Need help to approve publish_to_groups and Groups API Permissions - facebook

I need small help regarding publish_to_groups and Groups API Permissions.
I already have LIVE FB App(Type: Business) and now I need Advance Access of above both permissions to allow users to publish content from our application to their Facebook group.
I have added both permissions to LIVE site and then integrated API and now need to send that to the FB Review team for the review, but when I publish content to the group, I am getting following error
"(#200) If posting to a group, requires app being installed in the group"
I have checked about installing my FB App to the group, but I can not find my FB APP and I think it is because My Live FB App does not have approved permissions of publish_to_groups and Groups API.
so now I don't understand how I can show working use case to fb review team and get permissions approved?


Submitting a New Scope for Approval on Facebook App Verification

I have an existing app that allows users to create and share live videos on their personal profile. I tested this app in developer mode, submitted it for verification and the approval team could use their test users to demo the functionality and then approve the app.
It's now three months later and I want to update the app to allow the same functionality for the user's pages. So I add the scope pages_manage_posts to my app review and test on a separate testing app in developer mode.
When I use test users on the live app though, myself and the test users can't use the scope that's not yet been approved, even on Pages the business owns. Because of this the app reviewers can't testing the functionality and won't approve the new permission.
(#200) If posting to a group, requires app being installed in the group, and either publish_to_groups permission with user token, or both manage_pages and publish_pages permission with page token; If posting to a page, requires both manage_pages and publish_pages as an admin with sufficient administrative permission
How can you test and approve new scopes on an existing live Facebook App? I'm stuck in a loop/
I was instructed to use Facebook Test Apps. Here's how I did it:
I created a test app with the instructions here:
I updated my app so that when logged in with the test user the Facebook API would switch to the app id and secret token from the new test app
Re-submitted. I'll see if that helps

How do I get access to my customers account from my facebook app?

I created a facebook app (which is currently in dev stage, hence not approved by FB yet).
I need to get the daily ads insights reports for all my customers, so I need them to grant access for my app (ads_read).
I do not understand and cannot find it in the documentation, how do I get my customers to grant me (my app) access to their ads accounts.
Do I need to setup a Business Manager?
I tried using app token but it only accesses my accounts
There are two options:
Add them to your App as Test Users, so they can use the permissions without review
Go through review with the neccessary permissions
An App Token does not have any relation to a User, so you cannot even get access to your own Ads with that one. You are probably talking about a User or Page Token.
More information about Tokens:

Facebook API - How to add application to group in developer mode

I have troubles with adding my application to group for any test user.
I've created two test users and one of them has group and he is an admin there and I wrapped those users into test application.
I've added two permissions for groups (groups_access_member_info, publish_to_groups). In user settings I see my application but in group settings I can't add my application.
I need this because I would like to make request from facebook graph API.
In order to test the Groups API with an app in development mode, you need to be an admin of both the app and group. Test users don't count as admins of the app. Therefore, you'll need to use a real user account.
You don't have to add the app to the group, it is assumed that the app is added if you are the admin of the group.
Source: Facebook Platform Bug Report.
Additional information from another useful bug report:
to read group information (such as the /events edge on a group), the app needs to have the "Groups API" feature reviewed and approved,
and the app needs to be installed to the group. No additional
permissions are required on the access token.
to read information about the members of a group, the access token needs to have the groups_access_member_info permission granted during
login, and the app must have been approved for the "Groups API"
to publish to a group, the access token needs to have the publish_to_group permission granted, in addition to the app having the
"Groups API" feature
When testing this with your own groups in development mode, the Groups
API feature is assumed to be enabled, and when querying groups that
you manage, the API will behave as though the app is installed to your
group. Note that when querying group posts, you may only receive posts
made by yourself or other admins of the app.
When querying your group's events with your app in development mode,
the call worked as you didn't need any additional permissions on the
access token, and the API behaves as though your app is installed on
the group. This is similar to how this would work in production, as
the access token wouldn't need any additional permissions to be
granted during login.
To add your App to a Facebook Group in development mode so as to use the Groups API, you'll need to follow these steps
Ensure you are an Admin to both the App and the Facebook Group.
Create a Test version of your App from the main App, this enables you to use the Test App in a Facebook Group without needing to add the App to the Facebook Group or you'll get an OAuthException using the main App, see the docs.
Don't bother looking for the Test version of your App in the group app store as the Test App is bound automatically to any Facebook Group you are an Admin to.
Add the required permissions Groups API would use in a standard App see the docs like groups_access_member_info and publish_to_groups to get the most out of the Groups API.
Add Test Users to the App for them to see your posts made with the Test version of your App see the docs. This is not a must see the note below.
If you're testing with the Graph API Explorer change the Facebook App to the test version of your App to prevent an OAuthException.
Congrats! You can now use the Groups API with a Test version of your App to post to the Facebook Group you are an Admin to.
NOTE: Only your Admin account and the Test Users you add to the App can see the posts made with the Test version of your App, meaning mutations to Facebook are private to you an Admin and the Testers till you submit your App for review which you can read about here.

Facebook API: Is it possible to post to a 'Closed' Facebook group?

I have a valid access token to my account which has both user_managed_groups and publish_actions permissions and I tested the app to publish in open/public groups and it works just fine.
The user_managed_groups permission should enable me to publish in other groups that are not public as stated in Facebook developers reference:
For all other kinds of groups, a user access token with publish_actions and user_managed_groups permission is required for someone able to post to the group.
However, as I try to publish in closed groups it returns an error: (#200) The user has not authorized the application to perform this action.
My question is:
Is it possible to post to a closed facebook group vai API?
Do I have to "Review" the app to get user_managed_groups permission as stated here? Even though my app is intended to be used by me only and not willing to publish it to the outside world?.
Or is this a bug in Facebook group permissions?
Are you admin/mod of the group? If not, afaik it is not possible to post to closed groups. Try as group admin, the permissions are correct (user_managed_groups and publish_actions).

Graph API v2.2 : user_status permission is obtained from facebook but still cant get the v2.2/me?fields=statuses data

I have an app & user_status permission is obtained from facebook after its submitted for review. I can get the v2.2/me?fields=statuses data for the App's admin. No other fb accounts are able to get this data. When I login with facebook from my portal, the permissions requested are not shown to the users.
Is the issue related to FB API. I can use the obtained permissions only for the App's admin alone?
Is this issue related to not obtaining consent from the account while logging in from my portal. If yes, what is the method to get this done.
Anyone kindly help me regarding this.
It's all in the docs:
...your app's developers will be able to see, and grant, any permission without requiring review by Facebook.
People who are listed in your app's Roles tab will have access to extended permissions without going through review (e.g. publish_actions or manage_pages). For example, if you use the Facebook Plugin for Wordpress to publish your blog posts to your Facebook Page or Profile, you do not need to submit for review so long as all your publishers are listed in your app's Roles tab.