Objects with application-wide scope in Swift Vapor - swift

How can I create objects within a Vapor-Applicaton that are instantiated when the app starts and are acessible from within my controllers?
I would like to use Dictionary to store some of my models across multiple requests and assign them to a user via hidden fields.
Unfortunately SessionData only accepts Strings.
Many thanks in advance

The obvious way is to extend Application. I used the documentation for Repositories as inspiration. First, create a structure to hold your properties:
struct AppConfig {
var emailStatus: EmailStatus
static var environment: AppConfig {
return .init(emailStatus: .unknown)
Then extend:
extension Application {
struct AppConfigKey: StorageKey {
typealias Value = AppConfig
var config: AppConfig {
get {
storage[AppConfigKey.self] ?? .environment
set {
storage[AppConfigKey.self] = newValue
Finally, initialise in configure.swift:
app.config.emailStatus = .unknown
I’ve used an enumeration as an example but it can be whatever you want.
Edit: Addressing OP's issues and concerns
I put the above code in a separate source file, so you need:
import Vapor
To gain access to StorageKey, etc.
Accessing the running application instance in a controller is easy, it's available from the request as in request.application.


How do I access custom objects for my app?

I have a working linked list data structure for my Swift project but I do not know where to create the object so it can be manipulated. The object needs to persist throughout the app and accessible from different views controllers.
Someone please point me in the right direction. Still looking for help.
Can't if I can create the object I'll be able to connect the data from taps and swipes.
If you want to use only one, unique linked list in you app, you can use a singleton.
class LinkedList {
static let shared = LinkedList()
private init(){}
private var head: Node?
private var tail: Node?
func append(node: Node) {
// your implementation
func getHead() -> Node? {
return head
// some other methods
The private init makes sure that the only possible instance of the LinkedList that you can get is the static one.
You access it like this:
var myUniqueLinkedList = LinkedList.shared
If you want to read more about singletons check this out:
Singletons are a rather controversial topic: What is so bad about singletons?

How to correctly extend an existing MVVM UI component?

In my Kotlin desktop application using TornadoFX, I have created an AudioCard layout (subclass of VBox) which has a few labels and basic audio player controls. This AudioCard has an AudioCardViewModel which handles events from the UI and an AudioCardModel which holds information like the title, subtitle, audio file path, etc. A simplified version is shown below.
data class AudioCardModel(
var title: String,
var audioFile: File
class AudioCardViewModel(title: String, audioFile: File) {
val model = AudioCardModel(title, audioFile)
var titleProperty = SimpleStringProperty(model.title)
fun playButtonPressed() {
// play the audio file from the model
class AudioCard(title: String, audioFile: File) : VBox() {
val viewModel = AudioCardViewModel(title, audioFile)
init {
// create the UI
label(title) {
button("Play") {
Up until this point, I have tried to keep the code as general as possible, allowing myself or others to reuse this UI component in future applications that need to play audio. However, for my current application, it makes the most sense to have a more specialized version of this UI component that initializes itself directly from my data model class and can extend some of the actions. I've tried something like this (the required fields and classes from the previous code block were switched to open):
data class CustomAudioCardModel(
var customData: CustomData
class CustomAudioCardViewModel(customData: CustomData)
: AudioCardViewModel(customData.name, customData.file) {
val model = CustomAudioCardModel(customData)
override fun playButtonPressed() {
// do secondary things only needed by CustomAudioCardViewModel
class CustomAudioCard(customData: CustomData): AudioCard(customData.name, customData.file) {
override val viewModel = CustomAudioCardViewModel(customData)
Unfortunately, this isn't so straightforward. By overriding viewModel in CustomAudioCard, the viewModel property ceases to be final, causing a NullPointerException when the init function of the AudioCard superclass tries to use the view model to set up the title label before the child class has initialized the view model.
I suspect there might be a way out of this by defining an AudioCardViewModel interface and/or using Kotlin's ability to delegate with the by keyword, but I'm under the impression that defining the interface (like in MVP) shouldn't be necessary for MVVM.
To summarize: What is the correct way to extend an existing MVVM control, specifically in the context of the Kotlin TornadoFX library?
Here is the solution I came across from Paul Stovell. Instead of creating the view model within the view (Option 1 in Stovell's article), I switched to injecting the view model into the view (Option 2). I also refactored for better MVVM adherence with help from the TornadoFX documentation and this answer regarding where business logic should go. My AudioCard code now looks like this:
open class AudioCardModel(title: String, audioFile: File) {
var title: String by property(title)
val titleProperty = getProperty(AudioCardModel::title)
var audioFile: File by property(audioFile)
val audioFileProperty = getProperty(AudioCardModel::audioFile)
open fun play() {
// play the audio file
open class AudioCardViewModel(private val model: AudioCardModel) {
var titleProperty = bind { model.titleProperty }
fun playButtonPressed() {
open class AudioCard(private val viewModel: AudioCardViewModel) : VBox() {
init {
// create the UI
label(viewModel.titleProperty.get()) {
button("Play") {
The extension view now looks like:
class CustomAudioCardModel(
var customData: CustomData
) : AudioCardModel(customData.name, customData.file) {
var didPlay by property(false)
val didPlayProperty = getProperty(CustomAudioCardModel::didPlay)
override fun play() {
// do extra business logic
didPlay = true
class CustomAudioCardViewModel(
private val model: CustomAudioCardModel
) : AudioCardViewModel(model) {
val didPlayProperty = bind { model.didPlayProperty }
class CustomAudioCard(
private val viewModel: CustomAudioCardViewModel
) : AudioCard(customViewModel) {
init {
model.didPlayProperty.onChange { newValue ->
// change UI when audio has been played
I see a few ways to clean this up, especially regarding the models, but this option seems to work well in my scenario.

