Using Symfony 5.4 combining lexik/jwt with remote auth together - rest

I need to make proxy pass application with jwt auth.
User storage server is also in another location. The question is - how to combine it together?
My input method is json; for now I'm using native configuration:
pattern: ^/api/login
stateless: true
check_path: /api/login_check # or api_login_check as defined in config/routes.yaml
success_handler: lexik_jwt_authentication.handler.authentication_success
failure_handler: lexik_jwt_authentication.handler.authentication_failure
provider: app_user_provider
- App\Security\Guard\Authenticator
I made own Authenticator which makes API REST Request and returns User object.
Than I thought, I need make own Passport and Badge class to force passing User Entity without password validation:
public function authenticate(Request $request): Passport
$data = json_decode($request->getContent());
if( !isset($data->username) || !isset($data->password))
throw new CustomUserMessageAuthenticationException('No API token provided');
$result = $this->remoteAuth->getUser($data->username, $data->password);
//return new SelfValidatingPassport(new UserBadge($data->username));
$pass = new RemotePassport(new RemoteBadge($result));
return $pass;
Unfortunately, while my authenticator works fine, but then another native Symfony native JsonAuhenticator comes as a second, and returns password verification exception.
Can you tell me, how to handle it? How to disable this another checking? Should I make own loginAction? Somehow disable native checker on Content-Type: application/json? Please help.


return claim without requiring role quarkus

I have a keycloak + quarkus setup running in docker compose but I'm running into a strange issue.
Authentication and authorization works fine but when I return the username it is empty unless I require a role.
In other words, when my endpoint requires a role everything works fine and I get the users username returned in the response, however if I remove the rolesrequired annotation the response is empty.
Is it possible to get the username without a rolesrequired annotation somehow?
This works:
public User me() {
return new User(identity);
This doesn't work (it returns username: '')
public User me() {
return new User(identity);
Quarkus OIDC extension does not handle authentication token for resouce method that not secured (with out #RolesAllowed annotation) and User Identity is anonymous
Use #Authenticated instead #RolesAllowed annotation for methods when you want to get UserIdentity.

Flutter + Django OAuth integration

I am using Flutter as front end and Django for back end purpose. I am trying to integrate Google and Facebook OAuth in the app and using some flutter libraires I am able to fetch user details and access token in front end. Now the question is how do I handle users and access tokens for them and verify them through drf. I could totally depend on drf for OAuth and create users using http request in front end using OAuth toolikt for Django but is there a way that I handle incoming auth tokens in front end and verify them in drf so as to register them in backend.
def exchange_token(request, backend):
serializer = SocialSerializer(
if serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True):
# This is the key line of code: with the #psa() decorator above,
# it engages the PSA machinery to perform whatever social authentication
# steps are configured in your SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE. At the end, it either
# hands you a populated User model of whatever type you've configured in
# your project, or None.
user = request.backend.do_auth(serializer.validated_data['access_token'])
if user:
# if using some other token back-end than DRF's built-in TokenAuthentication,
# you'll need to customize this to get an appropriate token object
token, _ = Token.objects.get_or_create(user=user)
return Response({'token': token.key})
return Response(
{'errors': {'token': 'Invalid token'}},
There’s just a little more that needs to go in your settings (full code), and then you’re all set:
for key in ['GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY',
# Use exec instead of eval here because we're not just trying to evaluate a dynamic value here;
# we're setting a module attribute whose name varies.
exec("SOCIAL_AUTH_{key} = os.environ.get('{key}')".format(key=key))
Add a mapping to this function in your, and you’re all set!

What is the best way to connect TYPO3 fe_users from an Azure AD with SAML 2?

