Use Array of Values to Filter JSON? - prisma

Having an array of manufacturerID's, how can I exclude results by the id's in the array?
Is this possible on a JSON field?
Manufacturer: {
path: ["manufacturerID"],
not: { in: ["28", "266", "213", "234"] },

This doesn't not appear to be possible, so I have gone with:
NOT: {
OR: [
{ Manufacturer: { path: ["manufacturerID"], equals: "28" } },
{ Manufacturer: { path: ["manufacturerID"], equals: "266" } },
{ Manufacturer: { path: ["manufacturerID"], equals: "213" } },
{ Manufacturer: { path: ["manufacturerID"], equals: "234" } },


Mongodb project inside array of object with array of object

I have data like:-
review: [
title: "Title1",
professor: [
id: "1",
accept: false
id: "2",
accept: false
review: [
title: "Title2",
professor: [
id: "3",
accept: false
id: "2",
accept: false
I want title and professor array with filter of specific id (like "1")
My code:-
for match i use below code and it works perfectly fine
review: {
$elemMatch: {
professor: {
$elemMatch: {
id: "1"
for project i use below code
review: {
input: "$review.professor", (I try only professor but give null)
as: "professor",
cond: {$eq:["$$", "1" ]}
Problem is that professor show array but comes with empty data
Unwind stage could help you.
"$match": {
review: {
$elemMatch: {
professor: {
$elemMatch: {
id: "1"
"$unwind": "$review"
$project: {
review: {
title: 1,
professor: {
$filter: {
input: "$review.professor",
as: "professor",
cond: {
$eq: [

nested condition in mongodb aggregation

I have a collection product which looks like this.
should_show: {
type: String,
enum: ['always', 'never', 'on_date'],
default: 'always',
show_start_date: { type: Date },
show_end_date: { type: Date },
categories: [{ type: ObjectId }],
price: number,
find condition like this works fine when I find many products.
const condition = {
'$and': [
{ '$and': [ { categories: '61bdd930fb1dfb1f65a21f13' } ] },
'$or': [
{ should_show: 'always' },
should_show: 'on_date',
show_start_date: { '$lt': 2022-01-03T08:56:19.589Z },
show_end_date: { '$gt': 2022-01-03T08:56:19.589Z }
But I changed my business logic to use Model.aggregate() instead of `Model.find()
(because I have to use allowdiskuse option)
const condition = {
'$and': [
{ '$and': [ { categories: '61bdd930fb1dfb1f65a21f13' } ] },
'$or': [
{ should_show: 'always' },
should_show: 'on_date',
show_start_date: { '$lt': 2022-01-03T08:56:19.589Z },
show_end_date: { '$gt': 2022-01-03T08:56:19.589Z }
{ $match: condition },
And returned results is always empty array []
I changed my condition simpler like this
const condition = {
'$and': [ { categories: '61bdd930fb1dfb1f65a21f13' } ],
'$or': [
{ should_show: 'always' },
should_show: 'on_date',
show_start_date: { '$lt': 2022-01-03T08:56:50.161Z },
show_end_date: { '$gt': 2022-01-03T08:56:50.161Z }
{ $match: condition },
but still returns empty array.
How should I fix this problem?
Self Answer:
I have to pass ObjectId by explicit ObjectId type, not string.
const condition = {
'$and': [
{ '$and': [{
// like this:
categories: Mongoose.Types.ObjectId('61bdd930fb1dfb1f65a21f13'),
}] },
'$or': [
{ should_show: 'always' },
should_show: 'on_date',
show_start_date: { '$lt': 2022-01-03T08:56:19.589Z },
show_end_date: { '$gt': 2022-01-03T08:56:19.589Z }
{ $match: condition },

