w2ui list not populating with remote source data - w2ui

I have a list which populates when I access data locally eg items: ['Open','Closed']. When I change to remote data the list is empty even though I have confirmed that the remote data is being accessed correctly. Presumably this is because my items: [{recText: 'Status'}] syntax is incorrect?


Use Lookup and For Each Iteration to pull data from different analytics.dev.azure.com projects

Hi would just like to ask if this is possible, I am currently working on ADF, what I want to do is get workitems from analytics.dev.azure.com/[Organization]/[Project] then copy it to SQL Database. i am currently already doing this for 1 project, but want to do it for multiple projects without creating multiple copyto tasks within ADF but just run a Lookup to ForEach to iterate through all the team analytics URLs, is there anyway to do this?
We can use lookup and for-each activity to copy data to SQL dB tables from all URLs. Below are the steps
Create a lookup table which contains the entire list of URLs
Next in for each activity's settings, type the following in items for getting output of lookup activity
Inside for each activity, use copy activity.
In source, create a dataset and http linked service. Enter the base URL and relative URL. I have stored relative URLs in lookup activity. Thus I have given #{item().url} in relative URL
In sink, Create azure SQL database table for each item in for each activity or use the existing tables and copy data to those tables.

Azure Data Factory "Copy data" activity not working for ODATA source with forward slash ("/") in the endpoint's column list

I am trying to do a simple Copy Data activity in Azure Data Factory.
My source dataset is an ODATA EndPoint, which has a $select filter (to specify columns):
All columns are loaded just fine in my destination (SQL server), only I am missing the column "specialField/Custom:81". When I click "preview data", or simply run the Copy Data activity, I get all fields except this one.
It seems clear that it is because the field name contains special characters. How do I fix this? I can easily retrieve data from this field in Postman, so it is a Data Factory issue.

Replacing Data Source from one Server to Another

We are deploying Tableau for a bank.
We had created 6 test dashboards using dummy data on a staging data base using sql connection and lets say has an ip
Now we need to use the same view we had used with the dummy data on Live data but using a different connection which is again an sql engine & IP lets say as All the variable names and other properties are the same, not difference is that the Live data would not have calculated fields which we can deploy on the Live environment.
The challenge is: the LIVE data being of a bank is highly confidential and cannot be used from outside operations site rather we need to deploy it from an ODC [restricted environment]. Hence we simply cannot do a replace data source.
Hence we are planning to move twbx files and data extracts for each of these views using a shared folder to the ODC. Then the process would be like below:
As the LIVE sql data base is different from the dummy sql we will get error
We will select edit data connection
Will select tableau data extract for each sheet and dashboard
Will then select the option of replace data source and select LIVE SQL database
Will extract the new data
The visualization should work fine
Earlier we had just moved TWBX files hence it failed. Is there a different approach to it.
I did something similar to it
For that, you must have
same schema as of Live database and dummy database
do not change name of any source table or column
create your viz
send it in the .tbw form which is editable HTML format
Now the hard part- open your tbw in notepad and replace all connection details to new one
save and open in the tableau
tell me if it didn't worked
One method would be to modify your hosts file on your local computer, pointing the production server name the staging instance of the database. For example, let's say your production database is prod.url.com and you have a reporting staging db server instance called reportstage.otherurl.com
Open your hosts file. Add an entry for prod.url.com. Point it to reportstage.otherurl.com
Develop the report in Desktop, with the db connection string to prod.url.com.
When you publish the twb file to Server, no connection string changes are needed.
Another easier way is to publish the twb to Server with your staging connection string but edit the connection string in the data source in Server.
Develop the twb file on your local computer against your staging database.
Publish the twb file to Server.
Go to the workbook on Server and instead of looking at the views, click on Data Sources.
Edit the data source(s) connection information. This allows you to edit the server name, port, username, or password.
I've used this second method quite a bit. We have an environment where we can't hit the production db outside of the data center. Our staging environment doesn't have that restriction. We develop against the stage db, deploy, and edit the server name in the data source.

