making an http request from Keycloak script Mapper - keycloak

I am using a script mapper to make an HTTP request. For this, I need a standard way to make a request.
What I know is that we can hit an endpoint with the help of fetch api.
I haven't tried anything yet. Is there any best solution to achieve such kind of thing?


How to display webpage from get request with javascript

I am new in working with get and post requests. I have the challenge to display an webpage which uses javascript. The workflow is to send an get request with some headers. If everything is correct, the server is returning the requested website (which needs javascript). What is the best way to implement a solution for this? Is it possible to realize this with c#? Has anyone any keywords / tips? Thanks in advance!

How to use zapi for zephyr jira

I want to create an automated process for my tests. I am using jira and zapi. I want to try interacting with my tests in zephyr-jira using postman api. The thing is there isn't much documentation on how to use zapi.
First thing, what is the url? Is it
Second thing, I can generate an access key and secret key but it seems like I also need an authorization jwt token, how can I generate one that I can use via postman?
Any help would be appriciated.
The apiary documentation is here
That will help you assemble the requests. What the requests and responses actually represent is still confusing (to me, anyway).
In postman: https://{{JiraHost}}/rest/zapi/latest/
some examples:

Use GuzzleHttp to create post request

I want to create post request to a webapp that does not have API endpoints.
I want to be able to login, fetch data and post data. I have just stumbled upon GuzzleHttp, but HTTP alone is so hard. The webapp is a laravel application. How can I do this? Or is there elegant way of doing this?
Try Goutte. It uses Guzzle under the hood, but provides higher level interface to deal with web sites.

Basic Authentication with SpringXDTemplate

The SpringXDTemplate is the SpringXD java client. Build around the REST API it doesn't support Basic Authentication required by the same API:
the REST endpoints will require Basic authentication for access;
Furthermore the RestTemplate used undernet is not accessible cutting the possibility to implement the Basic Auth at lower level.
Perhaps i'm missing something? Advices are suggestions are appreciated!
I don't know this API but looking at javadocs, I see a constructor of template that accepts ClientHttpRequestFactory. So maybe if you try to pass your own implementation that will append HTTP Authorization header with basic authentication when createRequest is invoked, that may solve your problem. Otherwise I don't see other way how to "get into" the process of template.

How to model different requests to same resource in api-blueprint/apiary

I'm writing some API definitions with apiary/api blueprint.
Is there a way that, for the same resource, I can use the mock endpoint to behave differently depending on input (or failing that, some kind of work around)?
For example, say I have an endpoint /login, to which you are supposed to post a username and password.
If I set up a request and response in the API that successfully logs me in, and subsequent requests and response that are error scenarios, only the first one gets triggered in the mock.
So for example, if I don't send in a username and password, I still get the logged in successfully response.
Is there any way to get the mock to do more validation or how do you work around this?
Yes, it is possible and thoroughly described in the documentation. See
That feature is not implemented yet, but is being worked on. Have a look at MSON, please.