I am looking for a way to send command to a terminal that is running on a jupyter-server. This document shows API to create/query/delete a terminal but there is no information on how to execute a command (such as ls, cd)in the terminal.
Can someone tell me how to do it?
When I run my code in VS Code, I get this message after every user interface input
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
What can I do to use zsh and/or keep this messsage from appearing?
If you are using MAC, Apple has changed the default Interactive Shell from macOS Catalina.
But your Shell still could be bash.
if you want to change it to zsh, just run the following command in your terminal.
chsh -s /bin/zsh
and if you want to stop message appearing every time you open terminal
just follow this article here.
I've installed Cloud SDK on my windows 10 machine and I'm able to run commands like "gcloud", "gsutil" and "bq" on my command prompt. However, when I run "gsutil" or "bq" on Bash, this is the error I'm getting.
$ bq
bash: bq: command not found
Then I added this location to PATH C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin, and afterwards I seem to be able to call gsutil and bq using gsutil.cmd and bq.cmd. But of course, I'd prefer calling bq / gsutil directly.
Has anyone has this problem before? Thank you!
I found one possible solution!
In Bash, go to the root bash folder by typing cd
Type touch .bashrc
write alias bq="bq.cmd" or alias gsutil="gsutil.cmd" or both
Press Esc and type :qa and Enter to save and exit
This tells Bash to remember bq as invoking bq.cmd, hence now I can invoke bq anywhere -- as far as I know.
If anyone has a better suggestion, please let me know! Thank you!
In the bash session itself, check what echo $PATH returns. It should inherit the path that was defined on Windows.
So open a new CMD session, and:
make sure the %PATH% does include C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin,
then call C:\path\to\Git\bin\bash.exe to open a bash session
bq should work in such a shell session.
I am following some tutorials on how to work with Mongodb but they don't explain how to close the CLI. I usually just use "exit" but after running mongod it now does nothing, and if I try to leave by just closing the window I get a message saying "processes running in session".
I get the same problem with the other gitbash window after running npm run dev (I think the "dev" part is just specific to what I do now?).
Normally you can press 'ctrl' + 'c' on your keyboard and it should stop the process running on your command line tool.
Have a look here thing might be more MongoDB specific help
The command to save a file in Vim and quit the editor is :wq . To save the file and exit the editor simultaneously, press Esc to switch to normal mode, type :wq and hit Enter .
Check this.
I am having a strange issue. I have written a script which is basically running a perl script in remote server using ssh.
This script is working fine but after completion of the above operation it will ask user to choose the next operation.
it is showing the options in the command prompt but while I am giving any input it is not showing in the screen even after hitting enter also it remain same.
I am not getting what is the exact issue, but it seems there is some issue with the ssh command because if I am commenting out the ssh command it is working fine.
print "1: run the script in remote server \n2: Exit\n\nEnter your choice:";
my $input=<STDIN>;
sub run_script()
my $com="sshg3.exe server -q --user=user --password=pass -exec script >/dev/null";
after completing this ssh script it is showing in screen:
1: run remote script
2: exit
Enter your choice:
but while I am giving any input it is not displaying in the screen until and unless I am exiting it using crtl C.
Please can anyone help what might be the issue here ?
One of the classic gotchas with ssh is this - that it normally runs interactively, and as such will attach STDIN by default.
This can result in STDIN being consumed by ssh rather than your script.
Try it with ssh -n instead.
You can redirect the output in command prompt if -n option is not available for you.
try this one it might work for you.
system("$com />null");
As per https://support.ssh.com/manuals/client-user/62/sshg3.html there is an option for redirecting input use --dev-null (*nix) or --null (Windows).
-n, --dev-null (Unix), -n, --null (Windows)
Redirects input from /dev/null (Unix) and from NUL (Windows).
I am trying to
Send a command to the terminal
Respond to the program's input prompt in Python.
How can I do that? I know how to use subprocess.check_output to just get a return.
if you have your inputs in a file normally < symbol would do.
./executable < inputsfile