Change MongoDB Collection from local to server-side on running Meteor App

Due to the Meteor Docs there are 'server-side', 'client-side' and 'local' Collections. Is there a way to change the 'status' (e.g. if it's server-side, client-side or local) on a running app?
Use Case: A Web-Application where users can register and login. They can store sensible data. Depending on the Users personal preferences he should be able to choose if that data is stored local or on the server (General decision - not from case to case).
Current Approach: It's working fine if I either instantiate the Collection local CollectionName = new Mongo.Collection(null); or server side CollectionName = new Mongo.Collection('collectionName');.
But I can't think of an approach to make it possible to the user that he can change the Collection status.
Is there a way to do this?
Or is a workaround needed (e.g. Create both, a local and server-side Collaction, and just decide which to use for insert/update/find - what would mean a lot of duplicate code?!).
Edit: To make thinks clear: I want the user to be able to choose if his data is stored in a collection which is synced with the server or a collection without any syncing.
No, you can't change the type of a collection on a running app.
I think you are confused about what these terms mean. "Client-side" collections aren't permanently stored in localstorage. It just means it's a collection that's in the browser's memory. Just as "server-side" collections are those that reside in the server's memory. The difference is not how it's defined, but where the code runs. Most collections have a client-side and a server-side counterpart, and they are kept synchronized via pub/sub. Server-side collections are also synchronized with MongoDB (using the oplog).
Local collections can live in both places, but "local" means they aren't synchronized with anything.
I probably don't fully understand what you are trying to do, but local collections do not persist data.
If you pass null as the name, then you’re creating a local collection. It’s not synchronized anywhere; it’s just a local scratchpad that supports Mongo-style find, insert, update, and remove operations. (On both the client and the server, this scratchpad is implemented using Minimongo.)
This means any data added to them on the client will be blown away when the user closes their browser (unless you are also using one of the local collection persist meteor packages) and any data added to them on the server will be blown away when the meteor app is restarted. So I don't think you really want to use local collections.
Instead, I would use a regular collection (where a name is passed to the constructor) and either the standard allow or deny options (not really recommended anymore...but still a valid approach) or Meteor methods (the preferred approach) to control who can change data and what data is allowed to change.
Or, another option could be to pass your publication function a list of fields that the user wishes to see on the client for that given session. To do this you defined a new publication that receives a displayFields argument that you then use as the field specifier options in your collection .find().
Meteor.publish("userData", function (userId, displayFields) {
// validate the structure and contents of displayFields
// retrieve the data but only use the fields that the user requested
return UserData.find({user_id: userId}, {fields: displayFields});
Then on the client side you would subscribe to this and pass in the fields the user wishes to make visible on the client.
var displayFields = {
firstname: 1,
lastname: 0,
this.subscribe("userData", [displayFields]);

How to allow a user to create/update bulk data and be restful?

I'm creating a web API and I have a scenario where users will want to load a bunch of data in bulk, which would then be loaded into the database as multiple separate entries. This data could be brand new and thus created, or data may already exist and thus be updated. The definitions for POST and PUT seem to expect to work on only a single piece of data at a time, and the created status code reflects that in providing a location.
I already have methods that allow for a single piece of data to be created or updated. Should I write additional methods to facilitate the creation and updating of this bulk data or should I expect the user to make individual calls (perhaps hundreds of thousands of times) to load their data? What should I be returning as far as status codes and other data is concerned? Which request verbs should define these bulk calls?
The RESTful way to create multiple items inside a collection, is to use PUT on the whole collection.
This way you are making a request to replace the whole collection, so you need to pass both old and new items, but the new ones will be created by the server.
Suppose you had only one item in the /items collection called "old item". Here you request to update a collection so that it has two new items.
PUT /items
[{ Name: "old item"}, { Name: "new item 1"}, { Name: "new item 1"}]
You don't need to return any content inside a successful PUT response because success in this case means that the exact state you requested was applied. So it leaves status code 204.
And since you are updating a whole collection resource, you don't return 201 regardless of whether new items were created or not.