Organizing extensions in Kotlin

In Swift we usually use extensions as a way to organize methods in separate blocks and even files. This makes code much cleaner but it also allows us to do some tricks such as:
class API {}
extension API {
class Lists{}
extension Lists {
class Posts {
func latest() -> [Post] {
// get latest posts from a REST api
We can put any of the extension blocks in a separate file and it works perfectly in Swift.
Now one do the following to get the latest posts from the API in a clean way
let posts = API.Lists.Posts.latest()
Trying to convert that code into Kotlin I used SwiftKotlin converter tool that I thought that might work but it doesn't compile as It seems to be invalid:
class API {}
class API.Lists {}
class Lists.Posts {
companion object {
fun latest() {
// get posts
So I came up with the following that works fine and also compiles but it's not suitable for my case as methods can be quite long and I can't afford to have them all in one class in one file and I don't know how I can split them in multiple files.
class API {
class Lists {
class Posts {
companion object {
fun latest() {
Any suggestion is appreciated.
To put an extension on a companion object, you can write
fun API.Lists.Posts.Companion.latest() ...
You still need
class API {
class Lists {
class Posts {
companion object {
in a single file, but extensions can be defined elsewhere.
If you just want to mimic usage of these calls, you can use objects, like this for example:
object ApiPosts {
fun latest() {}
object ApiLists {
val Posts = ApiPosts
object API {
val Lists = ApiLists
But this is really not a Kotlin way, and in common case it's a bad practice to write in a language the way it's not supposed to.
One possible solution is to just extend the inner classes with normal functions not static ones (companion):
class ParentClass {
class InnerClass {
And in any other file you could do:
fun ParentClass.InnerClass.instanceMember() {
And for usage:
Of course this isn't exactly like the Swift version but it's close enough.

