index seek and not a scan for the following setup in SQL Server 2005

I have created a table
create table #temp(a int, b int, c int)
I have 2 indexes on this table:
Non clustered non unique index on c
Clustered Index on a
When I try to execute the following query:
select b from #temp where c = 3
I see that the system goes for index scan. This is fine, because the non clustered index doesn't have b as the key value. Hence it does an index scan from column a.
But when I try to execute the below query:-
select b from #temp where c= 3 and a = 3
I see that the execute plan has got only index seek. No scan. Why is that?
Neither the clustered index nor the nonclustered index as b as one of the columns?
I was hoping an index scan.
Please clarify
If you have a as your clustering key, then that column is included in all non-clustered indices on that table.
So your index on c also includes a, so the condition
where c= 3 and a = 3
can be found in that index using an index seek. Most likely, the query optimizer decided that doing a index seek to find a and c and a key lookup to get the rest of the data is faster/more efficient here than using an index scan.
BTW: why did you expect / prefer an index scan over an index seek? The index seek typically is faster and uses a lot less resources - I would always strive to get index seeks over scans.
This is fine, because the non clustered index doesn't have b as the key value. Hence it does an index scan from column a.
This assumption is not right. index seek and scan has to deal with WHERE clause and not the select clause.
Now your question -
Where clause is optimised by sql optimizer and as there is a=3 condition, clustered index can be applied.