Sent token to wrong address - solana-web3js

I mistakenly transferred my ATLAS tokens to my Ledger's SOL address. I checked the transaction on the Solana blockchain explorer and the tokens are there. Does anyone know how I can go about to recover these?


Which is more better between basic auth and token auth as security perspective

I am currently developing a RESTful API server, and I am choosing between using ID and password or using a token to authenticate a user.
Let me, explain my situation first. I need to include static authentication information to my library to communicate between a client and my server or provide it to a partnership company to communicate between their server and my server. And when I was researching other services which are in a similar situation as us, they are using token now (for example, Bugfender is using a token to specify a user).
However, what I think is that using ID and PW and using the token are the same or using ID and PW is better because there are two factors to compare it is correct or incorrect.
Is there any reason why other services are using a token?
Which one is better as a security perspective or is there a better way to do this?
I think, if you are going go use on your client fixed username/password, or some fixed token, then the level of the security is the same.
Username and password is not considered as multi-factor authentication. Multi factor means that you are authenticating someone by more than one of the factors:
What you know. This can be the combination of username and password, or some special token.
What you have. Might be some hardware that generates an additional one time password - Google authenticator app on your telephone, or SMS with OTP received with some time expiration.
What you are. This is for example your fingerprint or retina of the eye.
Where you are. This can be the IP address of the origin if it is applicable for your setup.
How you behave. What is your normal way of using the service.
Maybe not needed to mention that both - the token and the username/password combination have to be carried in an encrypted requests (I believe you are using HTTPS). Otherwise the client's identity can be stolen.
How are you going to provide the credentials to your client library? I thnk this is the most tricky part. If those credentials are saved as a configuration (or worse hard coded) on their server, is that storage secure enough? Who is going to have access to it. Can you avoid it?
What would happen if your partner company realize that the username/password is compromised? Can they change it easily themselves? Or how fast you can revoke the permissions of stolen credentials?
My advice is also to keep audit logs on your server, recording the activity of the client requests. Remember also the GDPR if you work with Europe servers, check for similar regulations in your country based on what you are going to audit log.
In case the credentials (ID and password) and the token are being transferred the same way (say: by a header in a REST request) over a TLS secured channel, the only difference lies in the entropy of the password VS entropy of the token. Since it is something for you to decide in both cases, there is no real difference from the security perspective.
NOTE: I don't count the ID as a secret, as it usually is something far easier to guess than a secret should be.
I'd go for a solution that is easier to implement and manage.
IMHO this would be HTTP basic authentication, as you usually get full support from your framework/web server with little danger of making security mistakes in authentication logic. You know, friends don't let friends write their own auth. ;)

API Token Authentication - Security issue

For token based authentication for any service, first we have to send username/password in the request. Doesn't this cause security issue? How can we overcome this security issue of passing username/password?
The initial request which contains the username and password is no more or less secure than subsequent requests which would instead be bearing some sort of token. The solution to this problem, really to sending any type of information across the network, is to use two way SSL/HTTPS. With HTTPS, information being sent gets encrypted on the client machine, and then (in theory) only the server would be able to read what is contained. So, sending the plain text username and password might seem insecure, but if using HTTPS, then in fact it is secure.

Actions on Google - Account Linking process hits Token URL before Authorize URL?

