Cypress cucumber - how to run mutiple tags in single comment(in terminal) - cypress-cucumber-preprocessor

Scenario:Running first feature file
Scenario:Running second scenario file
Need to run the two feature file using tags in a single comment
tried:npx cypress-tags run -e TAGS='#feature1, #feature2'


Is there a way to configure pytest_plugins from a pytest.ini file?

I may have missed this detail but I'm trying to see if I can control the set of plugins made available through the ini configuration itself.
I did not find that item enumerated in any of the configurable command-line options nor in any of the documentation around the pytest_plugins global.
The goal is to reuse a given test module with different fixture implementations.
#hoefling is absolutely right, there is actually a pytest command line argument that can specify plugins to be used, which along with the addopts ini configuration can be used to select a set of plugin files, one per -p command.
As an example the following ini file selects three separate plugins, the plugins specified later in the list take precedence over those that came earlier.
addopts =
-p projX.plugins.plugin_1
-p projX.plugins.plugin_2
-p projY.plugins.plugin_1
We can then invoke this combination on a test module with a command like
python -m pytest projX -c projX.ini
A full experiment is detailed here in this repository

Macro to generate xlsx works fine manually but not from the batch through QlikviewManagement Consol

I am trying to export few charts to Excel (.Xlsx format) through Qlikview Macro and to save it on postrelaod at a particular location. The file works perfectly fine when it is run manually or from the batch (.bat) on double click.
But when scheduled to run from the Qlikview Management Console through the external File(.bat file) its generating the Excel Extract but the file is blank. The error is:
Error: Paste method of Worksheet class failed
I have checked the permission/location of the file and its not an issue.
Postreload trigger saving charts via macro will not work via QMC (both postreload and frontend/chart manipulations doesn't work via QMC).
To solve that I do as following.
1) Set reload in QMC to refresh data in your document.
2) After successful reload another document which triggers... macro from first document to save that charts but with that it also gave me trouble as it generated conflict (you can not open Qlikview from Qlikview..... (I know that it is nosense) so in second document I run macro from first one like that (via PsExec):
EXECUTE "C:\Qlikview\PROD APPLICATION\modules\scripts\edx\PsExec64.exe" *\\SERVER_NAME* -u *SERVER_NAME\User* -p *password* -i 1 -d -high cmd /c ""C:\Program Files\QlikView\qv.exe" "C:\Qlikview\PROD APPLICATION\modules\$(vDocument).qvw" /vvRun=yes
I use variable vRun to specify that macro on open runs only when it is set to yes:
and in macro it is set to close app after saving charts:
ActiveDocument.ClearAll true
end sub

Incorrect nested list formatting

I have the following markdown snippet which will be visible on Github:
1. Ask a supervisor for a `cmprod.pem` file and move it into the `~/.ssh` folder.
2. Run `chmod 600 ~/.ssh/cmprod.pem`
3. Run `eb ssh` and type `yes` when it asks if you would like to add the key to your keychain.
4. Once connected via SSH, to access the application's source code, perform the following steps
   - `sudo docker ps`
   - Copy the desired value from the `CONTAINER ID` column
- Run `sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID rails c` using the copied value.
The problem is that the nested list (the three bullet points under step 4) are not formatting correctly. They end up looking like this:
Ask a supervisor for a cmprod.pem file and move it into the ~/.ssh folder.
Run chmod 600 ~/.ssh/cmprod.pem
Run eb ssh and type yes when it asks if you would like to add the key to your keychain.
Once connected via SSH, to access the application's source code, perform the following steps
   - sudo docker ps
   - Copy the desired value from the CONTAINER ID column
Run sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID rails c using the copied value.
This depends on which ruleset you are using. According to Commonmark, which GitHub uses (and I'm assuming is relevant here due to the [github] tag), "a list can interrupt a paragraph. That is, no blank line is needed to separate a paragraph from a following list." And Example 280 of the spec even shows an example similar to yours. If its not working for you with a Commonmark parser, then that would be a bug.
However, if you are not using Commonmark (or as a workaround to any Commonmark bug), then the Markdown rules require you to have a blank line between a list and the preceding paragraph. As the text in item 4 of your parent list would be a paragraph (inside the list item), then that paragraph and the child list item which follows the paragraph would need to have a blank line between them. Like this:
1. Ask a supervisor for a `cmprod.pem` file and move it into the `~/.ssh` folder.
2. Run `chmod 600 ~/.ssh/cmprod.pem`
3. Run `eb ssh` and type `yes` when it asks if you would like to add the key to your keychain.
4. Once connected via SSH, to access the application's source code, perform the following steps
- `sudo docker ps`
- Copy the desired value from the `CONTAINER ID` column
- Run `sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID rails c` using the copied value.
It's helpful to remember that when nesting list items, you need to follow all the same rules you would outside of a list. Then just indent one level. So, for example, everything nested in item 4 would look like this outside of a list item:
Once connected via SSH, to access the application's source code, perform the following steps
- `sudo docker ps`
- Copy the desired value from the `CONTAINER ID` column
- Run `sudo docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID rails c` using the copied value.
You need a blank line between the paragraph and the list. Therefore, when nesting all of that in a list, you need to maintain the same formatting and maintain the blank line. Just because the first line starts after the bullet (or list number) doesn't mean it doesn't follow the same rules.
Finally, even if you are using a Commonmark parser, I would suggest using the blank line. It is just good form which any Markdown linter would suggest.

Can we give two files as input while using JasperStarter

I am using JasperStarter to create pdf from several jrprint files and then print it using JasperStarter functtions.
I want to create one single pdf file with all the .jrprint files.
If I give command like:
jasperstarter pr a.jprint b.jprint -f pdf -o rep
It does not recognise the files after the first input file.
Can we create one single output file with many input jasper/jrprint files?
Please help.
Looking at the documentation, this is not possible:
The command process (pr)
The command process is for processing a report.
In direct comparison to the command for compiling:
The command compile (cp)
The command compile is for compiling one report or all reports in a directory.

Is it possible to list all tags across all behat tests?

I have several hundred behat tests created by many people who used different tags. I want to clean this up, and to start with I want to list out all the tags which have been used so far.
I wanted to answer my own question as it was something I could not find an answer to elsewhere.
I tried initially to use a custom formatter but that did not work.
Eventually I crafted a Bash command to suit my purposes
bin/behat --dry-run 2>&1 | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -w #.* | sort -u
This runs the behat command with --dry-run which does not execute the tests, merely outputs the steps so I can pipe them to another tool. The 2>&1 redirects the standard error to null (this is shell dependent). The tr tool breaks every word in the stream into a separate line. The grep searches for lines starting with the # symbol. Finally sort -u sorts the list and returns the uniques.
This command takes about 15 seconds to run and did the job perfectly for me.