I need to implement SSO on a TYPO3 intranet, where the fe_users are synchronized from an Azure AD. the platform will be in V9.
Is there a compatible extension that I haven't found yet ?
If no, what would be the best way to implement the automatic authentication with SAML 2.0 ?
thanks in advance,
Thanks to #Rakel (and others) I managed to finally solve my SAML authentication requirement. Still I used a slightly different and more direct approach then described in her solution.
I used an Authentication Service to implement the SAML Login Process.
For handling the SAML login itself I used the library SimpleSamlPHP, which I can truly recommend. Its really simple and the provided frontend to test the SAML configuration comes really handy to test the Identity Provider (Idp) configuration without dealing with TYPO3.
For details please look into this:
First you need to create a class which extends TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationService. This class must implement the methods "getUser" and "authUser".
namespace Vendor\Extension\Service;
use SimpleSAML\Auth\Simple;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationService;
class SamlAuth extends AuthenticationService
public function getUser() {
// Create new Simple Auth with SimpleSamlPHP
$as = new Simple($config['sp']);
// Require authentication, this redirects you to the Idp and then comes back
// Get the attributes provides by your Idp
$attributes = $as->getAttributes();
// Please consult the API for details on fetchUserRecord
// Also the SAML attributes may vary depending on your Idp implementation
$user = $this->fetchUserRecord($attributes[''];
public function authUser(array $user): int {
return is_array($user) ? 200 : 0;
Then you need to register the service in your extensions "ext_localconf.php".
'title' => 'Saml Authentication for Frontend Users',
'description' => 'Authenticates FeUsers via Saml',
'subtype' => 'authUserFE,getUserFE',
'available' => true,
'priority' => 80,
'quality' => 80,
'os' => '',
'exec' => '',
'className' => Vendor\Extension\Service\SamlAuth::class
Please note:
This is just a over simplified version of my final code. Just to get you started on the idea.
Also you need to configure SimpleSamlPHP correctly. Please look at their documentation for details.
The method "getUser" is supposed to return an array holding the to be logged in FeUser with all its parameters.
The method "authUser" is only to return 200 or 0. Take a look at this link to understand which number are there to return:
After returning "200" the FeUser object is created and the user is logged in. No need to fiddle around with $GLOBALS['TSFE'] by yourself. This is a huge benefit, as it makes your code shorter and easier to read.
Nethertheless I learned a lot from reading through all the documentations and responses here and on Slacks TYPO3 channel.
Thanks to everybody who helped me. Greatly appreciated.
Yes we solved that requirements. We used SimpleSAMLphp to implement the authentication, following this great tutorial :
When you are able to connect then you just have to implement a process to auto connect a fe_user when you get the saml user attributes.
Here is a simplified summary of the process:
if we reach a TYPO3 site url without being authenticated then redirection to a script like this :
// SimpleSamlPHP library
require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . /../../../../../../simplesamlphp/lib/_autoload.php');
//instanciation of a simple authentication
$as = new SimpleSAML_Auth_Simple('default-sp');
//requires authentication from Office 365
//retrieving information from the logged-in user
$attributes = $as->getAttributes();
//retrieve original url
$returnURL = $_GET['returnURL'];
//if a user is well connected
//redirection to the TYPO3 site with the username
header('Location: /auth/?samlUident='.$attributes[''][0].'&recupURL='.$returnURL);
and here's a simplified summary of what the auth page does:
//if a get saml is in the url
//recovering username for TYPO3 authentication
$loginData = array(
'uname' => \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GP('samlUident'), //username
'status' => 'login'
//TYPO3 session creation
$frontendUserAuthentication = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Frontend\\Authentication\\FrontendUserAuthentication');
$frontendUserAuthentication->checkPid = false;
$info = $frontendUserAuthentication->getAuthInfoArray();
$user_db = $frontendUserAuthentication->fetchUserRecord($info['db_user'], $loginData['uname']);
//if a user exists
if ($user_db){
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->forceSetCookie = TRUE;
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->dontSetCookie = false;
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user = $user_db;
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->setAndSaveSessionData('dummy', TRUE);
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->loginUser = 1;

FOSOAuthServerBundle + FOSRestBundle + CamelCase = Not authenticating

I have been working on my server in Symfony 2.8, building a rest api which returns json objects in camelCase style, the problem now is that when I integrate the OauthServer bundle it lauches this error Invalid grant_type parameter or parameter missing", I understand that this happens because I am using the array_normalizer: fos_rest.normalizer.camel_keys body listener in my fos_rest configuration. Here my code in configuration.yml:
#other listeners#
array_normalizer: fos_rest.normalizer.camel_keys
- { path: ^/api }
And here my Oauth configuration in the security.yml:
pattern: ^/oauth/v2/token
security: false
pattern: ^/api
fos_oauth: true
stateless: true
anonymous: false
I found out I was not the first person who this ever happened, and that the zone attribute was added to mitigate this, but in my case it does work only with everything under the ^/api because when I change the pattern it stops using the listeners as expected but when I call the ^/oauth/v2/token path it seems to ignore the zone given path.
To retrieve my token, I am using the next POST request:
grant_type= "password"
client_id= "clientId"
client_secret= "clientSecret"
username= "user"
password= "password"
I want to clarify that if I deactivate the listener I obtain the token successfully, but the rest of my app stops working because it uses camelCase everywhere, I know that once alternative would be to serialize my data in the client side, but it is quite complicated at the moment.
What am I doing wrong? I can't figure out what I am missing.
as workaround you can use instead of POST, GET like this[CLIENT_ID]&client_secret=[SECRET]&grant_type=password&username=[USERNAME]&password=[PASSWORD]
Then you don`t have to worry about body serializers.

Adding authentication functionality to soap server (Using Zend)?

I have a soap server that is created like so:
class ServerController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function serverAction()
$server = new SoapServer("http://####/services/soap-server/wsdl");
I want to add authentication to it so that whenever anyone makes a call to a function in "SOAP_Server_Map", it checks that the credentials supplied in the SoapClient options array('login' and 'password') are valid.
Does anyone have any suggestions/help?
To add authentication to either Zend_Soap_Server or Zend_Json_Server, simply specify the HTTP authentication in either your HTTP server (ie: Apache) config or .htaccess file. The following .htaccess file should work:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Supreme Data Services"
AuthUserFile /var/www/localhost/passwd
Require valid-user
Make sure you keep your password file out of the docroot for security purposes. The password file can be made by using htpasswd that comes with Apache. Naturally, you can use more advanced authentication types.
In order to make use of the service(s), you must now specify a username and password when making a request. If you are using Zend Framework to create your client, you can do the following for SOAP:
$client = new Zend_Soap_Client($wsdl, array('login' => $username, 'password' => $password));
And the following for JSONRPC:
$http = new Zend_Http_Client();
$http->setAuth($username, $password);
$client = new Zend_Json_Client($uri, $http);
Try this:
I have exactly the same problem and I have the following thoughts:
I do not know if SOAP is/should be state-full or stateless, can we open a session and if the user has supplied some form of credential keep her logged in for some period of time?
The other way I am thinking of solving this is through API-keys, say for example giving a key: ABCDKEY and having the url as:
This introduces security risks (the magic link attack), but I've seen it implemented in RSS personalized feeds etc.
Any comments?