We are trying to support the 'traditional' Account Linking flow as it seems the most general purpose, gives us a chance to surface T&C's, and we thought would be most bedded in.
But testing in the Assistant mobile app for starters, it fails for most users in our Actions app in Dev - After the user sees the Google-driven pop-up in the Assistant app with the "LINK ACCOUNTS" option - They tap that option, and our authorization screen does not appear.
Actions support have had a look at our Account Linking config and can't see any problems.
A couple of test users with newer Android phones DO see our Authorization screen, but the majority do not.
If we test the Authorization URL by pasting into a browser on the same device - It always displays just fine.
What is strange - If we look in our web server logs during the failed cases, the only hits we are seeing are to our 'TOKEN URL', whereas my understanding is a newly linking user should hit our 'Authorization URL' before ever hitting Token.
The successful cases DO hit our Authorization URL first, as expected.
Feel free to pipe up if anyone can answer ANY of the following:
Any ideas what could be causing problems here?
Or ways we might investigate deeper?
Does an app need to be in Alpha testing, or anything like that before Account Linking works?
Is it normal/expected to hit the Token URL for a user that has never successfully linked accounts?
Can anyone confirm what the Token fetch response should be in that case? (Maybe we are not responding in a way that satisfies the other end)
Does anyone have a dummy/HelloWorld Account Linking web end-point we could test against? (Geeze that would be handy for the developer community!)
I don't know exactly what is going on, but there are a couple of hints about what is happening and what avenue to investigate. I'm going to assume you're doing Account Linking with OAuth only. If you are doing a combination of "Google Sign In for Assistant and OAuth", that might change some things. To address some of your questions:
What could cause the Assistant to go to the Token Endpoint instead of the Auth endpoint?
It wouldn't go to the Token Endpoint unless it already had a Token. I could think of a few possible scenarios:
If it was going to Auth, getting a token since it was already authorized, so no window would pop up. (But you indicated it isn't going to that page.)
If the account in question is already authorized to the project via some other means. You can check to see if it is already authorized.
If you had tested it with this account previously and it has a token from then. If so, it should be listed at Probably.
If you're not using the account you think you're using on the device in question.
How to investigate this?
Once you double-check some of the more obvious things (using the right account?):
Look at what is being sent to the Token endpoint
Does the token look familiar? Is it the same between calls? Same between different accounts?
Do you log tokens being issued? Can you?
What about the other information sent along with the token such as the client_id and client_secret?
Does it need to be in Alpha?
I'm not sure. Last I checked, it did not. I do think that it no longer works in the simulator, which is annoying, but doesn't require being in Alpha.
It does make it a little more difficult to check, however, since there is no Directory page that can tell you if the account is already linked. You'll need to go to the list of linked apps for the account to remove your app if it is:
Is this normal?
I wouldn't think so. It shouldn't hit the Token Endpoint unless it has an auth code or refresh token to exchange. It has to have that code/token from somewhere.
How should you respond?
If you get an auth code or refresh token that is invalid, or any of the other information provided at the token endpoint doesn't match what it should, you must return HTTP error code 400 "Bad Request" and include as the body the JSON
{"error": "invalid_grant"}
This should force it to go through reauth with the user.
Is there a public test server?
Auth0 isn't exactly public, but is free for basic use, and well suited for test purposes.

Why am I getting the Forbidden -The resource you have requested .. message for Single Sign On?

In my trial account, in US South, I created a Single Sign On service and bound it to an application and now am trying to go back into it and I got this page-
The resource you have requested is secured by Access Manager WebSEAL.
There are two possible reasons why this message appeared:
You are not logged in to this secure domain.
You are logged in to this secure domain, but do not have the correct permissions to access the resource.
You have an account for this secure domain but need to log in: You must first access this resource via HTTPS (SSL) and login to the secure domain. Re-access the page using HTTPS.
You do not have an account with this secure domain: Please contact your Account Administrator to obtain login and password information.
You are logged in but still denied access to the page: If you continue to get this message, you probably do not have the correct permissions to access the resource. Please contact your Security Administrator for assistance.
This happened yesterday afternoon too.
I was able to click on the Single Sign On service earlier today and update the Logout url and now I'm getting this message.
I tried stopping the app and then restarting and still can't get in.
Any help would be appreciated.
This is an odd case. The error message indicates there is problem with your account. You were not authenticated successfully to the secure domain. I see another similar case in which the person's account does not have user's name in it. So you might want to check your account profile to see if any required
information like family name, given name, etc is missing.
I just tried now and am able to get into the Single Sign On service I have bound to my app, so not sure what was wrong the other day. I did not make any changes to my account either.
Thanks for the response though.

Getting OAuth token rejected when trying use the v2 API Explorer for Intuit IPP for QBD

I logged into the API explorer and authorized my dummy company file here:
It is indicating everything is ok:
When I try to make a request, I keep getting the following response:
Here is the ErrorDesc:
<ErrorDesc>message=Exception authenticating OAuth; errorCode=003200; statusCode=401; source=OAuthStrategy; oauth_problem=token_rejected; cause=net.oauth.OAuthProblemException: token_rejected</ErrorDesc>
I'm guessing I'm probably not using this correctly. Is there any more documentation I can read to learn? Or is there an actual problem happening that is causing this error? Any help is appreciated.
The error means the token was not found, expired or invalid.
I would try refreshing your access token and you should be all set.