mongoDB: update nested array element

I have the following datastructure
_id: ObjectId('61ae12bfb8047effd0ac2a01'),
data: [
xml: {
messageId: 1638798015073,
xmlString: 'someXML'
data: [
customerId: 123456,
validation: {
isValid: true,
message: ''
docs: [
objectId: 'PA1106:zt:bb302216879669b58c141b12dcdd5eb0',
writtenBack: false
customerId: 55555,
validation: {
isValid: true,
message: ''
docs: [
objectId: 'PA1106:zt:bb302216879669b58b143ef38c016217',
writtenBack: true
xml: {
messageId: 1638798015094,
xmlString: 'someXML'
data: [
customerId: 55555,
validation: {
isValid: true,
message: ''
docs: [
objectId: 'PA1106:zt:bb302216879669b58c1416129062c2d2',
writtenBack: false
objectId: 'PA1106:zt:b8be9ea04011c2a18c148a0d4c9d6aab',
writtenBack: true
createdAt: '2021-12-06T13:40:15.096Z',
createdBy: 'Test'
Now I want to update the writtenBack property of for a given Document and objectId. How would I write a query for this?
my updateOne looked like this
_id: '61ae12bfb8047effd0ac2a01',
'': 'PA1106:zt:bb302216879669b58b143ef38c016217'
$set: { '$.writtenBack': true }
I know there is arrayFilters for nested arrays, but as far as I know, I need a unique identifier for each array-Level. But I only have the objectId which is unique for a Document. Any Ideas?
Yes, you can achieve the update for the document in the nested array with positional operator $[] and arrayFilters.
_id: "61ae12bfb8047effd0ac2a01",
$set: {
"data.$$[doc].writtenBack": true
arrayFilters: [
"doc.objectId": "PA1106:zt:bb302216879669b58b143ef38c016217"
Sample Mongo Playground
I made it work with this query
_id: '61ae12bfb8047effd0ac2a01',
$set: { 'data.$[elem1].data.$[elem2].docs.$[elem3].writtenBack': true }
arrayFilters: [
{ 'elem1.xml.messageId': 1638798015094 },
{ 'elem2.customerId': 55555},
{ 'elem3.objectId': 'PA1106:zt:bb302216879669b58c1416129062c2d2'}]

Mongo DB complex query

I need some help with MongoDB.
I Have Ex Schema and Database as below:
name: { type: String }
image: { type: String }
city: { type: String }
address: [{
index: { type: Number }
district_id: { type: Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'District' }
name: { type: String }
code: { type: String }}
Example Database:
User: [{
_id: '1234'
name: 'Jacky',
image: '',
city: 'Da Nang',
address: [
index: 1,
district_id: '12345'
index: 2,
district_id: '123456'
index: 3,
district_id: '1234567'
District: [
_id: '12345',
name: 'Hai Chau',
code: 12
_id: '123455',
name: 'Lien CHieu',
code: 13
_id: '1234567',
name: 'Cam Le',
code: 14
_id: '12345678',
name: 'Son Tra',
code: 15
How can i select User by both of two options ( && index) like as = 'Lien Chieu' && address.index > 1.
You can try this below query :
/** filter required doc from district Coll */
{ $match: { name: "Lien CHieu" } },
$lookup: {
from: "User",
let: { id: "$_id" },
pipeline: [
/** Basic filter to get matched doc from User Coll */
{ $match: { $expr: { $in: ["$$id", "$address.district_id"] } } },
/** check for criteria */
$addFields: {
mappingField: {
$map: {
input: "$address", as: "each", in: {
$and: [{ $gt: ["$$each.index", 1] }, { $eq: ["$$id", "$$each.district_id"] }]
/** filter required doc from above which matches our criteria & remove added field */
{ $match: { mappingField: true } }, { $project: { mappingField: 0 } }
as: "userdata"
Test : MongoDB-Playground

How to remove subdocument (by Id) embedded in sub array in MongoDB?

_id: { ObjectId('x1')},
products: [
{ listPrice: '1.90', product: {id: 'xxx1'} },
{ listPrice: '3.90', product: {id: 'xxx2'} },
{ listPrice: '5.90', product: {id: 'xxx3'} }
_id: { ObjectId('x2')},
products: [
{ listPrice: '2.90', product: {id: 'xxx4'} },
{ listPrice: '4.90', product: {id: 'xxx5'} },
{ listPrice: '5.90', product: {id: 'xxx6'} }
I want to remove subdocument (xxx3) from collection (x1), and try below:
"_id": mongoose.Types.ObjectId('x1')
$pull : { 'products.product': {id: 'xxx3' } }
It just doesn't seem to work. Can anyone please help me? Thank you
The field for $pull needs to be the array.
This should work:
$pull: { products: { '': 'xxx3' } }
add this _id: {id: false} while creating mongoose schema
for eg:
name: { type: String, default: '' },
logo: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, default: '' },
_id: { id: false }