Mocking singleton/sharedInstance in Swift

I have a class that I want to test using XCTest, and this class looks something like this:
public class MyClass: NSObject {
func method() {
// Do something...
// ...
The class uses a singleton that is implemented as this:
public class SingletonClass: NSObject {
// Only accessible using singleton
static let sharedInstance = SingletonClass()
private override init() {
func callMethod() {
// Do something crazy that shouldn't run under tests
Now for the test. I want to test that method() actually does what it is supposed to do, but I don't want to invoke the code in callMethod() (because it does some horrible async/network/thread stuff that shouldn't run under tests of MyClass, and will make the tests crash).
So what I basically would like to do is this:
SingletonClass = MockSingletonClass: SingletonClass {
override func callMethod() {
// Do nothing
let myObject = MyClass()
// Check if tests passed
This obviously isn't valid Swift, but you get the idea. How can I override callMethod() just for this particular test, to make it harmless?
EDIT: I tried solving this using a form of dependency injection, but ran into big problems. I created a custom init-method just to be used for tests such that I could create my objects like this:
let myObject = MyClass(singleton: MockSingletonClass)
and let MyClass look like this
public class MyClass: NSObject {
let singleton: SingletonClass
init(mockSingleton: SingletonClass){
self.singleton = mockSingleton
init() {
singleton = SingletonClass.sharedInstance
func method() {
// Do something...
// ...
Mixing in test code with the rest of the code is something I find a bit unpleasing, but okay. The BIG problem was that I had two singletons constructed like this in my project, both referencing each other:
public class FirstSingletonClass: NSObject {
// Only accessible using singleton
static let sharedInstance = FirstSingletonClass()
let secondSingleton: SecondSingletonClass
init(mockSingleton: SecondSingletonClass){
self.secondSingleton = mockSingleton
private override init() {
secondSingleton = SecondSingletonClass.sharedInstance
func someMethod(){
// Use secondSingleton
public class SecondSingletonClass: NSObject {
// Only accessible using singleton
static let sharedInstance = SecondSingletonClass()
let firstSingleton: FirstSingletonClass
init(mockSingleton: FirstSingletonClass){
self.firstSingleton = mockSingleton
private override init() {
firstSingleton = FirstSingletonClass.sharedInstance
func someOtherMethod(){
// Use firstSingleton
This created a deadlock when one of the singletons where first used, as the init method would wait for the init method of the other, and so on...
Your singletons are following a very common pattern in Swift/Objective-C code bases. It is also, as you have seen, very difficult to test and an easy way to write untestable code. There are times when a singleton is a useful pattern but my experience has been that most uses of the pattern are actually a poor fit for the needs of the app.
The +shared_ style singleton from Objective-C and Swift class constant singletons usually provide two behaviors:
It might enforce that only a single instance of a class can be instantiated. (In practice this is often not enforced and you can continue to alloc/init additional instances and the app instead depends on developers following a convention of exclusively accessing a shared instance via the class method.)
It acts as a global, allowing access to a shared instance of a class.
Behavior #1 is occasionally useful while behavior #2 is just a global with a design pattern diploma.
I would resolve your conflict by removing the globals entirely. Inject your dependencies all of the time instead of just for testing and consider what responsibility that exposes in your app when you need something to coordinate whatever set of shared resources you're injecting.
A first pass at injecting dependencies throughout an app is often painful; "but I need this instance everywhere!". Use it as a prompt to reconsider the design, why are so many components accessing the same global state and how might it be modeled instead to provide better isolation?
There are cases where you want a single copy of some mutable shared state and a singleton instance is perhaps the best implementation. However I find that in most examples that still doesn't hold true. Developers are usually looking for shared state but with some conditions: there's only one screen until an external display is connected, there's only one user until they sign out and into a second account, there's only one network request queue until you find a need for authenticated vs anonymous requests. Similarly you often want a shared instance until the execution of the next test case.
Given how few "singleton"s seem to use failable initializers (or obj-c init methods which return an existing shared instance) it seems that developers are happy to share this state by convention so I see no reason not to inject the shared object and write readily testable classes instead of using globals.
I eventually solved this using the code
class SingletonClass: NSObject {
#if TEST
// Only used for tests
static var sharedInstance: SingletonClass!
// Public init
override init() {
// Only accessible using singleton
static let sharedInstance = SingletonClass()
private override init() {
func callMethod() {
// Do something crazy that shouldn't run under tests
This way I can easily mock my class during tests:
private class MockSingleton : SingletonClass {
override callMethod() {}
In tests:
SingletonClass.sharedInstance = MockSingleton()
The test-only code is activated by adding -D TEST to "Other Swift Flags" in Build Settings for the app test target.
I had a similar issue in my app, and in my case it made sense to use Singletons for these particular services as they were proxies for external services that were also singletons.
I ended up implementing a Dependency Injection model using https://github.com/Swinject/Swinject. It took about a day to implement for about 6 classes which seems like a lot of time to enable this level of unit testability. It did make me think hard about the dependencies between my service classes, and it made me more explicitly indicate these in the class definitions. I used the ObjectScope in Swinject to indicate to the DI framework that they're singletons: https://github.com/Swinject/Swinject/blob/master/Documentation/ObjectScopes.md
I was able to have my singletons, and pass in mock versions of them to my unit tests.
Thoughts on this approach: it seems more error prone as I could forget to initialize my dependencies correctly (and would never receive a runtime error). Finally, it doesn't prevent someone from just instantiating a instance of my Service class directly (which was sort of the whole point of the singleton), since my init methods had to be made public for the DI Framework to instantiate the objects into the registry.
I would suggest to make init not private (quite not convenient), but don't see better solution for now that object can be tested, if you need to simulate multi calls of initializing of the data type.

Compose part with specific instance

Is there any way I can compose (or get an exported value) with a specific instance as one of it's dependencies?
I have something like this:
public interface IEntityContext
IEntitySet<T> GetEntitySet<T>();
class MyEntitySet
public MyEntitySet(IEntityContext context)
// then through code
var container = ...;
using (var context = container.GetExportedValue<IEntityContext>())
var myEntitySet = context.GetEntitySet<MyEntity>();
// I wan't myEntitySet to have the above context constructor injected
I'm trying to mock something like entity framework for testability sake. Not sure though if I would want to go down this road. Anyway, should I be creating a new container for this very purpose. A container specific to the mocking of this one IEntityContext object.
So, if my understanding is correct, you want to be able to inject whatever IEntityContext is available to your instance of MyEntitySet?
public class MyEntitySet : IEntitySet<MyEntity>
public MyEntitySet(IEntityContext context)
Given that you then want to mock the IEntityContext? If so, you could then do this:
var contextMock = new Mock<IEntityContext>();
var setMock = new Mock<IEntitySet<MyEntity>>();
.Setup(m => m.GetEntitySet<MyEntity>())
var context = Container.GetExportedValue<IEntityContext>();
var entitySet = context.GetEntitySet<MyEntity>();
(That's using Moq)
You can use your existing CompositionContainer infrastructure by adding an exported value.
Does that help at all? Sorry it doesn't seem exactly clear what you are trying to do...